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Acacia floribunda

Migrated topic.
I'm going to be germinating Floribunda soon. Early days and I'm remaining distinctly pragmatic about it at the moment. Though when the time arrives, I shall be extracting and carrying out analysis to share with the Nexus.


Hey guys,
I have a work site near where i live and they are removing trees to commence construction for houses etc...
I go by after they all leave and go through piles of trees and cross my fingers.
I have found one floribunda and managed to get some bark (the tree had been cut by the construction workers) i managed to pull some pretty strong yellow goo/oil from my first go using 'Acacia Confusa extraction by yours truly (joshisom's tek)'. I kept going back and found another cut tree a few weeks later and managed to pull some fluffy white crystals combined with some yellow goo/oil and this stuff blew my socks of, it was so beautiful i swear when the heavy visuals were over I'd cry.
I jumped the fence and managed to find a second pile of trees/shrubs and again i thought i had found some floribunda (the only thing different is that it wasn't in bloom and had no signs of having just finished either) the bark seems the same as before and the leaves seemed pretty darned similar.
I have done multiple pulls from the second lot and i am getting nothing but in-active brown to dark brown goo that has no smell at all. I did the tek exactly the same so unless i'm doing something massively different that i don't know about i'm putting it down the environmental variability?
What do you guys reckon?
I did a an A/B pull with some leaves from the first lot of trees and no go, got a yellow-green chlorofill smell in the naphtha and when attempt to crystalise got nada.
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