don't you really understand how everything is so uncertain, that existence itself is a paradox and you're asking to know, that you want to know you're on the right path. there is understanding which is beyond knowing and thoughts, just like the non lasting feeling on DMT and other psychedelics of understanding everything... well you can build a lasting one bit by bit and every stone you add you have to shake the whole house to make sure it will never fall that's how i consider being on the right path, to be aware of what is happening with me, to face everything overcome it and go beyond it, my will is my path..
how to let go how to accept and surrender how to go beyond this.. there's nothing you can follow to do this, this is something you have to find it by yourself, of course many things can help, like asking about it and seeing other views and how others deal with it but at the end only your way will work and for me the biggest step is to truly ask for it, ask that you want to go beyond it have an intention and the rest will follow. i am telling you conclusions but this doesn't work you have to go through it, i mean i tell you to let go, but i didn't just let go it was a hard process to be able to let go the fear was strong..
if you believe in life in the magic of life and trust it over your unreasonable fears and doubts and flow with it then you will grow so beautifully with this magic beyond your current self
but believing is not easy
if i ask you to grab an electrical wire that is cut from both sides you surely will grab it with no fear, now if it was connected but you turned the circuit breaker off yourself you will grab but with a very slight fear, and if i turn it off and ask you will have greater fear but you're my friend and you will trust me and grab it, but if i was a total stranger maybe you"re crazy enough to trust me and you will grab it but now what if you knew nothing will you still grab it? this is true faith and believing, this is how it is with life, you know nothing about it you just have a feeling and you trust it and you let go of your fears and flow with it..
we are thrown into this life with no knowledge of anything deciding anything or favoring anything over the other or choosing a path over the other it's all meaningless, but here we are moving and going in different directions following our feelings, life is greater than me and i surrender to it i don't believe there is something better than the other and that's why i have no fear.
i don't know if my ideas are still consistent i king of forgot what i was trying to say and i am just saying what i feel
i hope it was helpful