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Would it be possible for you & your friend to try a few extractions on A. Simplex phyllodes & stems/twigs, as well? There are practically no reports of extracting alkaloid from A. Simplex' phyllodes and branches/twigs (AKA the parts of the tree which can easily regenerate after harvesting without the ill-effects which many bark harvesting practices pose to these trees) in the literature, and I would be ecstatic if you may be able to conduct such experiments & report back with results.

Much to my dismay, the only mature (20 years old) A. Simplex specimen which I know of, and from which I have harvested tissue samples & seeds from over the past four years has fallen into the hands of agents from U.S. immigration/customs and border patrol after the original eco-terrorist who raised the tree from seed sold his home and moved to Panama. As thus, the dozen or so kilos of assorted plant matter lounging around in my freezer which I collected over the past few years (when the tree & property which it grows on wasn't owned by federal agents) is being reserved for further lab testing in order to amend Poupat et. Al's joke of a phytochemical analysis of this plant for the first time in over 4 decades. As thus, I eagerly await further investigations from your team, as I currently cannot afford to attempt such an extraction due to uncertainty as to whether or not I may ever obtain permission from the feds in the future to take samples from that tree alongside my reluctance to risk being charged with trespassing and desecration of private property if I attempt to harvest it without their permission (yes, I have asked, and yes, they have denied me permission to collect samples from their tree for research purposes). As thus, I have no choice but to pray that you may be able to generate such data for us to use in our own investigations into A. Simplex' actual phytochemical profile, as you have carte-blanche access to dozens of A. Simplex specimens; I do not.

As one last inquiry, I would like to know which country/island/region you harvested your plant samples from, as it is not common for this tree to flourish, as your pictures described, in most of the world. Despite living in a subtropical island environment next to the ocean, not once has a single seed shed by my local specimen in the 20-odd years it has been alive ever germinated on its own. Although the seeds have a great germination rate and shelf life when kept below 0 degrees centigrade in a freezer long term, not once has a single seed ever germinated by its own. I would like to know which country/island environment you found such seedlings growing on, as I am very interested to know what environmental conditions would encourage seeds to germinate on their own volition.

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