So been going through a "Dark night of the Soul", Depersonalization
i love how you combined these two things because i am living both but only now i could see that depersonalization is a big part of the nigredo...
i've been living this since 6-7 months now, i am much much better it was so hard at the beginning so full of pain and suffering, i am not sure what triggered it exactly DMT, harmalas, love,... or my true wish to rise and go beyond... probably all together
there's no way back, you can never go back as before, of course this state will change (into something very beautiful) but you will never be back, you will never see and feel life or yourself as you saw them before so yes the first move is to accept all this, that this is you this u this what you are now and you brought it on yourself, you asked for it and it's your path that you should live till the end..
the fear that you are losing it that everything is slipping away that you can't feel anymore not even your own existence, the fear that you will fail in life the only way is to let go of it just trust life and let go, you will see how life is so easy to be lived no need to worry about anything life is so easy that it doesn't require you to do anything to live it, it will keep going just flow with it...
one interesting feeling is how fake and empty everything is, an illusion fell and that's why you can't feel anything anymore because everything before was giving you a fake feeling of being alive, you can feel alive again but you should learn to let that spring of life flow from inside you, you are the source of life...
i honestly fear nothing, literally nothing whatever happen happens with me i have found safety inside i know i am an "overcomer" whatever comes i will overcome it, i have no dreams, i am living a very godly love and i have no fear of losing it, i fantasize about two things all day, being eternally in heaven with my beloved flying and merging or being in the valley alone suffering eternally. i literally feel eternal...
in this state you feel you feel detached from everything and this detachment you were seeking and asking for it feels forced on you, i lost all interest in everything in nature in the universe in everything outside me so i had to start diving inside and i found in me something that is infinitely greater than me, you can call it my higher self...
no i am still like a ghost or just a soul wandering around but i am pretty much at peace and with little to no pain, there's still so much i can talk about i hope this was helpful, if you want to talk about something more specific i will tell you more about what i went through..
ohh and there's still the part of the inspiration, when you are terribly lost and in unbearable pain and you're losing it and cried all your tears and you just truly let go and trust god/life and put yourself completely between his hands with no fear of what will come inspiration will come on you from the sky and you will be greatly relieved it will pull you from the deepest hole and raise you really high...
so my advise to you is accept this state, let go of your fears and flow with life just trust it trust god.