Rising Star
Hi Nexians,
Few month ago we've done our first extraction with Acacia Simplex, the whole process from extracting the bark, to the spice. I'll try to tell you this first story
With a friend we went in a small island by boat, populated with above 20 trees, the island is above 30 meters long per 15 large. During the travel we fished a bit an get a bit to eatin the evening. For 3 month, there were no rain everywhere in the country. This day was the last before the moon can be the higher in the sky. Mostly the moon have a lot of impact on us, in trees and plant we believe the sap get higher.
We got with us a bag, a curved wood scisor sculptor tool like and scar mastic.
The fact is that we wanted to take but not to hurt the trees.
2/3 scar per trees were done, on the trunk, from 15/30cm trunk diameter.
Scar mastic was applied on small scar (5-7 cm to 15-20 cm).
We weighted out 1,2Kg of fresh raw bark.
While cutting the bark the sap was flowing on our hand, smelling it was near dmt smell but not completly. While burning a bit of bark, it had dmt flavour.
The tree seems generous to us.
Back to home, we had to separate death bark (grey looking) from living bark (reddish, bloody looking, as a piece of beef).
We dried it a night with a fan in the front, thenpowdered them in a blender, final weight was above 550 grams. Powedered bark is stored in a freezer bag, in a platic bag and in a plastic box in the dark. This first harvest let us confortable to try diffrent tek or recipe.
A day or two after it's the time to start with a first extraction, the recipe choosen was the Cyb's hybrid ATB Salted tek. The process was a bit modified to include the first 3 pulls with a mini AB and the lasts pulls without.
As we were confident with the process we start with above 50grams of powdered bark.
The whole process has been done heated in a warm water bath, i think between 40°C & 70°C.
Th acidic was heated / cooled 2 times, as the base, all naphta pulls were done heated.
The 3 first pulls, done with mini A/B, let us with 1,2g of white xtals, no trace after vaping the powder, smelling dmt deeply. The lasts 3 pulls ended us without mini A/B, with 0,5g of yellowish crystal, more "gooish" than whiter xtals.
Final product was not lab tested, but seemed very confident (odor, burning) for human testing. To illustrate a bit, a bit of powder vaped on aluminium foil, vaped at low temp, putting the house with nice forest odor, and a bit of the street as the window was open :x
The smell was very intense and strong.
We shared this first extract for further testing.
All people reported that the product is very potent, but a bit harsh to smoke.
My few test confirmed that, but it's harsh juste when DMT is burned, until vaped the smoke is fresh / soft, tasty. I smoked with the machine. I believe there's no lye inside.
I'll plan in early 2018 to lab test the product, i saw some people here proposing theses kind of services.
I'll check for availabilty of food safe chemicals and preparing a recipe, maybe for mid 2018. During this time i gonna improve the tek, by having more accurate mesuring tools and potentially asking for a bit of knowledge in chemistry.
I'm sorry of non pictured post, but i didn't took photos of whole process.
Thanks for your reading
Few month ago we've done our first extraction with Acacia Simplex, the whole process from extracting the bark, to the spice. I'll try to tell you this first story
With a friend we went in a small island by boat, populated with above 20 trees, the island is above 30 meters long per 15 large. During the travel we fished a bit an get a bit to eatin the evening. For 3 month, there were no rain everywhere in the country. This day was the last before the moon can be the higher in the sky. Mostly the moon have a lot of impact on us, in trees and plant we believe the sap get higher.
We got with us a bag, a curved wood scisor sculptor tool like and scar mastic.
The fact is that we wanted to take but not to hurt the trees.
2/3 scar per trees were done, on the trunk, from 15/30cm trunk diameter.
Scar mastic was applied on small scar (5-7 cm to 15-20 cm).
We weighted out 1,2Kg of fresh raw bark.
While cutting the bark the sap was flowing on our hand, smelling it was near dmt smell but not completly. While burning a bit of bark, it had dmt flavour.
The tree seems generous to us.
Back to home, we had to separate death bark (grey looking) from living bark (reddish, bloody looking, as a piece of beef).
We dried it a night with a fan in the front, thenpowdered them in a blender, final weight was above 550 grams. Powedered bark is stored in a freezer bag, in a platic bag and in a plastic box in the dark. This first harvest let us confortable to try diffrent tek or recipe.
A day or two after it's the time to start with a first extraction, the recipe choosen was the Cyb's hybrid ATB Salted tek. The process was a bit modified to include the first 3 pulls with a mini AB and the lasts pulls without.
As we were confident with the process we start with above 50grams of powdered bark.
The whole process has been done heated in a warm water bath, i think between 40°C & 70°C.
Th acidic was heated / cooled 2 times, as the base, all naphta pulls were done heated.
The 3 first pulls, done with mini A/B, let us with 1,2g of white xtals, no trace after vaping the powder, smelling dmt deeply. The lasts 3 pulls ended us without mini A/B, with 0,5g of yellowish crystal, more "gooish" than whiter xtals.
Final product was not lab tested, but seemed very confident (odor, burning) for human testing. To illustrate a bit, a bit of powder vaped on aluminium foil, vaped at low temp, putting the house with nice forest odor, and a bit of the street as the window was open :x
The smell was very intense and strong.
We shared this first extract for further testing.
All people reported that the product is very potent, but a bit harsh to smoke.
My few test confirmed that, but it's harsh juste when DMT is burned, until vaped the smoke is fresh / soft, tasty. I smoked with the machine. I believe there's no lye inside.
I'll plan in early 2018 to lab test the product, i saw some people here proposing theses kind of services.
I'll check for availabilty of food safe chemicals and preparing a recipe, maybe for mid 2018. During this time i gonna improve the tek, by having more accurate mesuring tools and potentially asking for a bit of knowledge in chemistry.
I'm sorry of non pictured post, but i didn't took photos of whole process.
Thanks for your reading