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a new party forms in germany. something that gives me hope

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Electro Monk

Rising Star
for many years now i fight with my friends over the question if my home country, germany, is a democracy. they say it is, everything belongs the populus. i say it clearly is not, as almost no decision can be comprehended by democratic motivations.

this new party now aims for great things. limitation of maximum wealth per household to 30M €. complete rework of tax model, special taxes for industries that do not employ enough employees. establishment of sortition. legalization of drugs.
this might well be the first time i decide to vote for a party that is not a satire party in 25 years.
Electro Monk said:
for many years now i fight with my friends over the question if my home country, germany, is a democracy. they say it is, everything belongs the populus. i say it clearly is not, as almost no decision can be comprehended by democratic motivations.

this new party now aims for great things. limitation of maximum wealth per household to 30M €. complete rework of tax model, special taxes for industries that do not employ enough employees. establishment of sortition. legalization of drugs.
this might well be the first time i decide to vote for a party that is not a satire party in 25 years.

As an outsider, and i can't speak for others, but i see Germany as a pretty progressive country. And i don't mean that in the political sense. However, individual freedoms are slowly being taken away by draconian laws that are incomprehensible to those that aren't lawyers or business people. This is happening all over the world, and has been happening for centuries, if not millenia. Governments and the ruling class take the most modern technology of the time, and abuse the crap out of it. Whether it was the printing press to spew forth their propaganda, or goddamn tweets from a president. As long as the new iPhone/Samsung comes out, the masses will be satiated and blissfully ignorant of the frameworks for mass surveillance being laid out.
sadly, large parts of germany are anything but progressive.
yes, we have a public schooling system. we invented it 100 years ago. we never reformed it. "schuster bleib bei deinen leisten" (shoemaker, stick to your sticks) is a german proverb. it says: do not try to become more then you where born to be.

in few countries, maybe with the exception of spain, the prognosis for gifted boys from under the poverty is that bad. there will be no support at home with school stuff, the best they can hope for is unjustified pressure. mental under load and the missing realization of t he gift of free education then leads to frustration and poor grades. a snowball in the Sahara has better odds.

now dont get me wrong. we have a good portion of young free minds. but we also have a huge portion of young nationalists.

aside of this, i agree with your analysis. the control of information by mass media is a serious issue. on paper its better in germany, as we have public broadcast. in reality though, intendants? are installed and dismissed by the current government. yes, there are laws that force them to show both sides. but at the very least they are heavily biassed to make propaganda.
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