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I am in me
I already introduced myself a little in this post. However, I'd like to post a more proper introduction (more generally representative) just for the sake of sharing who I am (and also because my ego likes to talk about itself, heh). If my introduction resonates with anyone, I hope you don't feel shy in talking with me; I don't bite (unless... you like that? I mean I don't want to be close-minded... if that floats your boat, I don't see why I'd refuse to try it out. Maybe I'll like it too? ...So, anyways... when should I bite you?).

As you can tell, my defining feature is an egregious abuse of parentheses; but then again, isn't life really just a string of paranthetical remarks remarking on each other? The tools become the purposes, and the purposes become the tools. Sometimes however, the tools becomes weapons, and the purposes become nightmares. One of my biggest challenges is finding peace in constant change; on the other hand, how could I ever be peaceful if nothing changed?

So, who am I? Today, I'm yesterday yapping about tomorrow. In this river, I yearn for solid ground; I mean, even Sisyphus has a hill to depend on. So, clearly there's a place to stand somewhere, however small; and as such, my current primary goal is finding it. Therefore, I am working on building a philosophical system, intended to create a basis of refinable and increasingly certain facts about reality. In these efforts, I employ absolute skepticism, which poses many challenges, but also forces me to see ever more fundamental truths.

In my philosophy, I am drawn towards metaphysical idealism, panpsychism, Oneness, nonduality, logic, self-reference and will. I suspect will may be the fundamental substance of everything, though perhaps mind is instead; perhaps they are one and the same. I wonder if the underlying will of reality is also love, God and positivity, where positivity is conflated as both goodness and also as presence & being, as opposed to absence and non-being. Maybe pure being and pure nothing are the same, for is not a blank canvas and a fully painted canvas equally devoid of detail? The dance of opposities; their co-dependency; Yin and Yang; this is a topic on my mind as of late. I love both Western and Eastern philosophy. I love science and mathematics.

I use psychedelics to explore philosophy. But I also use them for personal exploration and development. They are two sides of the same coin for me, but the former is the cognitive side, and the latter the emotional side. I have been on a spiritual journey that has increased my awareness of the love inherent to reality; I find myself more compassionate, empathic and loving of everyone and everything. I am still blind most of the time, but the love is starting to shine through the cracks more and more. To be, or not to be? The question is rhetorical; by merely reading the question we have answered it. Tapping into this awareness has given a new breath to my life.

I wish to explore and develop all these thoughts, attitudes and awarenesses during, and after integration of, freebase DMT and Ayahuasca trips. Now, where am I as far as experience is concerned? Well, I have yet to try these powerful drugs, though I have had two intense (for me) trips on changa. The level of change was to the degree of seeing my uncle as a cartoon character, feeling my entire being shaken to its core, being too dumbfounded to speak, experiencing my pockets as possessing impossible, endless geometry, and nearly being engulfed by the visual distortion of the environment. So, I did not enter the waiting room, and I most definitely didn't break through. I don't say this with disappointment (I don't think I was ready back then); I simply want to inform you guys about my inexperience. On my changa trip, I did not dare to close my eyes. In light of this, I have thus not experienced a full immersion in a fully hallucinatory environment; this immersion is something I am yearning for. When on heroic doses of LSD, I have had 3D visuals, and although they had some depth to them, I did not quite feel I was inside the space they implied. In addition, my close-eyed visuals on LSD and shrooms have been somewhat low-resolution, and my mind states on higher doses have been dreamy and amnesiac. My open-eyed visuals on LSD have been quite vivid however. In short, I wish to graduate to DMT and Ayahuasca.

This wish has brought me here. What I found was that this nexus offers what appears to be a great community as well, so I think the tool wound up becoming the purpose :)

I am rambling (or rather, unraveling), but no honest introduction of me could be otherwise.


(open at your own peril)
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Welcome to the Nexus @Self-container . I appreciate you bringing our your authentic and eccentric self 🤍

As you familiarize yourself here, make sure to check out the attitude page.

As you enjoy Eastern philosophy, and the principles of Yin and Yang have been weighing on your mind, I will offer the Hua Hu Jing, as translated by Brian Browne Walker, as a book suggestion. It has helped me to digest and integrate many life experiences, Entheogenic and otherwise. It is profoundly simple.

Wishing you all the best on your inner quest ☀️
Welcome to the Nexus @Self-container . I appreciate you bringing our your authentic and eccentric self 🤍

As you familiarize yourself here, make sure to check out the attitude page.

As you enjoy Eastern philosophy, and the principles of Yin and Yang have been weighing on your mind, I will offer the Hua Hu Jing, as translated by Brian Browne Walker, as a book suggestion. It has helped me to digest and integrate many life experiences, Entheogenic and otherwise. It is profoundly simple.

Wishing you all the best on your inner quest ☀️
Thank you for the welcome, and for the book recommendation!😁 I think that profoundly simple is the kind of writing only achieved by the writers simultaneously possessing knowledge, intelligence, humility and well-meaning intentions, so I'm looking forward to reading it:giggle:

Welcome to the Nexus and thank you for sharing that enjoyable read of an introduction. You have a delightfully clever way with words. I think @Voidmatrix, with his focus on philosophy, might enjoy this one.

I suspect that DMT will give you what you need, possibly what you seek, and a lot more. You sound like a great candidate for a fully immersive experience and given your way with words I have to say I would look forward to any trip reports from you with avid anticipation.

I ask this of almost all new members, so here goes: Have you had a chance to extract your own DMT yet? There are many great TEKs (recipes) here and self-extraction really is the only way to go.

As far as ayahuasca goes, for those who cannot afford the exhorbitant expenses of both money and time to travel to South America, one can do analogues right at home. And since the original aya plants belong with the people who have been using them for thousands of years, it is wonderful that we can use things like extracted DMT and extracted harmalas, syrian rue and MHRB teas and other paths to activate DMT orally.

I believe you are on the beginning of a great adventure. I hope it will become an lasting one for you and that you will choose to participate within this community.
Welcome to the Nexus.

I don't have too much time reply presently, I will leave you with this

I haven't updated it in a while because I'm rewriting it, though I do wanna finish what I started.

Welcome again.

One love
Due to some reflection on my personal interactions I'm going to table any responses I have relative to philosophy for now. I'm just not sure how I come off anymore.

However, CLOSE YOUR EYES. Trust me. The more you can remove yourself from this reality the further you'll get into hyperspace.

What was your changa blend composed of? Did you make it yourself? If so, what were your ratios?

Again, welcome. I look forward to hearing more of your philosophy and hearing how your work and journeys go.

One love
I ask this of almost all new members, so here goes: Have you had a chance to extract your own DMT yet?
Not yet, no. I may get an opportunity this upcoming summer however. I am also going to be travelling for a year, starting this september/october. First place I'll go to is Australia, and I've heard it might be easier to source acacia plant matter there.

There are many great TEKs (recipes) here and self-extraction really is the only way to go.
Yes, I've been diving in to the different possibilities and it's quite exciting. I'm looking forward to the process, and I'll try to make it really pure :giggle:

As far as ayahuasca goes, for those who cannot afford the exhorbitant expenses of both money and time to travel to South America, one can do analogues right at home.
Yes, but I think for my first time, given that I'll be travelling the world this/next year, I was planning to go to Peru and try a traditional administration ceremony of Ayahuasca.
I believe you are on the beginning of a great adventure. I hope it will become an lasting one for you and that you will choose to participate within this community.
I hope so too! Thank you for your warm welcome, it blessed my day😁:giggle:
However, CLOSE YOUR EYES. Trust me. The more you can remove yourself from this reality the further you'll get into hyperspace.
Yes, I definitely believe that. When I did changa, it was not only the fear that held me back, it was also the dumbfoundedness, as any goals were completely forgotten.

What was your changa blend composed of? Did you make it yourself?
I don't know, I didn't make it myself unfortantely. I was simply told that "this is harmala-containing plant matter infused with DMT", and that was all I needed to hear.

Again, welcome. I look forward to hearing more of your philosophy and hearing how your work and journeys go.
Thank you, and I look forward to discussing philosophic topics with you and seeing how my views evolve as I unlock different psychedelic insights, both from personal experience and from talking with you and other Nexians. Softer psychedelics have given me so much already, I can only imagine what DMT will do.

I am planning on reading through your posts on the linked-to thread this weekend when I have the time to properly sit with it. I have many thoughts on valid skepticism and the valid responses. I find that most people either grossly underestimate, or grossly overstimate, the power of skepticism. They are neither silly thought experiments, nor unbeatable chains of whys. What they are is a tough challenge, and really, the guide to truth.

Thanks for the welcome :giggle: :giggle:
Welcome @Self-container
As someone who arrived with no psychedelic experience, but a determined mind, I can assure you that with the help of the writings within this site and the people who reside behind the texts, you will soon find yourself in the waiting room of hyperspace and beyond.

This site is my go to place when I need a break from the "normal", and need to be energized by the eccentric and entertaining thoughts of the creative thinkers on this site.
You will fit in well.

Good luck on your journey. I look forward to seeing your trip report. :)
This site is my go to place when I need a break from the "normal", and need to be energized by the eccentric and entertaining thoughts of the creative thinkers on this site.
Creative and original conversations energize me too! By seeing things in new ways, the world is filled with new possibilities (potential energy), which in-turn moves me (kinetic energy). Without the synergy between people, life would be oh-so uneventful😊

Good luck on your journey. I look forward to seeing your trip report. :)
Thank you😁
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