Infinite I
I was wondering if anyone has any experience of these, what they think of them? advice etc. A friend of mines has recently acquired a few kilos and he said I can have as many as I like, good friend!
Ive only ever tried 5g of them in the past, had a very calming effect but with some stomach problems. As a lot are available I will be able to experiment in different ways. We made tea the last time making sure the water didnt reach boiling point, I read lots about them this time last year but forget all the info
now I have more to experiement with so hopefully the info will stick with me this time.
Can you smoke the skins? Whats folks preferred preparations? I was thinking of powdering them all so you get a decent mix as Ive heard the potency varys greatly, if they were powdered then maybe it would be a balanced potency. Advice, reports, tips appreciated cheers.

Ive only ever tried 5g of them in the past, had a very calming effect but with some stomach problems. As a lot are available I will be able to experiment in different ways. We made tea the last time making sure the water didnt reach boiling point, I read lots about them this time last year but forget all the info
Can you smoke the skins? Whats folks preferred preparations? I was thinking of powdering them all so you get a decent mix as Ive heard the potency varys greatly, if they were powdered then maybe it would be a balanced potency. Advice, reports, tips appreciated cheers.