Rising Star
MrM asked about this subject so I thought I'd share what my cat has been up to this past month.Its only preliminary and incomplete; he's using Mim sludge that has been pulled 5 times with good results, abandoned at fifth which yielded mimnimal amount. Odourless kerosene aka bbq lighter fluid: cat performed a sixth pull on a portion of the soup, soup and solvent were both heated.On freezing he was suprised to see white material precip out, espesc. as he considered the solution spent.Sadly, despite several cool/freeze cycles, was unable to filter out.Poss a lot to do with the minimal quantity involved, but also he thinks to d with the viscosity of the solvent.That pull is still drying.Although OK drys totally clean, it really takes its time, lie evaporating sand.The evaporaion dishes is starting to form clean crstal though, and the jars used, which were left to dry had minimal spice residues and the naughty but nice aroma
I'm thinking this stuff could prove useful where a salting out stage s to be used, also- because of the cleanness and lack of colour picked up, might prove useful- using a minimal amount and plenty of patience- as a recrystalisation solvent.Guess the slow evap rate could be a bit of a boon there. White spirit: being a mean old pussy cat, he looked up white spirit.Apparently its a mixture of saturated aliphatic and alicyclic C7-C12 hydrocarbons, with 25% of C7-C12 alkyl aromatic hydro carbons.Pussy tells me he's been interested by reports of 'jungle' spice but, being a cat, doesn't want to shell out on pricey-here- toluene.Being a cat, he dosent know much about chemistry but told me' Its aromatics you need to pull that putative substance, right?'Anyhow, he leisurely doing white spirit pulls on his sludge, and the pull he has evaporated does look like the pictures.He tells me its psycoactivity is unknown, doesnt have enough to work with yet, but he tells me he thinks the solvent is promising.