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After some solo experimentation I would like to check in with those more experienced.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have been experimenting and researching DMT for the past few months. After much trial and error I seem to have a good vaping technique using a mini Henny machine. My experience is not quite on par with a lot of what I have read and I just want to make sure that he is not missing something obvious.

note: My interest in DMT is spiritual

Question 1: When using the machine with a 50mg dose I take a long slow draw and usually takes the entire dose in one hit I sometimes gets a little more out of a second hit but it is often gone in one hit. This is contrary to the 3 hit or hit until you can't method so often described. I am not comfortable putting more in the machine because this amount makes his world fall apart. Why am I able to get all the dose in one hit when the general consensus is it takes 3? I am an ultra marathoner and may have a different lung capacity then most people.

Question 2: I hace gone through 1.5 grams without realizing that it is helpful to close your eyes to see the other world. I took some mega doses eyes open and without a doubt had some breakthrough experiences. Spice is no joke. Having trouble keeping my eyes closed I starting using a sleep mask. The first attempt with 50mg yesterday freaked me out and I ended up ripping the mask off while the world was unrecognizable... I was shaken.

Today, I did a lot of meditation and reading about some Catholic mystics before going back. I was very nervous but went in for another 50mg. This time the experience was good. There were no closed eye visuals to speak of. However, there was the undeniable presence of two loving beings guiding/carrying, (carrying is too harsh of word, more like he was floating and they embracing) him through an out of body experience. They would calm him and remind him to use his mantra when the anxiety would escalate. This was new territory.

The question is, though this was a profound experience, is it common not to have vivid CEV's associated with this kind of experience? It seems that CEVs would have been overwhelming and maybe they will come later. There were still very strong OEV after I returned to my body and removed the mask.

Thank you all for any input and thank you for being here.
This is very interesting. Based purely on the effects you describe, I'd say the experience leans more toward 5-MeO-DMT rather than N,N-DMT, particularly the lack of visuals. However, 50 mg of 5-MeO-DMT would be absolutely absurd, as it is known to be much more potent than N,N-DMT (up to 4 to 6 times as potent according to some). If I had to wager a guess, your smoking technique is likely not very efficient. With actual N,N-DMT, at 50 mg your visual field should be consumed with blinding geometries and fractals, or other universes and entities. DO NOT just put more DMT in your device, if you accidentally do correctly vaporize it that could lead to a way more intense trip than you expected. Try to find another vaporization method and try a smaller amount just in case you vaporize it correctly and get the full effects. You can look up other methods right here on the DMT-Nexus, as well as advice on what an N,N-DMT trip should generally feel like and what dosages to start with.
That seems like a reasonable theory. However this is known to be a Mimosa extraction. With eyes open the visual field is consumed with blinding geometries and fractals. There has also been experiences during other sessions with CEV without the mask though the eyes never stayed closed for long.

I was wondering, as far as the CEVs go, would the total blackness of the blindfold diminish the visuals? Another explanation could be that I didn't hold the vapor in long enough. I was pretty nervous after my previous experience with the blindfold.

That being said. This has been the only vaporization method tried. There would be benefit to trying another method.
Really despite the old posts, there is no need to SWIM here.

Being able to get it all in a single toke is better than three if you can manage it. Be sure to hold it in as long as you can.

Definitely experiment with different methods of administration, find what works best for you.

The blindfold question is interesting, having smoked in totally dark rooms I wouldn't expect that blindfold would be responsible for lack of visuals, but it sounds like a worthy experiment. Try smoking with and without it while controlling all other variables and report back what happens. :thumb_up:

It won't always be a highly visual experience particularly when used frequently. Try not to hold too many expectations about what it's supposed to do and be sure to take time to integrate and gain what you can from each experience before proceeding to the next one.

Best of luck 😁

I fixed the swimming. Sorry, thought that was the format after reading a lot of posts in that format. Also, thank you for the great response. I will let this experience integrate for a little while and attempt again using some of your suggestions. I will post back.

I do realize that I stopped short of the 50 mg dose during the experience mentioned above. I went back and vaporized the remainder and still had enough for a medium trip.

In the mean time if anyone else has input please share.

Thank you
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