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Sublingual Ayahuasca Journey #57 (5-20-2022)

Post #421 on page 22 with several pics Journal: 50 Sublingual | <span style="frontcolor:pink !Important ;">High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron)</span> | DMT Ayahuasca journeys over a years time - Pharmahuasca - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus Yesterday 5-20-2022, at 3pm, I used 300mg pure THH orally 45 minutes before, then 30mg harmine mixed with 120mg dmt all on a single spoon with (30 x 7 = 210mg HPBCD) + (120 x 7 = 840mg HPBCD) = 1050mg total HPBCD mixed and crushed back and forth on the spoon for 2 minutes using the end of another spoon with 10 drops boiling hot water, placed bottom side of tongue onto spoon, it all adhered as HPBCD forms sticky complexes, studies show HPBCD complexed freebase drugs increase absorption sublingually x 400 percent, held under tongue for 15 minutes, viewed incredible CEV's for 1 hour...

....this time the geometries skipped and went straight to realistic visions: I viewed incredibly beautiful women morphing into other beautiful women, all neon colored, these women changed into nearly 20 different women, completely naked and with animated face changes, infinite beauty, mind blowing CEV's...like the most incredible cartoon renderings of the most beautiful women, they even had geometric swirling pastels on the surface of their bodies...completely blown away. I usually use this at least once a week, just incredible. When I say animated, these women smiled and blew kisses and moved into all different positions...like watching a movie. They made intimate eye contact and communicated via physical motions. This was a +5 Shulgin level experience, this felt like direct communication and receiving of important artistic creative feelings and insights into the feminine domain.

I recorded this journey as one of the most visual of my entire life, never have I seen an hour's worth of beautiful women morphing into other women, with swirling geometric pastel patterns on their naked bodies, communicating physically, this is an artist's dream come true, way beyond 4k, visual detail astounding. I had headphones on, and the music sounded as if I had taken a strong bridgesii cactus tea (18" of bridgesii or around 500mg of mescaline), profound music enhancement, just heavenly, powerful spiritual insights, infinite open eyed beauty and neon colors splashed on all the walls, very powerful experience, it was so strong I started to feel the sublingual harmine/dmt starting to work in only 10 minutes, incredible blast off, lasted 1.5 hour with very strong trip, with 1 full hour of powerful closed eye visions as stated above. Zero nausea, zero dizziness, zero anxiety, fast comeup, had not used THH or DMT in two weeks, this may explain the powerful realistic visions.

The harmine and dmt needs to be taken mixed together and held under tongue at the EXACT SAME TIME, just as the Shaman's do for the most powerful experience, the harmine also helps masks the mild sting of the HPBCD DMT, it is actually comfortable under the tongue, and the sting becomes extremely mild with the harmine helping to mask.

For me, with every sublingual Ayahuasca journey, a higher level of consciousness is awake at one with being, beyond thought and the mind: the realization that all the things that truly matter - the spiritual, beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace - arise from beyond the mind, each journey awakens me and teaches me how to access this level of consiousness in everyday practice, to be the observer of the thinker, to rise above thought, a sense of stillness and peace, to be fully present in the moment, to feel the subtle emanation of joy arising from deep within: the joy of Being.

Pics for welcome guests (post #10): https://mycotopia.net/topic/111790-...bcd-dmt-ayahuasca-journeys-over-a-years-time/

Pic1: top to bottom: 300mg pure white tetrahydroharmine (THH) taken orally x 45 minutes before, 30mg harmine freebase, 120mg DMT freebase, 1050mg total HPBCD to complex the harmine (30mg harmine x 7 = 210mg HPBCD + 120mg dmt x 7 = 840mg HPBCD, total = 1050mg HPBCD) in 10 drops boiling hot water from a nearby coffee mug all on a single spoon.

Pic2: 30mg harmine + 120mg DMT + 1050mg HPBCD all getting ready to be mixed and mashed together on a single spoon for 2 minutes using 10 drops boiling hot water from a nearby microwaved coffee mug. Also shown at top: 300mg pure white THH in a weigher which was taken orally x 45 minutes before hand.

Pic3: This is the 30mg harmine + 120mg DMT + 1050mg HPBCD all mixed together for 2 minutes in 10 drops boiling hot water, mixed and mashed it hard back and forth using muscles, this is how scientist prepare these complexes, by kneading...then held lighter 1" away under spoon for 20 seconds, then mixed contents x 10 seconds more after light heating...this light heating guarantees the final complexing of all the ingredients, then placed tongue onto spoon, it all adhered, held for 15 minutes in sublingual mucosa, started to work strongly in only 10 minutes. Took 300mg pure tetrahydroharmine or THH orally 45 minutes before beginning the sublingual. This resulted in +5 Shulgin level life changing strength journey, extremely visual & music enhancing.


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Many thanks for an amazing post and great discussion. I am currently in the process of doing my first caapi brew and followed the recipe. As always some questions popped up during the process. Maybe someone can chime in and help me out here.

1) Ph: in the recipe it is suggested that 1 tablespoon of white vinegar per liter water should be enough to get to the desired ph values of around 2.5-4. The first 3h brew I simply followed the tablespoon suggestion but for the second brew I figured I test the ph with some litmus paper. Doing that I found that I actually had to add around 4 tablespoons vinegar (8%) per liter to get to a ph of around 4. Am I getting/doing something wrong here? (Also more generally: if people talk of white vinegar they never specify a concentration - what is it that we are talking about - 5%, 8%, 25%?)

2) Filtering: it says to filter through a cotton shirt after each 3h brew. When doing this a lot of ‘sludge’ gets stuck in the shirt. How do you guys get that stuff back into the brew? I guess the idea here is to exactly catch this fine material and brew it again, right? I tried to scrape the shirt with a spoon, but can only get a little out.

3) I did not have time to do all three brews in one day. So I am doing them on consecutive days. I am wondering whether it makes sense to - after each 3h brew - keep the caapi in the water until I do the next 3h brew. Sort of giving it another 24 hour cold soak after each 3 hour cooking. Or is this somehow counterproductive?

Many thanks for your help and sorry if these questions come off as noob, I searched a lot of threads on the topic and these were never really answered.
The OP stated many interesting things, but I got real hung up on “there is nothing entertaining about this medicine”
Hmmm, hard disagree there.
Done great info in there tho
@bodymechanics I think it's really important to keep that statement withing the entire context to really understand what she means.

*Ayahuasca is not a recreational drug: Ayahuasca is serious, sacred, soul medicine and should be respected as such. There is nothing entertaining about the experience, and the rigorous self-examination that results from ingestion is the polar opposite of escapism. On the other hand, many people have experienced a renewed spirituality, connection to life, freedom from depression, creative insights, inspiration, and guidance that can only be described as "from above."

It seems she means in the sense in which we use many other psychedelics (mushrooms, LSD, DMT, etc), you wouldn't, say, go to a festival on Aya, because of the nature and spirit of the experience and the plant medicines that provide it.

While I haven't done Aya, I have done pharma, and in virtue of that being of kindred "spirits" of the entheogenic plant medicines, I'd have to agree with her on this one for the most part. But that's just me 😁

One love
@bodymechanics I think it's really important to keep that statement withing the entire context to really understand what she means.

It seems she means in the sense in which we use many other psychedelics (mushrooms, LSD, DMT, etc), you wouldn't, say, go to a festival on Aya, because of the nature and spirit of the experience and the plant medicines that provide it.

While I haven't done Aya, I have done pharma, and in virtue of that being of kindred "spirits" of the entheogenic plant medicines, I'd have to agree with her on this one for the most part. But that's just me 😁

One love
I guess I just take it for granted, the obvious knowledge.
I’m not trying to comfort people taking aya at a fucking festival.
I trip at home with purpose. Especially when trying to “go there”
Nevertheless I’m <exceedingly> highly entertained weather it’s aya or pharma.
All I’m saying.
The op doesn’t even get to the cool stuff without some weird vibe as if this shit ain’t entertaining.
Sorry maybe new here, but WTF, aya oharma, dmt, is THE MOST entertaining thing i can think of 🤦
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