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Acacia Mearnsii

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I recently identified Acacia Mearnsii throughout my local area. I found one that had been uprooted by another tree during a storm, I harvested as many different parts as I could.

As for some extra info on the tree I harvested, it flowered during the night before.

Today I prepared 150g of undried Acacia Mearnsii bark and placed it into a HDPE container. I filled it with boiling water until there was 2cm+ of water above the Bark.

I added an unknown amount of Hydrochloric Acid to lower the PH and then lit it sit for around 45 minutes.

I weighed up 50g of Sodium Hydroxide and proceeded to add it to the mixture slowly, by around 35g the liquid had started to turn brown-black and by 50g I was satisfied with the colour.

After letting the liquid cool down I added 50ml of Shellite, pressing inwards against the container and then screwing on the cap allowed me to work with pressure build up.

After letting the liquid sit for 2 minutes I siphoned up a good amount of Yellow "Urine" coloured Shellite.

- Here's a picture of the liquid before Freeze Precipitation

- I'm 3-4 hours into Freeze Precipitation at the moment and the liquid's turned a milky white colour, I can also notice a cloud moving around if I shake the shot glass.

I'll bump this thread when I finish Freeze Precipitation.
I just finished the second pull then. Instead of Freeze Precipitating I decided to try evaporating the liquid in a Pyrex Dish.

Here's a photo of the second pull's yield, 100-110mg.

It smells extremely pungent. The odour is a mix of "Fruity" "Floral" "Tinges of Op Shop/Old People"

I'll update about the first pull that's currently Freeze Precipitating tomorrow.
Very nice work Wage. Trailblazin on a little experimented on Acacia. I appreciate your work, hopefully it will inspire more people to go out on a limb and experiment with new plants ;) I agree with nen, a clean up might do it some good.
Keep us posted if it works, what it tastes like and how pure you were able to refine it

Acacia Mearnsii?
You knew how bad it's been for us humble folk at the Nexus... and well everywhere with these self serving unethically authorized mimosa busts


your research may have greater consequences for us than you might have guessed

Thank you,
Very keen to see an update, every extraction I have tried so far has resulted in nothing.
It is getting a bit depressing, but I will get there in the end. :)
I will try an Acacia Mearnsii and see if I have any similar luck.
Just a quick question, you didn't simmer and perform multiple extractions and combinations of decanted liquid?
I have read that 3 simmers is optimal, or is this simply to maximise alkaloid extraction, and a simple 45 minute bath in acidic water without heat is sufficient to identify if a plant is worthwhile? This would help me out heaps, nothing worse than doing 3 simmers to find nothing but than a few mg of inactive yellow goo. Thanks.
I'm back with some good and bad news.

I freeze precipitated for 24 hours until there were some visible crystals formed. I decided instead of continuing the Freeze Precip to do an Evaporation on a Pyrex Dish.

I scraped up a similar amount of wax and let the 2 batches dry out for the next day. They both stunk of DMT.

I tried smoking out of a bong multiple times, tasted something Tryptamine but didn't feel any effects.

I'm going to finish up by saying that this tree should still be looked into more and that season or maturity could play a role in content.
That's a bit like extracts from other species when flowering. Not as active.
Oh well, Nen was excited maybe mearnsii was different. But it IS a top species to look at.
After seeding might be good. Thank you WAGE.:)
Swim found this acacia in his area, he has compare it with some google images and seems to be acacia mearnsii but cant tell for sure ,he has alrdy extracted from MHRB in the past.How safe is it to test this extraction?
Nice extract WAGE. It came from Acacia Mearnsii's trunk bark?

Seems the spice crystals are mixed with plenty of oils & tannins.(In the last pic)
Guess a little cleanup would be in order, but I suppose it should be possible to
get activity from smoking/vapping this crude extract.

Have you smoked/vapped any of it allready?
I've seen several identifications, extractions & chemical analysises of plants
romoured to contain worthwhile amounts of DMT, but sofar none of them have been
complete. I guess a proper analysis would include:
-Plant species ID
-Extract from DMT-richest plant parts.
-Chemical analysis of extract.
-Testing the extract to for psychoactivity.(smoking, Evaporating & Changa)

Mostly it has been the testing of the substance that has been lacking from plant-analysis threads
sofar. I would like you to go Shulgin on this and test your extract's psychoactivity.
..i'm kind of curious if there's follow up here..

also, depending on smoking technique, the effects of tryptamines can be milder..
e.g. 20mg dmt inhaled inefficiently and not held in can result in minimal effects..in a GVG is another matter..
I tried smoking some of the extract mixed in 50:50 with some Cannabis using a bong, but I didn't feel anything from it.

I wasn't using the best technique to extract back then so I'm guessing it was fairly contaminated.

Acacia Mearnsii should still be looked into because of how abundant it is.

One other thing to mention is that that the bark in the extraction was green, it seems to go brown/black after a certain age. I have seen mature Acacia Mearnsii with green bark though.
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