Hello, I would like to bounce a few ideas of off you and get your feedback.
1. What would happen to SPICE placed in water which was heated above the vaporization temperature of SPICE; in this case let's suppose 70celcius? This leads to questions of placing a certain amount of SPICE in the smallest amount of water, heating the water and inhaling the steam/vapor. Or using some sort of nebulizing device on a sufficiently heated amount of SPICE and water.
2. Place SPICE in thin walled glass receptacle, for example a properly prepared light bulb. Using some apparatus submerge bottom 1/8th of bulb into 70celcius water ,prepare to capture vaporizing substance. With a small amount of imagination one could construct a stable devise of this description fairly easily.
Any idea on why either of these are not done? In regards to number 1 I can also imagine some sort of ultra fine suspension being inhaled a la asthma puffer after atomization via any simple atomizing spray nozzle. In regards to number 2, this just seems like a very simple way to maintain a sub combustion temperature in the vaporizing chamber, perhaps you have done this gentle reader?
I appreciate your responses,
Thank You
1. What would happen to SPICE placed in water which was heated above the vaporization temperature of SPICE; in this case let's suppose 70celcius? This leads to questions of placing a certain amount of SPICE in the smallest amount of water, heating the water and inhaling the steam/vapor. Or using some sort of nebulizing device on a sufficiently heated amount of SPICE and water.
2. Place SPICE in thin walled glass receptacle, for example a properly prepared light bulb. Using some apparatus submerge bottom 1/8th of bulb into 70celcius water ,prepare to capture vaporizing substance. With a small amount of imagination one could construct a stable devise of this description fairly easily.
Any idea on why either of these are not done? In regards to number 1 I can also imagine some sort of ultra fine suspension being inhaled a la asthma puffer after atomization via any simple atomizing spray nozzle. In regards to number 2, this just seems like a very simple way to maintain a sub combustion temperature in the vaporizing chamber, perhaps you have done this gentle reader?
I appreciate your responses,
Thank You