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ammonia or soda water?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
what is the best solution to use to clean the crystals after flitering them out of the freezer? should i use Ammonia or Soda Water?

also where can i get the ammonia im looking for a picture of it but cant find one please help
Ace Hardware sells janitorial strength ammonia. this should work. Swim's never heard of soda water being used, although he goes out of to avoid having to wash... It would be interesting to know if it actually worked, given safetiness.
Just a suggestion, but you could try re-ABing from your solvent + dmt solution and then freeze precipitate. The product will be clean enough that you don't need the ammonia wash (and hence the additional losses)
yea well i used nomads tek and it worked good i froze for a day or more then put through a coffe filter and got power and crystals i even smoked some i could taste the bad shit though.... lye? ruined it for me but i did go somewhere for a short 10 seconds and started seeing alot a visuals after i came back only lasted about 2 mins? but yea i got all these cyrstals now just need to find the best way to clean them. i dont think i have enough to recrystalize only used 22 grams of mhrb.

yea also the ammonia what does it say on the bottle? can i get it at home depo? is there another thread the explains the way of cleaning the spice, cant seem to find one

what does reabbing mean? sorry haha
I don't remember exactly the amounts but i'm pretty sure you could lose easily 10% of your crystal with even a chilled ammonia wash.
If i were you i'd do this:

1. dissolve your crystal in 100mL room temperature Naptha
2. do three 50mL pulls using white vinegar, combine the vinegar pulls
3. warm up the vinegar and 150mL Naptha
4. do three 50mL pulls using the warm Naptha, combine the naptha pulls
5. freeze precipitate from the Naptha

If done well there will be little to no loss of your crystal and it'll be a lot whiter.
Just keep in mind that the spice will never taste totally smooth, it'll always be at least a little harsh

How are you smoking it?

Another suggestion, say you've got 200mg of crystal, weigh up an equal amount of Mullein.
Put your mullein and crystal in a small glass and pour enough acetone or IPA or denatured alcohol in there to just cover it all. Swirl it around a little and leave it for a few days to evaporate to dryness, smoke this in a bong or a long travel glass pipe

I know i keep pushing this enhanced leaf shit :d but honestly I don't know how anyone can handle the smoke of pure crystal. Like this it is smooth, fragrant, convenient, pleasurable blah blah

Can you put up a pic of your crystal?
Noman said:
What Coschi said.
Or go with recrystalization.
So many people have problems with that damn wash I'm just not going to recommend it anymore.
Another thing one could do is to wash the NP with a slightly basic solution before evaping or precipitating.

If you first put your crystals in an air tight container and put it in the freezer and leave it over night (my freezer wouldn't need that long though) and leave the ammonia in the freezer as well and then do the wash with both products extremely cold, wouldn't this eliminate a lot of error where people are washing away their Spice?
when u say (2. do three 50mL pulls using white vinegar, combine the vinegar pulls) what do u mean by pulls? filter? or do u mean suck up the vineger with a baster? does vineger float too? and when u say (5. freeze precipitate from the Naptha) do u mean freeze it like in nomads tek and then filter?

smokeing it: freebase out of tinfoil? lol is there a better way i dont want it to get sucked in my bowl, i was useing a light bulb once too. when i light it, it turn into liquid and then gets smaller and smokes as of right now i cant get a pic cause i got it at another location but ill put one on this thread tomarrow. but some of it was powdery and then some was crystal looking as well (shiny).

also the chunks that were all over the bottom and sides that looked a little dirtier yellowish

im not really worried about it being smooth it acutally didnt taste that bad as it is now just made my lips feel weird and i felt like i smoked a little bit of lye or something, trip felt dirty. do u even need to clean it, is it that bad for u?

i got some more mhrb on the way gona get more so i can have more to work with
yeah sorry i should clarify
firstly by pulls i mean add the vinegar to your Naptha+spice solution, swirl heaps and then separate (non-polar ie Naptha in this case will always float on top of polar). This will convert your freebase spice into dmt.acetate which being a salt, will migrate into your polar layer ie vinegar

then you can separate, discard your naptha which contains some oils and no dmt and work with your vinegar+spice solution. It's a non-polar discard i guess which in most teks is never actually done by any means (non-polar defat as seen in QTs tek is kind of equivalent, but imo this is more clever)

anyway to that vinegar+spice solution you should basify again (i left that out in the original suggestion) and extract with Naptha. This time there's less plant non-polars coming into your final product

fuck tinfoil man
so heat up naptha, dump the spice in there, then add vineger. and the lye with go into the vineger and u extract the naptha in an empty jar, and put in freezer again then filter and it should be clean, is that what u mean? also does it matter how much vineger you use?

Those dirty lye-eater teks ! What are they good for, huh ..!? they force you to 'wash'.. recrystalize ... even do the extra steps of A-B'ing again - that's a bonus, eh..?! Why bother trying to extract dmt by lye-eater tek anyways..?@!and lose yeild..!?

Just do it right in the first place. The yeild from acid-base teks, using the correct pH's, is pure and needs no washing - pure dmt, always... 0.7 - 0.9% weight of MHRB used
The problem is this El Ka Bong:

Say you cook your bark in acidic water (or even worse a straight-to-base method), what you have is an acidic water + spice + plant oils solution (plant oils, even though non-polar will migrate into the polar layer because of the heat.)

Then you do your Naptha/Shellite pulls and freeze precip from there.
You'll find your alkaloids + OILS will crash out (and if you evap your even worse off)

But by letting your Naptha/Shellite + Alks + oils cool, and then washing/pulling with acidic water AGAIN will this time leave the plant oils behind in the solvent (non-polar) and only Alks + Spice in the polar layer (vinegar in this case)

From there, perform your second basification, extract again with your solvent and you'll have solvent + freebase spice + minimal plant oils (if none at all)

For the cost of the extra base the ultra-pure product is by far worth the effort 😉

BUT This may not be so applicable in MH rootbark, but in acacia trunk bark or working with leaf IMO this strategy is most definitely the way to go
lol! im useing mhrb so.... will the vineger trick work or should i just use ammonia, went to home depo no janitor type... guess i got order it caue the closest ace hardware is an hour away lol o well.... sucks to order tho cause cemicals cost more in shipping :p
here i'll make it easy for you :D (and correct this time!)

1. Take your spice and dissolve it in some hot Naptha (1gram/100mL)
2. let this cool to room temperature
3. Add some room temp vinegar to this Naptha and DON'T shake too hard because you'll get some hardass emulsions, just swirl gently for a good aount of time. Let the layers separate and put the vinegar (bottom) in a separate jar. If you have 100mL Naptha then use 50mL vinegar
4. Repeat step 3 two more times, combine your vinegar washes/pulls/extracts
5. Now basify your vinegar, you want to push the pH up around 13. A suggestion on this step: basify the vinegar in the same container you are going to do step 6 in. When you basify your clear looking vinegar you'll suddenly see a lot of freebase spice floating around, if you then pour this into the container to be used for step 6 you'll lose a whole lot of spice as you won't be able to pour it all out.
6. Heat up your vinegar and some clean Naptha, around 50 deg C is fine. Add 50mL of Naptha (assuming you have 150mL of vinegar), mix well and let separate. Keep your Naptha
7. Repeat step six two more times, combine your final Naptha pulls and freeze precipitate for a very clean product.

But anyway dude if you're using MHRB, seeing Noman's or Marsofold's tek on that shows some pretty clean spice anyway.. but doesn't hurt to make it cleaner :)
yea i used nomans tek :) i just didnt recrystalize, but what u say dude seems alot easier considering getting ammonia is proveing to be hard. vineger is easier to get:)

i do have a question once the spice is clean is it still gonna taste like im smokeing chemicals?

when u say bastify are u saying mix a base in the vineger (lye) wouldnt that dirty the spice again, or is vineger a base itself? i dont have a ph tester haha (sorry im such a noob at this and have so many questions) thanks for all ur info tho i appriciate it
Recrystallisation is a method of purification and growing crystals, but honestly i think if purification is what you're after than (at least regarding spice) the method i mention above is more sure

The spice is still going to taste chemically, afterall it is a chemical, but hopefully it'll taste a little less tarry, planty, etc.. whatever the adulterants were shall hopefully be gone

That's why i suggesting blending the spice with leaf as it can somewhat mask the dmt taste (not altogether but you wouldn't want that either.. would you eat a spoon of instant coffee or rather mix it with water, milk, and sugar?) Plus it provides for a convenient (and inconspicuous) smoking medium

Yes what i say basify i mean add base/lye/sodium hydroxide/NaOH to the vinegar.
The spice wasn't dirty from the base, it was dirty from the plant
Vinegar is an acid, lye is the base 😉
damn thats a RELIEF lol i thought i was smokeing lye during the (smokeing session least now i know my lungs weren't being chemicaly burned from lye... in my head i was like damn them crystals look like lye crystals. and thought some to be lye and some to be dmt. do u know like a formula like in nomans tek he is like use this and times it by how ever much ur useing? i mean for the lye/vineger (bastify) trick your explaining.

ps i know this is a bit wierd but me and my friends smoked like whole peaces of bark all night one night hehe.... thats why i was thinking it was lye, it tasted alot different... Well..... i guess there was some on the staw (Crystals) from me useing the straw to move the lye maybe there was some crystal on the egde where my mouth was sucking but... my lip felt really wierd like i got lye on it didnt hurt at first just felt wierd and it was only on a small section of my lip, thought so cuase that night my lip stung like all night? hehe guess it wasnt lye tho if was u say is true. theres no way base can be in the final product(lye)?
""""That's why i suggesting blending the spice with leaf as it can somewhat mask the dmt taste (not altogether but you wouldn't want that either.. would you eat a spoon of instant coffee or rather mix it with water, milk, and sugar?) Plus it provides for a convenient (and inconspicuous) smoking medium""""

yea i just read some info on that sounds pretty gona find out where to order some.
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