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An experience through weed?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
One night, SWIM had a few bongs before SWIM went to bed, SWIM laid in bed listening to music ( specifically Pink Floyd) and when SWIM closed his eyes colors came to SWIM and patterns, and at some points it was like SWIM was floating , but the more deeper in, SWIMS body started to shake a bit and drew SWIM back to consciousness. Is it possible that SWIM was on the path of a DMT trip ?
Do you really need to swim 9 times when you're just talkin' about ganja?

And no, that's not possible.

You were stoned.

Welcome to the DMT Nexus!
Hello and welcome!

Cannabis can be intense and visual if someone pays attention. I had similar experience several times. I saw swirling colors, very detailed fargile fractal pictures.

In my opinion, Cannabis is underestimated and frequently abused similarly as Salvia.
If you didnt didnt do any DMT then there is no DMT trip.
Although by the sound of your description, ie the vibrations/shaking body, sounds like you were on the verge of an OBE.
Last week I had a couple of hours break from work at lunch, so I went to the park and laid down on my back while listening to porcupine tree with my eyes closed. Many, many visions appeared, almost like my eyes weren't closed at all. This happens lots when I'm in bed also and I have to open my eyes just to make sure they were actually closed. I guess that's meditation, although when I try to do it delberately, I can't. Often if can be way more visual than DMT and makes a lot more sense :)
Whether one was on the path of a DMT trip, it's not really my place to say. Strange things can happen in that wonderful inbetween stage of being awake and being asleep, throw weed in the mix and maybe something may happen.

Soulman and soulfood both made very good points. It is possible you were on one the verge of an OBE, or maybe you reached some kind of meditative state. Whatever happened to you may have been totally natural, just helped along by the weed, and not solely down to the weed itself.


From a regular smoker of cannabis to another partaker of the herb, I too have been noticing increased OEVs and CEVs before bed when I've smoked and am in bed with the lights off. This comes at a time when my DMT use has been around weekly or so and I have cut back on my weed smoking both in frequency and volume. I definitely think that there is some link between the two, I'd never experienced anything like this until I first used the spice for an extended period of time. I notice there are certain periods of time where these visuals are more pronounced and it almost always seems to coincide with my DMT use. It's like a much tamer, more enjoyable version of an acid afterglow when you smoke weed. It's like the jeweled chrysanthemum is dancing faintly in front of my eyes or on the backs of my eyelids, beckoning me into sleeping consciousness. There's none of the DMT feelings or anything, just the unquestionably DMT-style visuals.
I think that it can feel tryptaminish becasue when you smoke cannabis the brain releases large ammounts the tryptamine melatonin...and remember, cannabis IS a psychedelic...no need for DMT to come into the mix really unless you smoke so much that you have massive tolerancy. This happens to me as well.
Yea, connection between MJ and melatonin has interested me for quite a while...more so once I found out that exogenous DMT causes melatonin and other pineal chemicals to be released...

Also, with the DMTish visuals on weed, I really feel like DMT is a primer somehow, allowing your cannabis-induced psychedelic state to take on certain "remembered" or experienced aspects of the DMT to a degree. IMO, it's akin to seeing the "invisible tracers" of peganum harmala (or caapi, or maybe plant MAOIs in general?) a day or two after use.
Before using psycadelics I would have to say no, Cannabis cannot be visual, only mentally psycadelic.

After using quite a few psycadelics in my life I find that mj brings back the visuals of prior psycadelic experiences. This might just be mj producing HPPD (which I had for a while after heavy use).
Cannabis can definitely produce OEVs and CEVs, although chronic smokers may find it hard to get to this level without edibles. Anyone who doubts that pot is a true hallucinogen needs to make a plate of special brownies with like a half ounce of buds. Cut the pan into 9 squares, and if two brownies doesn't have you stuck to the couch and slack-jawed then SWIM will eat my hat

At a time when I was smoking regularly, it came to a point where, come bedtime, I'd see things on the back of my phosphenes, images within the clouds so to speak. Sometimes I could make out places, such as the living room etc, othertimes it would look like silhoutes of people, it was quite distrubing actually. Sometimes I would have to open my eyes to check that they were closed because, laying in the dark, it was sometimes hard to distinguish.

I stopped smoking because I figured out that it was the weed that was causing sleep paralysis for me. I don;t know how much anyone knows about sleep paralysis, but the first time it happened I was laying in bed just drifting off, next thing I know my mom comes into my room and sits on my bed and starts talking to me, it was then that I sensed that it wasn't my mom, but an imposter! At that moment I turned to look at my mom and instead saw a 7ft cloaked figure (think sterotypical 'death') and it throw my blanket over my head. At that moment I felt a number of hands start pushing me through the bed and down...down....down, I can openly describe it as though I was being pushed down to hell, thats what it felt like.

Next thing I know I shoot up out of bed - I was in the exact same position as before the weird stuff starting happening, albeit I was covered in sweat. I was just like WTF was that?? The shocking thing about it was how seamless the transition was. Anyways, I had other experiences after that which involved things sitting on my back, voices whispering as if they were right by my ear etc etc. The point I'm trying to make is that I certainly think some people can be receptive to the hallucinogenic effects of cannabis and things like the OP described can occur.

It virtually stopped once I stopped smoking, the only other time it happens is when I am severely sleep deprived.

Methtical said:

At a time when I was smoking regularly, it came to a point where, come bedtime, I'd see things on the back of my phosphenes, images within the clouds so to speak. Sometimes I could make out places, such as the living room etc, othertimes it would look like silhoutes of people, it was quite distrubing actually. Sometimes I would have to open my eyes to check that they were closed because, laying in the dark, it was sometimes hard to distinguish.

I stopped smoking because I figured out that it was the weed that was causing sleep paralysis for me. I don;t know how much anyone knows about sleep paralysis, but the first time it happened I was laying in bed just drifting off, next thing I know my mom comes into my room and sits on my bed and starts talking to me, it was then that I sensed that it wasn't my mom, but an imposter! At that moment I turned to look at my mom and instead saw a 7ft cloaked figure (think sterotypical 'death') and it throw my blanket over my head. At that moment I felt a number of hands start pushing me through the bed and down...down....down, I can openly describe it as though I was being pushed down to hell, thats what it felt like.

Next thing I know I shoot up out of bed - I was in the exact same position as before the weird stuff starting happening, albeit I was covered in sweat. I was just like WTF was that?? The shocking thing about it was how seamless the transition was. Anyways, I had other experiences after that which involved things sitting on my back, voices whispering as if they were right by my ear etc etc. The point I'm trying to make is that I certainly think some people can be receptive to the hallucinogenic effects of cannabis and things like the OP described can occur.

It virtually stopped once I stopped smoking, the only other time it happens is when I am severely sleep deprived.


Damn bru, that sounds like some dark shit.
I had a similar experience once (not weed related though). I was asleep, but heard some small kids running down the door and burst into my room. They wer saying things like "get him" and laughing mischieviously. I was fighting will all my might to wake up, and when I did, i sat bolt upright and shouted out, only to find that obviously no one was there.

As scary as it can be sometimes, i kinda wish i would get SP more often as it is the perfect state for OBE i.e mind awake, body asleep. Once you realise your in SP, take some long slow breaths and you will begin to leave your body
I get sleep paralysis alot, had it my whole life..I can relate to those beings you speak of...some of them I think are evil. I have all kinds of things done to me while paralysed..it can be horrible..it feels like they are sucking your sould away..I have seen those little "greys" a few times..I hate them. I wish I get ahold of one of those things...

But I have also had angelic like beings come and perform energy work on me..I think paralysis just opens us up to the other spectrums around us..sometimes the benifical guys are there..sometimes the opposite..

I dunno why our brains would make this tuff up..I used to think it might be subconcious stuff being processed, but not so much these days..
First off sorry for the amount of times i used SWIM, i do not know how to use it correctly , secondly thanks for all the replies , so when having an out of body experience what else psychical happens beside shaking ?
۩ said:
Do you really need to swim 9 times when you're just talkin' about ganja?

And no, that's not possible.

You were stoned.

Welcome to the DMT Nexus!

I too find it a bit annoying, also when it's not just about weed.
I undesrtand that SWIM is used for legal issues, but to be honest, i don't believe using SWIM will make any difference.

Especially not when that same SWIM is posting pictures of SWIMS harvest.

But on topic, i'd say no, if the weed was not enriched by DMT you were probably just stoned, although, when being stoned it's sometimes possible to recollect some trip experiences, but that's not the same thing i guess.

Chupang said:
First off sorry for the amount of times i used SWIM, i do not know how to use it correctly , secondly thanks for all the replies , so when having an out of body experience what else psychical happens beside shaking ?

It's not an obligation you know, you can do fine without it. :)

Methical WTF, that sounds crazy, i hope your'e fine now.
Chupang said:
One night, SWIM had a few bongs before SWIM went to bed, SWIM laid in bed listening to music ( specifically Pink Floyd) and when SWIM closed his eyes colors came to SWIM and patterns, and at some points it was like SWIM was floating , but the more deeper in, SWIMS body started to shake a bit and drew SWIM back to consciousness. Is it possible that SWIM was on the path of a DMT trip ?

No, wait for the endogenous DMT experience. After waking up, You can almost feel the glittering of the spice. Already happened to me!
Yeah I'm fine now thanks, like I said I figured out it was teh weed that was causing it, so cut that out and then everything back to normal, except in cases where say, I might go out friday and saturday night drinking and not get back till like 3 in the morning both nights, alcohol I believe disturbs true REM sleep, so you are not well rested under these circumstances. You can bet your ass that come Sunday night I'll be having an unpleasent time.

The first few times it happened, I honestly thought I was going mental, I didn;t tell anyone about it in case they thought I was crazy, it was rather worrying to say the least. By pure chance I came across a group on facebook about Sleep Paralysis and wow, was I relieved to find I werent the only one! It all made sense then, and after reading up on it further, I knew I wasn't going psycho! This still doesn't make it any more pleasent I might add, because although your mind is awake, you are completely paralysed and cannot do anything but be at the mercy of what is taking place.

It's also interesting at the same time as Fractal said, the fact that other people mention the same visions and experiences is very interesting (much like DMT I suppose). There are reports dating back to the 1600's where it was called "The Old Hag", and I can understand why a few old ladies might have got themselves thrown on the bonfire given the superstitions of the time.

I'm just glad I found out mine had a stimulus, there are people that have had it all their lives and get it most nights, I would absolutely hate that, I feel really bad for those people as it must make them dread bedtime every night.

Another interesting thing is that I could always sense when it was going to occur, even before sleep, just lying there I could tell it was going to happen, very hard to describe, but soething in me would 'know' that I was going to be in for a tough time.

Crazy days.

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