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Advice: How to overcome a DMT Schock?

Migrated topic.

Ram Dazz

Rising Star

I have a problem...after smoking too much DMT I got a DMT Schock. This happened a week ago.
Every time I tried DMT after that my brain remember the situation and I got a complete panic attack.

* With my new GVG I tried different constellations, this leads to a situation where more then 200 mg DMT was in the Pipe.
* I made one toke and without warning I feel my brain under 100.000 V. It was a torture, no visuals only pain. It was a Schock!
* The good thing with DMT, it is only a question of time (1-2 min.) that it is over.
* After that experience I sweat and water is dropping of me.
* No afterglow, I was only complete exhausting.

It was my fault, it was way too much. I don't blame DMT.

Advice/Helping hand:
* Before that situation I had a deep trust to DMT.
* Now I get heart beat when I even taste DMT.
* And even a weak DMT trip with beautiful patterns is now a nightmare for me.
* I feel so sorry that I lost that confidence to DMT.

How to overcome this?


Ram Dazz
Hey Ram Dazz,

I'd wager that a lot of us here have been through a similar situation at some point or another, myself included. So, if it helps, you are not alone, friend. In the beginning of my journey with DMT, I probably wasn't as careful as I should have been, and quickly learned that DMT has self-regulating qualities. After this experience, my respect for the molecule took on a whole new dimension. I didn't weigh the dose and I can assure you that I never did that again.


The good news is that you recognize what happened and are unlikely to repeat such a high dose. Too much can easily traumatize someone. My recommendation, for whatever it is worth, would be to take a break for a while. Integration of large doses is no easy task and may take some time before you are able to make sense of it. Go live your life and have some fun, create art or music, explore hobbies/interests, enjoy the company of friends and family (or whatever makes you happy in general). IMO, DMT has been known to hyperslap people around on occasion, but in most cases, the curious nature of the experience eventually trumps the fear. The time will be right again someday. There is no hurry.

For me, the fear and pre-flight anxiety is always there, no matter how much time has passed. I believe that this is part of my experience and that it can be managed with practice. As with any relationship, you'll have to build that trust and regain the confidence you once had in DMT. It will take some work but, in my opinion, it is worth it if it means falling in love with the spirit molecule all over again. Whatever happens next, I wish you the best with your integration and future endeavors!
The Grateful One said:
I'd wager that a lot of us here have been through a similar situation at some point or another, myself included. So, if it helps, you are not alone, friend.
Integration of large doses is no easy task and may take some time before you are able to make sense of it. Go live your life and have some fun, create art or music, explore hobbies/interests, enjoy the company of friends and family (or whatever makes you happy in general). IMO, DMT has been known to hyperslap people around on occasion, but in most cases, the curious nature of the experience eventually trumps the fear. The time will be right again someday. There is no hurry.
As with any relationship, you'll have to build that trust and regain the confidence you once had in DMT. It will take some work but, in my opinion, it is worth it if it means falling in love with the spirit molecule all over again. Whatever happens next, I wish you the best with your integration and future endeavors!

Potential..., it is all (for) (y)our best, now, ace.

Boom, tseuq :love:
TGO :love:

Healing as in 'it never happened', no way imho.
My Uber slap stays with me each day-minute-second, It was years back yet nothing of a kind as you describe in OP though.
But it did, over time, transform in an asset. Even with such a nice silver lining at last, never gonna do it again that way, no Sir.
Yeah that's definitely too much, which you learned. Just give it some time, don't focus on psychedelics or overthink/sitting and dwelling on it, just stay active [stay movin] or moreso than previously, try to eat reasonably well, and time...quite a bit of that. :p

You'll be okay, just tend to your life. :)
Thanks, thanks, thanks...for your thoughts and support.
With the help of my "Schock" Experience I got a better understanding and new insides.

Let me tell you what happened. because I couldn't wait with the term in mind "time will heal everything".

For me it was very important to clear that schock and remove that "thorn in my side":
* Two days ago, I smoked a small patch (20mg) of DMT. Result was a little panic and I have to interrupt the session.
* After one day I did it once again, after some tokes I did feel an environment of love and care. It seems that "someone" tried to help
me in a very sensual way. He/she came slowly closer to me and with every fear of me he/she move back. It was like intelligent smoke.
BTW, I never experience "love" feelings before in the DMT realm.
* At the last test, I had 50% fear and 50% trust. "Someone" showed me secrets (better truthiness about a folded universe) I couldn't
describe and in the afterglow I was deep impressed and feel relieved. I understand why this "schock" was necessary for me.

I still have a deep respect but I overcome the schock with the help of you and "someone" in the DMT realm.
The "schock" opened a new level and eliminated a lot of personal obstacles.


Ram Dazz
^^^ I recognize something about the integration. When I said it turned into an asset it was a bit like your process: that the 'happening' gets a role or meaning. The unfolding of that roll in my case took a long time, but I wasn't hunting for it. The meaning became a multitude by now, or one can say the meaning transforms also.
Jees said:
^^^ I recognize something about the integration. When I said it turned into an asset it was a bit like your process: that the 'happening' gets a role or meaning. The unfolding of that roll in my case took a long time, but I wasn't hunting for it. The meaning became a multitude by now, or one can say the meaning transforms also.

Hi Jees,

could you elaborate this? Sorry, but my englisch are skills are far away from perfect.

today I learned something about how professionals (Neurolgen, Psycholgen) are handling Trauma or Schock.
They recommend a recall of that Trauma/Schock and then you should connect positive situations with that bad
experience. Over the time the brain will remember the Trauma/Schock with a positive attitude.

Crazy, I'm my brain but also my brain has to learn new behavior from me?!?!
Ram Dazz said:
...could you elaborate this? ...
I'll just summarize that we share finding way for the hard experience to become meaningful somehow. That time does not erase but gives it a perspective. An ongoing process, more viewpoints arise over time....
Ram Dazz said:

today I learned something about how professionals (Neurolgen, Psycholgen) are handling Trauma or Schock.
They recommend a recall of that Trauma/Schock and then you should connect positive situations with that bad
experience. Over the time the brain will remember the Trauma/Schock with a positive attitude.

Crazy, I'm my brain but also my brain has to learn new behavior from me?!?!

Hello, Ram!

I can't say I have had a similar experience, although, I have had my fair share of panic filled journeys. I feel as though you are on the right path with thought assimilation. This experience should be a humbling reminder and a positive one at that. The good thing about your scenario is you know what mistake was made and who made it. Now its time to sit back, listen to yourself, learn from yourself and teach yourself... if that makes sense. I have very little concern for your future endeavors as I feel you are in the correct headspace and willing to learn from this instead of blaming it.

Good luck for future journeys, I hope to hear soon of your strengthened relationship with this amazing molecule!

your wishes come true...thanks a lot.
It's a little bit like a real love story, after some heavy hassle my trust in DMT is deeper then before.
The experiences with DMT reached a new level, I had a blockade in me and now I can also feel the DMT realm (not only see it!). Also I better recall the experiences.

Even if I would have a horror trip with DMT, I know it is good for my education (BTW, I'm not
a masochist).

Hava a nice day...

P.s. I don't dare to tell my experiences...they are not from this world.
Ram Dazz said:

your wishes come true...thanks a lot.
It's a little bit like a real love story, after some heavy hassle my trust in DMT is deeper then before.
The experiences with DMT reached a new level, I had a blockade in me and now I can also feel the DMT realm (not only see it!). Also I better recall the experiences.

Even if I would have a horror trip with DMT, I know it is good for my education (BTW, I'm not
a masochist).

Hava a nice day...

P.s. I don't dare to tell my experiences...they are not from this world.

Good to hear brother!

As alien as your journies may sound and feel, I'm sure everyone on here would love to hear about at least one! :)
I've said before that you really find yourself at a different place with DMT once you have an experience that makes you want to flush every last scrap of it down the toilet and never do it again.
Things really start to get interesting after this happens if you choose to continue with it.
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