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Aloha to the Nexus!!!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Aloha, Hello, Hallo, Ciao, Salaam , And Namaste to all alchemists, explorers, wanderers, and wonderers. I am super Grateful to have stumbled upon such a treasure trove of wisdom. Anecdotes abound filled with lessons from the other side and shared freely for all seekers of truth and beauty. I have lurked around this cyberspace oasis for many a year now and gleamed much from the walls of the cave. After imbibing so much I feel it is now time I join the band and hopefully offer something to someone somewhere in the form of inspiration or wisdom or perhaps a good laugh. As a yout' I got lost in the muck and quagmire of my mind consuming any substance that might offer some freaking golf shoes to get me outta there. Nothing but trouble came for many years but it twas trouble which would set me free. As I sat in the dungeons of the department of justice I was able to finally access and understand many of the lessons the deep dark places of mind were trying to teach me during much of that time in the muck. Much was lost with time and taken by the fog as it was lifted but I had gained the deepest respect for some of these substances; while some became total allies in the great battle to stay on the tight rope between the dark and the light. I now feel like it is time for me to officially join your entheogenic cyberworld and I enthusiastically look forward to becoming more involved in this community of kindred spirits, giving what I can, and sustainably harvesting anything the garden of the nexus sows and grows. In antecessum, I humbly thank every one of you for allowing me to join your family and the administrators who make it all possible.
Forever Grateful & Gratefully Deadicated
-SolomonsMarbles :thumb_up: ...Peace
I was listening to a lil Europe 72, stumbled across your post - lo AND behold! Steady as she goes on the tightrope friend:thumb_up:
It seems as though you'll fit in quite well here SolomonsMarbles...

Welcome! Enjoy the Nexus!

And keep on being Grateful!

There's nothing much better than being Grateful.:thumb_up:
Look at that...Feeling right at home already. And in cyberspace taboot. Never got into any forums but this one is different. There seems to be a level of respect I don't see elsewhere. Nothing like it. Nothing like Europe '72s raging rocking blues psychedelia either. I might just have to throw on Vol 2 right meow.😉 Muchos Gracias to my nuevos amigos for the warm welcome. Its cool to see some peoples close to home; and from the international community as well. All around the world people seeketh truth and the nexus is proof!

...And ethaneum, i liked the "steady as she goes..." line. where did it come from? lol I think I might have to put that in song.
SolomonsMarbles said:
Look at that...Feeling right at home already. And in cyberspace taboot. Never got into any forums but this one is different. There seems to be a level of respect I don't see elsewhere. Nothing like it. Nothing like Europe '72s raging rocking blues psychedelia either. I might just have to throw on Vol 2 right meow.😉 Muchos Gracias to my nuevos amigos for the warm welcome. Its cool to see some peoples close to home; and from the international community as well. All around the world people seeketh truth and the nexus is proof!

...And ethaneum, i liked the "steady as she goes..." line. where did it come from? lol I think I might have to put that in song.

Hi and welcome :d
KloudQ7 said:
Aloha! Nice to see you here. I wonder if we know each other 😁

HaHa... I don't know but now you have me wondering too. Is my language that telling? Maybe I should move some prepositions around or something.
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