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Antidepressants psychedelics interactions thread?

I think it will be useful if there's a special place/thread just for antidepressants interaction with other drugs. Something like this

Antidepressants and psychedelics
1.1 SSRI + LSD
1.3 SSRI + 5MeO-DMT
2.1 ...
Seems like a great harm reduction effort, but potentially very difficult, as not all pharmaceutical SSRIs/MAOIs/Benzos/otherwise are identical.

There is an existing resource with many drug combinations here.

I also like this infographic chart:

If there is a particular drug combination you are worried about, ask away.

Safe travels 🤍
I have done almost everything while on SSRI (sertraline) but i'm a bit afraid with DMT and 5 MeO-DMT. I've done it but i dont dare taking larger doses to have a breakthrough
I have done almost everything while on SSRI (sertraline) but i'm a bit afraid with DMT and 5 MeO-DMT. I've done it but i dont dare taking larger doses to have a breakthrough

My understanding is that combining only pharmceutical SSRIs with only DMT or 5-MeO-DMT is relatively safe. However, the SSRI/SNRI's presence may make it more difficult for you to have a meaningful or intense experience. Many anecdotal reports indicate that individuals taking SSRIs/SNRIs need an increased dose for most tryptamines to be effective. You may need an abnormally high dose to reach your desired effects while taking those medications.

There is a study regarding the interaction between psilocybin and SSRIs here. Psilocybin is not DMT, but I could not locate a study published on the effects of your substance combination in question. As psilocybin and DMT are both tryptamines, this resource may be of some value to you.
My understanding is that combining only pharmceutical SSRIs with only DMT or 5-MeO-DMT is relatively safe. However, the SSRI/SNRI's presence may make it more difficult for you to have a meaningful or intense experience. Many anecdotal reports indicate that individuals taking SSRIs/SNRIs need an increased dose for most tryptamines to be effective. You may need an abnormally high dose to reach your desired effects while taking those medications.

There is a study regarding the interaction between psilocybin and SSRIs here. Psilocybin is not DMT, but I could not locate a study published on the effects of your substance combination in question. As psilocybin and DMT are both tryptamines, this resource may be of some value to you.
I just did 60mg freebase of NN-DMT and I was kinda out, I don't remember anything, and time passed quickly. I'm only a bit worried about the fact that I have these 'head twitches'. I don't know if it is a relatively common thing or is it really a warning sign?
I just did 60mg freebase of NN-DMT and I was kinda out, I don't remember anything, and time passed quickly. I'm only a bit worried about the fact that I have these 'head twitches'. I don't know if it is a relatively common thing or is it really a warning sign?
With your limited description it’s hard to know exactly what you are experiencing, but mild twitching and vocalization during high dose DMT use is normal for some people. Twitching after a DMT experience is not normal. If it feels like a warning sign, I would take it as such.

It would be helpful if you could include as many details about your experience as possible; perhaps someone more knowledgeable than myself can offer you better insights. Did you extract the DMT yourself?

I’m not a doctor - I’m using the resources available here on the Nexus, google, and my own experiences to answer your questions. It seems from my point of view that you are having some concerning side effects, and are seeking reassurance that it is okay to continue. Your level of personal concern seems high, again, from my limited point of view, and based on that perception, I would encourage you to discontinue your use of DMT until you feel confident in your own safety.
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Secret Sleeper,

Welcome to the Nexus and hey man, thank you for making a donation.

I am not a doctor and don't know anything about your medication other than you identify it as an SSRI. I guess I'll stick with the obvious and what I know.

It is important to NEVER do oral DMT doses, avoid ayahuasca, pharma and admixtures/analogues. Oral activation of DMT requires an MAOI and those do not combine safely with SSRI's.

The twitching - could it be the shakes? I used to come out of trances from vaping fat doses fast and hard and for a minute or two I'd have all over body shakes. It would fade quickly and was simply a response to the sheer intensity of the experiences.

I would encourage folks to err on the side of safety/caution. If in doubt, don't. Live to trip another day. Live to trip when you are old. Hehe it's actually kind of cool.
5-MeO has some MAOI properties as well as a CYP metabolic interaction, which is the type of thing that takes a case-by-case appraisal depending on the exact antidepressant substance involved (as well, possibly, as certain dietary factors and even individual genetic variations) so in my view a good deal of caution is advised for that one. The safety profile just isn't quite as forgiving as for plain N,N-DMT.
With your limited description it’s hard to know exactly what you are experiencing, but mild twitching and vocalization during high dose DMT use is normal for some people. Twitching after a DMT experience is not normal. If it feels like a warning sign, I would take it as such.

It would be helpful if you could include as many details about your experience as possible; perhaps someone more knowledgeable than myself can offer you better insights. Did you extract the DMT yourself?

I’m not a doctor - I’m using the resources available here on the Nexus, google, and my own experiences to answer your questions. It seems from my point of view that you are having some concerning side effects, and are seeking reassurance that it is okay to continue. Your level of personal concern seems high, again, from my limited point of view, and based on that perception, I would encourage you to discontinue your use of DMT until you feel confident in your own safety.
(sorry I don't know how to delete these boxes with your answers in it in my answer :p )
Okey so, a bit more of explenation.

I'm already 3 years on SSRI (medium dosage Sertraline, back to 50 mg). I planned to not do any drugs with it, but yeh... meanwhile I combined everything with it: a lot of ketamine, LSD, THC, mushrooms, and 5MeO and NN-dmt i guess..?

So, now about the DMT. Since I can't find anyone here to provide me with it, I did an extraction. I'm studying chemistry so a lot of things were relevant for me. First batch failed, but after that one I could harvest some nice yellow and white powder/crystals (depending on method). I'm pretty sure it's quiet pure and there is no nafta or something left. So my method is freebasing DMT through a glass pipe, just the oldschool style i guess. I'm thinking of investing in a vape later on, maybe.

I've tried couple of times to take as many hits of NN-dmt to have a breakthrough with no succes. Only got very distorted visuals, audio hallucinations etc... not scary but not really nice or something. Yesterday I realized I had to use a tortch lighter and not a regular one. (what a difference!) Also, since I'm on SSRI, I took a bit more than the normal dose for breakthrough: 60 mg. My Girflriend lighted it and in one (!) big hit I took everything. She asked if I wanted another one but I couldn't. (Afterwards, I saw there was nothing left so it was a very big hit.) So after the hit, I closed my eyes and actually, I don't remember anything from that moment until 8 minutes later. But i felt very calm when 'waking up'. I remeber on lower doses i didnt fell so calm when coming down. Also, my girlfriend told me I was smiling couple of times and i seemed very happy. So it seems I was pretty conscious? Anyway, I don't remember anything so I can't tell if I had a breakthrough or not.

Now, the thing is i'm a bit worried about these twitches and 'the shakes' as you call it. Maybe i'm confusing these two. But even before the whole DMT thing, I had these twitches already, but without the twitch, if that's a thing. It also comes with a very high pitched sound, like the sound if you are yawning, or the tv which isn't connected. It feels like you lose control for a fraction of second. Not pleasant, but also not a big problem since it's subtle.
But while on DMT (my gf said) I had these twitches and sort of spasms, also when i was coming down. And the effect of 'losing control for a fraction of a second', those feelings happened again, but more amplified and also had longer duration.
Now, i'll do some research about the 'the shakes'. Also, I was scared in the beginning, but i think i'm not really that scared anymore. And yes, you are damn right... I'm very inpatient. I know I should'nt... but it's stronger than myself. I'm looking to find something more... I've also recently quit taking ketamine on a regular basis and I wanna get into self-improvement things. I actually have done a lot of this self-improvement things but it's a bit with ups and downs. I just think i could really benefit opening up my mind. In fact, when I took 5 MeO, I was able to think very clearly about 'myself', not with my drug craving brain, just more objective. And it really helped me so far. So i thought NN-dmt could also offer me something special, maybe. I'm actually interested in dmt for sooo long. And since I just have laying it around, home made, it's really tempting to not wait.

hehe, thanks guys. love.
Hm, would the term 'brain-zaps' be at all useful to furthering your understanding, perhaps?

It's a straightforward observation that you're using 2 - 3 times the normal effective dose of DMT, on account of the refractory effect of the sertraline. Do you have a plan for tapering off that medication? It would be great to be able to openly discuss with one's doctor the possibility of trialling the antidepressant action of DMT in absence of SSRI side-effects. (That would be a rare thing, sadly.)

Twitching and grunting are fairly commonplace during times of deeper surrender to the psychedelic experience, and it may look odd to the uninitiated. However, you need to be aware of the possibility of seizures that arises from use of SSRIs. DMT could act as a trigger so I would be very wary of pushing the dose any higher.
but tbf in that case one patient had recovered from organophosphate poisoning, and the following article suggests sertraline may slightly reduce the risk of seizures:
and another report finds the effect of sertraline inconclusive wrt seizures:

It looks like it very much depends on the person in question, and you should consult a medical practitioner if you have any additional concerns.
"Hypnic jerk" could be another useful term:
SSRI induced hypnic jerks: A case series

There's a fair amount of accounts
to be found in the medical literature linking sertraline with seizure-like side effects, but a lot of the cases mentioned here seemed complicated:

Again, just what I've found with a little searching and definitely not intended as medical advice.
Haven't read all of these, so sorry if I repeat some information.

Avoid aya or pharma while on SSRIs. The MAOIs in these (harmalas, also known as beta-carbolines, and are RIMAs) can have contraindications that can lead to hypertension. If I recall, it can also lead to serotonin syndrome under the right circumstances.

I'll have to hunt around, but there was a study that came out sharing that people on anti-depressants seemed to get better relief from symptoms after also doing DMT. In that way, it can be a win-win.

As far as I am aware, 5-meo should also be avoided while on antidepressants, and should also be avoided when using harmalas.

In general, while on these med, avoid harmalas.

One love
I think it will be useful if there's a special place/thread just for antidepressants interaction with other drugs. Something like this

Antidepressants and psychedelics
1.1 SSRI + LSD
1.3 SSRI + 5MeO-DMT
2.1 ...
I was on generic Bupropion which is an atypical antidepressant (NDRI) for a few years. This is of course extremely anecdotal, but I'll list every drug-drug interaction I've noticed:

Nicotine: Significant dulling
Caffeine: Mild tolerance decrease
Alcohol: Moderate tolerance decrease
Weed: Moderate tolerance decrease
Cocaine: Extreme tolerance decrease
Ketamine: No effect
Salvia: No effect
MDMA: No effect (Possible mild enhancement, not enough experience to say)
Psilocybin: Mild Enhancement
LSD: Mild Enhancement
4-ACO-DMT: Horrible migraine the day after tripping, only experienced that while on WB. Possibly contained MAOIs as well.
MAOI: No experience, however they are never prescribed together as they increase seizure threshold and blood pressure.

Let me know if you'd like me to elaborate on any of these.
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