Thanks for putting this up. A nice, and simple way, to figgure out how much, of what kind.
The first time I ever smoked salvia.. it was 20x, and, like usual, I just packed a big ol bowl of it. Turned into a photograph for a little while. Couldn't move, or I'd rip
my whole reality apart.
And that, was only the teeny bit I remembered.
I came back, and felt like complete death for the next 48hrs. It felt like every single hangover from anything that's ever been made, ever, put together. And in my head.
I've finally built the courage to get back in there, and see what salvia's all about, and this, will help me immensly. I already know.
No more bowl full, 200mg+ I suppose, at 20x.
No wonder why I never wanted to even think about the word salvia ever again.
Thanks again! :thumb_up: