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Adding Yopo to changa - response from new member

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
i made this thread to express my experiences with using yopo -ified changa

in direct response to godsmackers inquiry; yopo + changa ?

i have to say that for many it is positive or neutral, however it is dangerous enough for some for me to make this post despite the limitation of indirect response.

I've smoked yopo changa many times without anything more questionably deleterious than a purge and some singed bronchial tubes

I've shared the very same medicine i used with many people (in a sanctioned ceremony, where it is legal) and the reason i do not share it anymore is because of one individual

his response was normal first, he attempted to blast off during a powerful san pedro ceremony and reported being denied by some fractal host who he had been following down passageways, stopped at some door and not allowed to go beyond

well the cheeky fellow decided to smoke round 2 and possibly get past the obstacle being. this is when it went horribly wrong

to preface this individual smoked 145 mg of white fb NN dmt previously, reporting that it was so sudden he thought something exploded and he died (instead of being aware he smoked), he knew what level of insanity he was going into, but he didn't know what level physically would become him

i had left him to seek his communion in a ceremonial room on one side of the property, as he did previously. i took this time to return to the main hall and break my fast with communal soup and fruit, an epic day of san pedro coming to a close

seconds later i hear some yelling, its in german "PLEASE GOD I DONT WANT TO DIE F**** F**** F****" or something to that regard. then i see my friend standing in the kitchen doorway naked from the waist down, poncho half off of his head, and a coconut purse dangling openly from his naked waist. "I NEED A SHAMAN" he states, he asks me to look at his penis

i let him lead me into the pantry, where he then asks me to look at his penis. he claimed it exploded

he thought a snake creature forced itself inside after he smoked the yopo changa and as a result it exploded

so we went back to the scene of the incident, blood and clear liquid marked the floor where he said it happened

yet his genitalia appeared normal, though he complained it didn't feel right

apparently there was some sort of bloody discharge from his urethral passage

what I've come to understand is, he had broken a blood vessel from the drastic spike in blood pressure. yopo is extraordinarily vasoconstriction in visionary doses. so luckily the guy had this stroke level incident occur in some superficial surface of his genitalia and not his heart or brain, which could prove fatal or disabling

i believe i recall rick strassman finding that dmt brought upon intense and unsafe spikes in blood pressure

so I've discontinued working and sharing this breed of changa for the pursuit of more medicinal substances. a tool can be medicinal but some tools can undo the very essence of life; death. i don't cast my vote with substances that can potentially kill a body while one seeks gnosis. there must be better ways i feel

anyway, just wanted to get it out there

yopo changa is not safe for everyone
Great read!!! What were the ratios you used in said changa blend? Ideally I wouldn't wanna add too much, just a hint to get my ears wet and add a new flavor of weird to the experience without too much cardiotoxicity; have you experimented with threshold (low dose) smoalked bufo in situ with reasonable amounts of DMT (That insanely large amount just sounds like a death-wish to me)? If so, did you experience less vasoconstriction than full-blown stroke-zone death-wish-level high dose yopo? I'm not intending to go beyond ~100mg of changa b/c it wouldn't be able to fit in my gravity bong--my preferred smoalking device. As such, a major thing i'm concerned about is ensuring that only a minimal amount of yopo extract (i.e. acetone pulls from basified ground inner yopo seed) will be present in this up and coming batch of bufo changa, and, considering the pre-stated ratios (3g caapi leaf, 1g harmine & 2.something grams of DMT), how many seeds' worth of extract would you suggest to add to this 6.something gram wildebeest such that cardiotoxicity would be minimized but the flavor/spirit would still be there?
when i was working with this medicine i extracted a 1/2 kg of seeds iirc, made a fb

you can ad a smidge of yopo extract and it will flavor the experience per say, I've done pure yopo fb (worth trying), fb with maoi (not a fan), and changa with high and low concentration admixture of yopo. id have to say my favorite is a hint of yopo, or no yopo at all

theres potential that when this incident occurred the fellow didn't fully finish his first romping dose and had leftovers + another romping dose = just too much for the fellers body
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