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A New Book On the Site..

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
Hey Guys, I've just finished compiling a book which I have entitled A Book Of Wisdom. It's a selection of Quotes and Speeches from a Buddha Law Master and it goes into many topics, some quite radical such as the Soul, Transmigration, Religions, Other Dimensions, Aliens and many many other things. Alot of this stuff really gels with DMT and the related dimensions and entities people experience. You can find it at the main menu of the site, theres a new button called wisdom. A big shoutout has to go out to The Traveler who helped find many problems and bugs with my atrocious Html skillz and fixed them all to make it actually readable, thx mate! :D I hope you guys like it and find something of interest in it. Regards, Blackclo
The book looks awesome! Even though I fixed some minor html problems I haven't read it completely through. The things I did read were compelling and very interesting and the simularity to DMT journeys is very clear. One thing I'm wondering about though is the parts of the Buddha Law Master that were completely NOT like DMT, just to get a clear vision of both. I've showed it to one of my friends who is very into buddhism and he liked what he saw.
Thanks Traveller, glad you like it. :) Yes theirs alot of stuff covered in there and it gets particularily interesting when in the book he talks about other dimensions and entities, it all sounds rather DMTesque like. Your right theres other themes covered aswell which kind of delve into more general stuff. I'm starting to see that DMT maybe a chemical that is tied into our supernatural abilities and that through spiritual cultivation maybe more DMT is produced naturally and permenantly?
[size=7:73d0218da8]I can't seem to find[/size:73d0218da8] [size=9:73d0218da8]this damn book [/size:73d0218da8][size=12:73d0218da8]any where on this damn[/size:73d0218da8] site [size=18:73d0218da8]!![/size:73d0218da8][size=24:73d0218da8]![/size:73d0218da8] [size=24:73d0218da8] :twisted:[/size:73d0218da8] [size=18:73d0218da8]:evil:[/size:73d0218da8] [size=12:73d0218da8]:twisted:[/size:73d0218da8] :evil: [size=18:73d0218da8]:twisted:[/size:73d0218da8] [size=24:73d0218da8]:evil:[/size:73d0218da8] :twisted: [size=18:73d0218da8]:evil:[/size:73d0218da8] [size=12:73d0218da8]:twisted: [/size:73d0218da8]
I myself don't resonate with all that talk of karma, seems like a constant theme in the Falun Dafa teachings. It's not that I don't believe karma exists, but I believe it's self-chosen, not "assigned" to us by "higher beings." And statements like this seem frankly ridiculous to me: "...there is an extraordinarily large number of yellow people and Buddhas' paradises as well as Taoist paradises. They have almost filled up the entire universe. There are as many Tathagata Buddhas as the sand in the Ganges River, who are extremely plentiful and extraordinarily big. People with the appearance of the yellow people are particularly plentiful. Thus, races are corresponding with one another from the top to the bottom. Jesus said that you should not pass on the teaching in the East, which was meant to say that they do not belong to us. Jesus told people not to spread the teaching in the East. I have also found no oriental people in Jesus' paradise. It is very sad! People in modern times do not listen to the words of their Lord, and the oriental people do not listen to the Buddha's teaching either. Therefore, man has messed up these things. I have also found no white people in a Buddha's paradise in the past. It's hard for me to believe that the higher realms ("paradise") have anything to do with skin color! I do like the teaching of Truthfulness/Compassion/Forbearance. Can you give some examples of passages you see as "DMT-esque", blackclo?
Hey delphine, I totally agree with you, I also beleive Karma is self-chosen, through your own actions your determining wether you aquire Virtue or Karma so it's really up to you and what you do with your freewill that determines your situation. And I also don't think that higher realms have anything to do with skin colour but I do beleive that Eastern spiritual cultivation techniques are probably the most advanced forms of inner cultivation (could be wrong) and this is why many Oriental souls have managed unlock and break out of the 3 realms? As for the DMT related stuff, I'm actually going to compile a list which is slowly in the works. But I did actually make a post on the forum (I think it was in the Spirituality section) that outlines some of the pretty radical similarities between the two phenomena. I know alot of this stuff is pretty radical and I haven't heard this type of material before but who knows? Maybe these Buddha Grandmasters can provide some more pieces of the puzzle. :)
Karma an out dated observation of symytry with religios dogma attatchments. Every event we take part in has an equal symetric event, just like every thing in the universe, where in all the formless elements that comprise the one event will reconstitute themselves in a "new" and equal event, every event like every form has symitry. Parallel, or opposing. If a person abides by universal law they earn "good karma" in that when the event they were apart of resurfaces they are either "punished" or "blessed", evolutions way of encouragement, or pushing us down to a more humble state where we belong. I dont know how I feel about past life karma being an actuality, all things are symetric so within our 1 life all things should have completed themselves(?).
BTW, I never saw that front page before blackclo, pretty cool, I'll have to spend some time checking out the files, never knew they where here
Oh really? Lol, yeah the main bit of the site is a little hard to get to from the forum. I'll probably change it so when you click on that Dmt Nexus Logo you go straight there, gotta find out how first... :confused: :p
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