First of all a big hello and hi to you all
Okay I haven't tried any of the teks jet.. But I have tried the acid/base extraction a couple of times in chemistry, so okay here's my question: Wouln't it be possible to get a higher yeld if one used polar solvents like Toluen (methylbenzen) and Xylen (para/ortho/meta-dimethylbenzen)? And it's possible to get these chemicals (in all EU I think) because they are used as thinner, and can be bought in a paintshop. But sometimes have to be destilled. Okay and a quickie VM&P Naphta is a composition of medium length carbonhydrids (CHx-CHx-CHx-CHx-) where x is 1,2 or 3 and - is single, double or trible bonds? We do not have VM&P Napta so I'm trying to find the danish equivalent... And great forum you have