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A moment of integration

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Been a far few weeks since DMT, I am still haunted by a couple of the things she showed me.

You are borrowing her energy.
She swims alongside us at a higher energy density.
She can mutate an insant - the smallest frequency of imcoming sense, reality as you know it - into a thousand pieces and more if your human form could hold that, you might go with her.

However, be humble, you are human and trapped with this body, these limits. You can choose to go beyond those limits and leave your body behind; dont hide from the consequences of your actions.
She has a dark side for sure, and it looks evil because it is a joke. She considers us a joke. She will laugh at your death. She doesn't care to be human.
She knows you better than you do, yet you still have a choice so she doesnt own the future.
She doesnt own the future.

And now, after a small taste of mary J to soften my ego singular mind and a dose of crystal ecstacy to encourage naked spirit I tell the wakeup I had this sunny evening.

I can't tell you the context because I dont want to encourage dangers use of human-altering drugs.
Time and the moment exists so fleetingly that it seems like it isnt really there.
It is a singular point of energy that mutates into the next moment, then it doesnt exist!
Every frame that the mind captures, they get sorted into frames where each fram is as unique as a fingerprint and its gone as fast as it came, and yet it is so similar that each moment is fiercly related to its origin.

Past and future dont exist and im trying to figure out a way to live purely without obsessing over the past and worrying about the future.

5A8R3 said:
Past and future dont exist and im trying to figure out a way to live purely without obsessing over the past and worrying about the future.

Stay in the present. Sounds like the obvious. It is hard to stay present. Meditation can help quite a bit in staying present. Just keep the thought of staying present as much as possible throughout your day everyday and with practice it will become habit more and more.

As for your integration, I have had similar thought processes after some of my DMT experiences. I wouldn't dwell on it too much. These experiences change over and over. Nothing is written in stone. It is just one story of many that is told in hyperspace.

How do you feel about it now? Does anything of this experience empower you in some way? I am curious how you interpret this experience and apply it to the here and now.
Well, the practical application seems to derive from the moment in trips where she takes me back into what seems like the same moment before, like de ja vu, but with something a little extra. I remember this feeling a lot and it always makes me laugh and feel at home.
In the words of TYT Cenk Uygur _ "Ofcooouuuuursse!!!" hahahaha

One habit of mine is to get frustrated and angry with myself and life because it seems like a never ending circle of making the same mistakes.
That feeling from the trip is what I carry into those moments of sobriety so that I am reminded that repeating the same mistakes isn't such a big deal and I should forgive myself for it, because its not the same mistake, its slightly different than before and I have experienced maybe just an unnoticeably small evolution/mutation in myself.

So it taught me to forgive myself and be much less concerned about the future.

What I experienced yesterday evening was the extent to which I could potentially shift my sober state of mind to be able to observe the moment in smaller and smaller frequencies. For example, you take a walk down the road to the shope. This walk is chucked into a box in the mind, grouped, yet the dmt feeling is to open that box and treat each moment in that group of moments as a sacred individual.

I hope that makes sense :) Thanks for reading and feeding back
On another note, something that I am yet to fully understand, is the idea of living in the moment; it is advice everyone hears throughout their life I am sure although to what extent one can put this into practice is quite bizarre. If one were to live by this absolutely, according to the 'flashback' I experienced, one would have to reject all preformed ideas of what everyday objects and patterns are.

For example, in this case, driving down a road, the road exists in the mind as an object with a predefined future and treated as such. However to trully be in the moment one would have to forget this idea right? All energy of awareness would be used to absorb the infinite details of an ever changing moment. Essentially, it is an impossible task to perform absolutely in this human form with these human boundaries because 'the moment' is infinitely divisible and contains infinite detail.

I am indeed finding it difficult to contain and explain such an idea.

In short, to be with the moment, it seems I have to forget all my habits of trying to understand and predict the future so I may instead devote that energy to simply being aware of it.
You'll only set yourself up for needless frustration by trying to force yourself to accept no past or future, and 'be in the moment'. Don't try and play with it intellectually, not until you've stabilized and then later wish to examine things philosophically. There is only now and that's all you need for the time being :)

The mind obsesses. That's its job. Leave it alone and do, act, carry on with your duties. Then the mind will obsess with that instead and you'll have long forgotten about the quandary of time.
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