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Amyl Nitrate for Enhanced Leaf/Changa?

Migrated topic.


I'm having problems sourcing Ethanol and Isopropyl Alcohol.

I'm not too sure about using Acetone either.

As much as I hate Amyl Nitrate, would It be safe enough to use in the leaf preperation. I only ask because its readily available and somewhat cheap compaired to the likes of Ethyl Alcohol, which was £140 per ltr or slightly cheaper if I bought 25 ltr lol.
Does Amyl Nitrate leave any trace behind when it evaporates? I wouldn't want any nasties left behind in my lovely changa.
... also if anyone knows of an ultra clean alternative to any of the mentioned above, that'd save a whole lot of troubles tracking down sources.

Much obliged.
I dont know a lot about Acetone to be honest. I had a quick look at a bottle of nail varnish remover and It contained a whole bunch of other toxic chemicals. Obviously is wasn't 95% - 100% Acetone, but all the brands available had other chemicals in them.

Amyl nitrate seems to evaporate without trace, and is cheap and easy enough to get hold of. I just dont know if is going to taint my leaf or cause me harm when I smoke it.
Dude, acetone works just fine, dont buy the nail varnish remover one, nothing with color in it.

Go to the chemist and ask him for pure acetone, not the pink/blue one for nails.
They were all pretty much the same man, even the ones with clear bottles. I must have treked round half a dosen chemists and couldn't find any that only contained Acetone or Acetone and aqua.
I'll have a look about the super markets tomorrow to see if the stock it... other than that Im lost.
I needed a prescription to get hold of the rubbing alcohol too lol, nightmare!
Should Probably add that I reside in the UK and customs hammer us on duty tax. Im not sure about secondary alcohols like Isopropyl though.. Prolly the same.

... anyway, regardless, would the amyl work and be safe? Obviously I'd be evaporating it outdoors.
Umm, did you see the links I provided?? Im not sure if using Amyl Nitrate is good, try and report back if you want.

I just dont understand why you wont use household acetone from the chemist, I get mine in the UK. All links provided are UK based.
I wouldn't pay any duty on that then SF? You're from the UK too man aye?

Thanks for the help lads, appreciated!

... Cheers Soulfood always a pleasure sir :)
gammagore said:
Umm, did you see the links I provided?? Im not sure if using Amyl Nitrate is good, try and report back if you want.

I just dont understand why you wont use household acetone from the chemist, I get mine in the UK. All links provided are UK based.

yea I clocked those links after I posted my reply after yours if that makes sense lol. Im just rubbish a typing mate.
Cheers bro!
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