Come what may
Meditation is a powerful tool. It is so simple, yet so hard. It's just sitting quietly with a straight back. I struggled with meditation for a long time and in some ways still do. I found myself irritated afterward at times. I would put it off. I didn't know what the goal was. It created a tension in me. The tension broke only when I began to really see where this was all coming from.
The struggle was in my mind. What meditation has shown me is everything passes. Everything is temporary. Thoughts and emotions come and they go. The breath comes in and goes out. We live and we die. I became the witness. The observer. Aware.
With this awareness I became responsible for the thoughts and emotions I pursued. My pursuit of these thoughts and emotions create my reality. And that is where I am at right now. Acceptance and responsibility for what I create in my mind.
Currently I am practicing Zazen meditation. I use a zafu and zabuton and sit in the seiza position most often. Meditation continues to evolve for me. I now create a ceremony. I light candles and burn incense. It has truly become a practice. An ever evolving practice.
Please share anything related to meditation on this thread. I very much look forward to any contributions from this community.

The struggle was in my mind. What meditation has shown me is everything passes. Everything is temporary. Thoughts and emotions come and they go. The breath comes in and goes out. We live and we die. I became the witness. The observer. Aware.
With this awareness I became responsible for the thoughts and emotions I pursued. My pursuit of these thoughts and emotions create my reality. And that is where I am at right now. Acceptance and responsibility for what I create in my mind.
Currently I am practicing Zazen meditation. I use a zafu and zabuton and sit in the seiza position most often. Meditation continues to evolve for me. I now create a ceremony. I light candles and burn incense. It has truly become a practice. An ever evolving practice.
Please share anything related to meditation on this thread. I very much look forward to any contributions from this community.