Rising Star
Hello everyone!
A couple of days ago me and a friend made an ayahuasca analouge by making a brew from 20 grams Mimosa Hostilis root bark and 2 pills with 500mg syrian rue extract in each pill (equivalent to 5 grams syrian rue each). We then took one pill each, waited until we felt effects from the rue, and then drank half the mimosa brew each.
Now, I had a great trip with all the effects one would expect from this dosage, however, my friend felt absolutely nothing except from some nausea after the initial ingestion. I find this really strange since we both consumed the MAOI and the Mimosa brew at the same time, and at the same dosage. Neither of us purged during the whole experience, and both had an empty stomach before ingestion. Does anyone know how this is possible?
A couple of days ago me and a friend made an ayahuasca analouge by making a brew from 20 grams Mimosa Hostilis root bark and 2 pills with 500mg syrian rue extract in each pill (equivalent to 5 grams syrian rue each). We then took one pill each, waited until we felt effects from the rue, and then drank half the mimosa brew each.
Now, I had a great trip with all the effects one would expect from this dosage, however, my friend felt absolutely nothing except from some nausea after the initial ingestion. I find this really strange since we both consumed the MAOI and the Mimosa brew at the same time, and at the same dosage. Neither of us purged during the whole experience, and both had an empty stomach before ingestion. Does anyone know how this is possible?