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Anahuasca not working

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello everyone!

A couple of days ago me and a friend made an ayahuasca analouge by making a brew from 20 grams Mimosa Hostilis root bark and 2 pills with 500mg syrian rue extract in each pill (equivalent to 5 grams syrian rue each). We then took one pill each, waited until we felt effects from the rue, and then drank half the mimosa brew each.

Now, I had a great trip with all the effects one would expect from this dosage, however, my friend felt absolutely nothing except from some nausea after the initial ingestion. I find this really strange since we both consumed the MAOI and the Mimosa brew at the same time, and at the same dosage. Neither of us purged during the whole experience, and both had an empty stomach before ingestion. Does anyone know how this is possible?
If you didnt make the syrian rue extract yourself then that's probably the problem. A lot of bunk Syrian extracts going around right now. You're better off making a tea... You do realize everyone has different tolerances to drug's. You're probably sensitive to DMT like me. It doesn't take me much to cross over.
I'm pretty sure the extract isn't the problem, we both felt the effects from the rue before drinking the Mimosa brew and it's from a trusted vendor. It might have something to do with individual tolerance, but 10 grams of Mimosa is a pretty decent dose and I'm usually not very sensitive at all when it comes to DMT. Even if my friend has a very high tolerance they still should've felt at least something, don't you think?
No one on this thing knows the quality of your plants so how is anyone supposed to answer your question :lol: . You can't talk about venders on the nexus.
Its possible you both took the rue too long before the MHRB and he regenerated his gastric MAO enzymes faster than you.
If you prefer to have the rue producing its effects in your blood before you take the DMT [as some people do] perhaps you could take half that rue dose early, then dissolve the second half in water and chug it down 5-10 minutes before taking the MHRB. That way the rue will be hitting your blood and your MAO simultaneously.

You have my sympathies when you drink rue the alks, its flavor always makes me uncontrollably shiver, but it'll hit that MAO nice and hard.
Granted you did a reasonable job with your MHRB brew(sounds like you did), RIMA, as is often the case was likely the issue. Even with a rue extract, 500mg/pill(cap?), sounds a little generous on estimated cap potency. People vary widely on RIMA requirements. Often a pre-dose accompanied by a bit more WITH the DMT source is helpful. Also a small fatty snack(to stimulate gall bladder emptying) around 60min after brew can be stimulating.

Kajlian said:
Hello everyone!

A couple of days ago me and a friend made an ayahuasca analouge by making a brew from 20 grams Mimosa Hostilis root bark and 2 pills with 500mg syrian rue extract in each pill (equivalent to 5 grams syrian rue each). We then took one pill each, waited until we felt effects from the rue, and then drank half the mimosa brew each.

Now, I had a great trip with all the effects one would expect from this dosage, however, my friend felt absolutely nothing except from some nausea after the initial ingestion. I find this really strange since we both consumed the MAOI and the Mimosa brew at the same time, and at the same dosage. Neither of us purged during the whole experience, and both had an empty stomach before ingestion. Does anyone know how this is possible?

Judging by your dosage i would say your materials or your preparation is way off somewhere.

250mg of rue alkaloids & 5g MHRB is typically considered to be the higher end for both substances. Anything higher if prepared correctly should be extremely intense.
concombres said:
Kajlian said:
Hello everyone!

A couple of days ago me and a friend made an ayahuasca analouge by making a brew from 20 grams Mimosa Hostilis root bark and 2 pills with 500mg syrian rue extract in each pill (equivalent to 5 grams syrian rue each). We then took one pill each, waited until we felt effects from the rue, and then drank half the mimosa brew each.

Now, I had a great trip with all the effects one would expect from this dosage, however, my friend felt absolutely nothing except from some nausea after the initial ingestion. I find this really strange since we both consumed the MAOI and the Mimosa brew at the same time, and at the same dosage. Neither of us purged during the whole experience, and both had an empty stomach before ingestion. Does anyone know how this is possible?

Judging by your dosage i would say your materials or your preparation is way off somewhere.

250mg of rue alkaloids & 5g MHRB is typically considered to be the higher end for both substances. Anything higher if prepared correctly should be extremely intense.

It was extreamly intense, but only for me and not for my friend
Elrik said:
Its possible you both took the rue too long before the MHRB and he regenerated his gastric MAO enzymes faster than you.
If you prefer to have the rue producing its effects in your blood before you take the DMT [as some people do] perhaps you could take half that rue dose early, then dissolve the second half in water and chug it down 5-10 minutes before taking the MHRB. That way the rue will be hitting your blood and your MAO simultaneously.

You have my sympathies when you drink rue the alks, its flavor always makes me uncontrollably shiver, but it'll hit that MAO nice and hard.

That sounds like it could be the reason, but we only waited around 30 minutes after taking the rue until we drank the mimosa brew. Next time we'll try to maybe take 2 doses of rue and take the second one with the Mimosa.
Don't forget a bit of peanut butter or cheese @T60-90min. Your pal might be "surprised"!
BTW, please relate your MHRB, brewing/filtering/reducing, tek. I'm always interested in preps.

Legarto Rey said:
Don't forget a bit of peanut butter or cheese @T60-90min. Your pal might be "surprised"!
BTW, please relate your MHRB, brewing/filtering/reducing, tek. I'm always interested in preps.


Well the tek I use is really simple, I add ascorbic acid to a pot of water until PH reaches around 4-5, then I add the (powdered) MHRB and bring the mixture up to a light boil while stirring, when it starts to boil I immediately lower the heat until it's just simmering, then I let it sit for an hour. After an hour I filter out the powder, usually with a broken T-shirt or something similar, add the liquid to a pot, and then I repeat the process with the powder again. After the second wash I add the liquids together and let them simmer down to a drinkable amount. I usually cool down the brew when it's done because I find it easier to drink cold.
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