Something I've noticed and haven't been able to figure out is the variation in appearance between floribunda trees, even right next to each other. Obviously there are variations in species but I've found little info on the differences and which one to be looking for. And after looking at the pictures from this post I'm even more confused!
Here are a couple that I've identified as floribunda (of course I could be wrong) growing next to each other with noticeable differences, and even more noticeable differences from the pictures posted in the previous comments.
One is more of an upright tree, with fewer lower branches, shorter wider more creamy flowers and slightly wider and shorter leaves.
The second has more lower branches making it more of a bush, with narrow longer flowers that are more yellow and sparsely packed, leaves narrow and thin with slight red tinge to the tips.
Haven't takes any seed pods but I can't go back to help with the ID!
Acacian made reference to the creamy flowers potentially being the ones to aim for, that one I noticed more straight away as well. Probably because of its slightly more obtusifolia-ish style. Who's leaves and flowers kind of stand more rigidly than others.
Anyway I thought this might be of interest if these are floribunda(if not any further help with IID would be great), identifying the best variation could save a lot of trial and error to come. These are located around the Melbourne/geelong region by the way.