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And we have blast off... Finally!

Migrated topic.


First a little background, short and brief... Long history of drug (and substance) experimentation (23 years maybe?) Bouts with the killers (crack, meth, opiates, and alcohol) and managed to get away from them... Rediscovered mushrooms after I "gew up", and due to a seemingly stupid situation at the time, ended up alone after eating a good bit... I had the most spectacularly insightful experience I'd ever had to that point of my life... I spent the next year gradually increasing doses to delve deeper and deeper each time. I had heard about DMT years ago, and not sure where the idea manifested recently, but I had a calling to it! So I spent the next month researching experiences, pharmacology, extraction, safety etc... I had my mind made up, "I'm supposed to be a shaman! I'm supposed to be a mycologist, an ethnobotonist, a pharmocologist! Im supposed to be a voice!" It hit me like a ton of bricks! So I set out on the good mission of acquiring the tools of the trade (so to speak)... First extraction went well , ended up with a few different consistencies and colors, and had something to get my feet wet with... After trying to vape a measured dose several times, and only getting some mild visual distortion, and mushroom-like ingenuity, I decided to invest in ever
yone's favorite comercial piece, to ensure proper technique... I thought also that maybe the negative and stigmatic air of an oil burner had on my soul (due to bad experiences with meth) might be effecting my progress (don't feel as though I was burning it, was never harsh) so I went to the only place you can get those things, and also acquired some harmala extract. I wasn't real pleased when yet another measured (heavy) dose failed, but I recieved a message, I cant decern if it was english or emotion; I dont remember the words of a voice but the message was clear: a subtle, almost motherly reassuring "just wait". Then the harmala came... I have had some intense and often confusingly complex trips before, and expected a step up, so I was very let down, and went into the first harmala-potentiated experiment with no expectation, and almost already given up... Nothing I'd ever experienced had prepared me for what came next...
The First Flash
I loaded the harmala first, 40mg, and trying not to burn it, used most of the first hit heating the Genie... The end of the first, and the entirety of the second toke produced a thick, but smooth froth , and I held it , eyes closed... My anxiety melted and I felt reassured... As I exhaled, a wave of euphoria crashed over me from inside... As I caught my breathe and adjusted to my new psychic environment, I could physically feel my pineal gland awakening, I loaded the genie a second time, this time with the spirit molocule I'd had little success with. I knew this time was going to be different, I was ready, and so 3 monster tokes later I lean back, turned out I was NOT ready, but was I going anyway! the realitively dull and obscure triangular and square patterns of my harmala-induced awakening (CEV's) quickly conveluted into something very strange. As the complex sacred geometric lattice of casuistry enveloped my vision, I felt a warmth come over my skull as it opened above me and I slowly rose into what felt like a field of light. I felt overwhelmed with a resonate frequerncy,as the portal I was passing through rotated around me ,I could see what favored the genie's head, in multitudes, spinning around the threshold ,as if to be holding it open with their minds... "Fancy decoration" I thought... the further I passed through the gateway, the less and less of my boundaries I could feel; until my body exploded into a cool gas, and I dicipated. This was terrifying, and very disorienting... At first... Once I ran through diagnostics, "breathing, pulse, ok" I realized I WAS the sound! Such high frequency that I tore "reality" apart. I was in a vast and complex architectural structure that felt both ancient and far advanced. Fractaling domes, and hallways that stretch as far as i could feel them. Then I was in what felt like a planetarium, big "energy glass" dome , the entire space was spinning, I could see a marble statue around the edge of the frame, and as I peaked around I could only get a feel for it's figure , and the hologram in front if it, as if it were studying. The hologram was a sundial, with an analog clock, and a digital clock central the face... The time on the sundial ran slow,where as anolog was much faster, and digital faster still. The ambient light was very blue in tone, as my focus shifted to the center of the room where my energy was drawn through some sort of phase modulation (not even sure what that means, just what I'm calling it) where I sat with a ball in a bowl... the ball had eyes all over that were very cartoonish, and folded in on themselves with infinite depth ... I felt a darkness fall over me, as i felt drawn to this object, and finally gathering the wit and courage to look, my perspective shifted to standing over this child holding a ball in a bowl, turning to look up at me, I WAS the darkness as well. A void appears in the left field of vision, the sillouhette of a face looking down into an unlit doorway, very ominous but intriguing... Already overwhelmed with the experience, I decided that it would be something to explore at a later time. The right field of vision which had felt warm up to this point started to gain definition as I drew my focus away from the void, There stood a huge figure, distending from the profile of an elephant's face, wise, bearded... Old man Rue perhaps? Very majestic, holding out an arm with a shimmering translucent veil; a planet (dont think it was earth) protected behind him... His presence struck me with such awe that I could only weap, "Was this God?" I'd come so far to make contact with an entity of some sort, I had so many questions, and yet, I couldnt speak... I felt to humble to speak... I started to feel very strange again, as I could feel my body precipitate back to solid state, I felt the gateway close, the geometric lattice work folded me and reality back together, and I was back, but I had been back home. As strange as it was, It was so familiar... None of this is real!
Awesome trip report I !!!

Thank you far sharing. Sounds like you had yourself a darn good glimpse at the hyperspatial realms...So, welcome to the club.

You might find, as I have, that with time and experience, travels to the hyperspatial realms actually engender many more questions than they ever do answers, but IMHO this is the Big Cosmic Joke and it is very healing to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

One tip though, with your writing style (which is eloquent & very well thought-out BTW), try and space out your narratives into paragraphs so that the reader isn't faced with a massive wall of text. It just makes it a little easier, thus more enjoyable, to read and not so daunting looking to some who are turned off by "walls of text" (I am not one of those, but I know there are many among us).

Otherwise, keep up the good work. Keep on the good path. Safe travels and...

Be kind to yourself!:thumb_up:
Doc Buxin said:
Awesome trip report I !!!

Thank you far sharing. Sounds like you had yourself a darn good glimpse at the hyperspatial realms...So, welcome to the club.

You might find, as I have, that with time and experience, travels to the hyperspatial realms actually engender many more questions than they ever do answers, but IMHO this is the Big Cosmic Joke and it is very healing to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

One tip though, with your writing style (which is eloquent & very well thought-out BTW), try and space out your narratives into paragraphs so that the reader isn't faced with a massive wall of text. It just makes it a little easier, thus more enjoyable, to read and not so daunting looking to some who are turned off by "walls of text" (I am not one of those, but I know there are many among us).

Otherwise, keep up the good work. Keep on the good path. Safe travels and...

Be kind to yourself!:thumb_up:
Thx Doc! (If I can call you Doc)... I actually typed it out in word pad, and copy/pasted... it WAS in paragraph format (was being operative) I guess the format didn't carry over... I know what you mean about the wall off text though, funny how that works... Same body of literature, but seemingly more organized and easier tho follow with just some strategic spacing... will be writing up a second report either later tonight, our sometime tmrw... haven't had time last week, and busy this evening brewing ayahuasca for Sunday session with a close friend. Look forward to looking you up lol
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