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A Must-See Film: "My Dinner with Andre"

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Fellow Nexians,

I propose a fascinating philosophical film; "My Dinner With Andre". Full movie: :
(can be downloaded using clipconverter.cc) Takes a while to get interesting, but when it does, it REALLY does.

For a summary of the ideas in the film: http://www.philfilms.utm.edu/1/mydinner.htm

I found the general vibe similar to something Terence McKenna would have advocated wholeheartedly, but explained in a more easily-relatable way. The idea that "Culture is Not Your Friend" is explained wonderfully.
At some point they discuss "outposts of free people", I right away though of the Nexus or Burning Man as good examples.

For anyone having seen it, what did you think?
One of my favorites. This film portrays a plethora of fascinating ideas to ponder over and certainly is worth taking the time to wrap your head around.

If you dig these kind of heady, dialogue based films, you may also want to check out The Man from Earth, MindWalk, and of course my favorite of all, Waking Life.
dreamer042 said:
If you dig these kind of heady, dialogue based films, you may also want to check out The Man from Earth, MindWalk, and of course my favorite of all, Waking Life.

I shall check these out, thank you!
I watched about 10 minutes of My Dinner with Andre. It was intriguing, lots of imagery. In fact, I feel that I could just listen to the audio of it while doing something else.
hixidom said:
I watched about 10 minutes of My Dinner with Andre. It was intriguing, lots of imagery. In fact, I feel that I could just listen to the audio of it while doing something else.
You could certainly download it as an .mp3 file if you wanted :)
I stayed up late and watched this on my phone the night you posted. I was riveted. I have seen and attended a few 'discourses' given by swamis and the language patterns were similar in the sense that you are pulled into a somewhat heightened state of awareness. The modest ego struggle of the protagonist highlighted this for me.

An excellent suggestion and appropriate for the philosophy subforum. Thanks PHOMan. And thanks dreamoar, I'll have to check those other movies out as well.
roninsina said:
I stayed up late and watched this on my phone the night you posted. I was riveted. I have seen and attended a few 'discourses' given by swamis and the language patterns were similar in the sense that you are pulled into a somewhat heightened state of awareness. The modest ego struggle of the protagonist highlighted this for me.

An excellent suggestion and appropriate for the philosophy subforum. Thanks PHOMan. And thanks dreamoar, I'll have to check those other movies out as well.

I'm truly glad you enjoyed the film :) If you're not already acquainted with Terence McKenna, he's your next must see. His manner of expressing an idea is often quite amazing, his ideas equally dazzling.
Many of his speeches can be found here: Podcasts – Psychedelic Salon Podcasts
Eposode 472 is a favorite.
Yep. I am a TMK fan.

I forgot to mention; I vaguely recall seeing "My Dinner with Andre" in my adolescent years. I remember having the feeling of watching something esoteric - as if I couldn't believe anyone would be allowed to say such things publicly. I watched as if prepared to get caught, in a manner akin to sneaking a peek at pornography.
dreamer042 said:
One of my favorites. This film portrays a plethora of fascinating ideas to ponder over and certainly is worth taking the time to wrap your head around.

If you dig these kind of heady, dialogue based films, you may also want to check out The Man from Earth, MindWalk, and of course my favorite of all, Waking Life.

I watched Mindwalk yesterday night, and wow! Thank you for the suggestion, the other two movies await
An absolute, all time favorite. Probably has as much or more re-watchability as any other film I can think of.

Andre said:
Anyway, we were out in the country, and we all went to Christmas mass together. You know, he was all dressed up in his Buddhist finery. And it was one of those - one of those awful, dreary Catholic churches on Long Island...where the priest talks about communism and birth control.And as I was sitting there in mass, I was wondering, ''What in the world is going on?''
I mean, here I am. I'm a grown man...and there's this strange person living in the house, and I'm not working -You know, I was doing nothing but scribbling a little poetry in my diary.And I can't get a job teaching anymore, and I don't know what I want to do.
When all of a sudden a huge creature appeared, looking at the congregation.It was about, I'd say, 6'8'' - something like that, you know...and it was - it was half bull, half man...and its skin was blue. It had violets growing out of its eyelids and poppies growing out of its toenails. And it just stood there for the whole mass. I mean, I could not make that creature disappear.
You know, I thought, ''Oh, well. You know, I'm just seeing this 'cause I'm bored.''You know, close my- I could not make that creature go away. Okay. Now, I didn't talk with people about it, because they'd think I was weird... but I felt that this creature was somehow coming to comfort me...that somehow he was appearing to say...
''Well, you may feel low and you might not be able to create a play right now...but look at what can come to you on Christmas Eve. Hang on, old friend.I may seem weird to you, but on these weird voyages...weird creatures appear. It's part of the journey. You're okay. Hang in there.''
Watched it yesterday and yes, a masterpiece! Not boring for a second even though it's just two guys talking. Thanks for the tip :thumb_up:
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