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Any Good Temperate Zone Ayahuasca Plants - Desmanthus Info?

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As the title says. Are there any good temperate zone Ayahuasca plants? By "good" I mean having primarily or only DMT with little to no 5Meo-DMT. I'm familiar with Phalaris.

I grew Desmanthus illinoensis in my garden some years ago. After a while, it started coming up in my yard. For years I have mowed around a couple plants and it has volunteered in a few other places where I have also tried to preserve it. I am presently harvesting seeds and trying to get it going at my lady friend's house as well. I have heard it is not a good Ayahuasca plant, but what the hell... I might help it become native to an area outside of it's traditional range.

So, are there any other plants I could play with growing outside In Ohio which might be better candidates for Ayahuasca? Not extraction as yet, just decent Ayahuasca plants. Also, any new news on Desmanthus?

I found the leptolobus much harder to get established, it actually died in my garden. It's a thought, but you want a prolific plant when harvesting root bark.
I don't know if Desmanthus illinoensis is good for brews or not.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desmanthus_illinoensis#Chemistry said:
Root bark of D. illinoensis has been found to contain N,N-DMT, NMT, N-hydroxy-N-methyltryptamine, 2-hydroxy-N-methyltryptamine, and gramine (toxic).
The article does mention that it's used for aya analogues.
I have never seen good information about gramine toxicity in humans.

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gramin said:
Gramine is harmful to grazing animals like eg. sheep, whereas it has only low toxicity in mice and rats.
A table with a bit more concrete information about the mice and rats can be found here.

Of course this doesn't really allow to conclude anything for humans one way or the other. Caution is certainly advised.

Anyway, if you were to extract from the Desmanthus root bark using naphtha, you would get rid of the gramine - i don't know about the other alkaloids though. You'd also get an upper bound of how much DMT your specific plants contain (at the time and conditions of harvest), and you could send some of the extract to analysis to learn about the constituents and their ratios.

I just googled 'ohio climate' and i have no ideas for other plants that might survive your winters outside. I hope others do, as i'm in a similar situation in Switzerland. My region has relatively mild winters, but still too cold for the most popular DMT plants. So far I'm simply growing a bunch of plants in pots and bringing them inside for winter.

One species that might survive your winter outdoors is Delosperma cooperi, but it is certainly less of a candidate for anahuasca than the Desmanthus. Delosperma cooperi - Advanced/Enhanced chemistry - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus is an old but interesting thread about D. cooperi.
I want to throw Acacia phlebophylla in here. It was considered endangered but I think that this plant made it out of the endangered area into the gardens. I saw seeds sold from Spain and Australia. It is a bit hard to grow from seeds but when cared the right way it seems to grow nicely in temperate climate. Mine are not really big so far, but they do fine.

Leptolobus grows just fine in central europe. In the winters when keeping outside many die when it is going under -10 Celsius but some survive but die back and sprout again in spring. Had success in pots and direct soil. Seeds are available.
I want to throw Acacia phlebophylla in here. It was considered endangered but I think that this plant made it out of the endangered area into the gardens. I saw seeds sold from Spain and Australia. It is a bit hard to grow from seeds but when cared the right way it seems to grow nicely in temperate climate. Mine are not really big so far, but they do fine.

Leptolobus grows just fine in central europe. In the winters when keeping outside many die when it is going under -10 Celsius but some survive but die back and sprout again in spring. Had success in pots and direct soil. Seeds are available.
I had one Desmanthus leptolobus and I did notice it seemed less cold hardy. Died the first winter. I think it got colder in the winter more consistently back then, but we still have the more rare cold snap. It hovered near -10c last winter a couple times and it was a mild winter. Do the ones that survive seem to do that consistently? Like they are genetically more predisposed? How about the Acacia phlebophylla? What kind of cold has it survived? Message me come fall and I'll send some illinoensis seeds.
Phlebophylla grows in the snow on a mountain call Mt Buffalo it's the only place it's found in the wild. It can get down to -8 with snow fall and averages about 72 days below -0c and 122 days below 2c. It is fairly cold hardy. However I believe other acacias have potential to survive colder. Acacian can testify to this. I believe his flouribundas have done -10. - -12c.
Phlebophylla grows in the snow on a mountain call Mt Buffalo it's the only place it's found in the wild. It can get down to -8 with snow fall and averages about 72 days below -0c and 122 days below 2c. It is fairly cold hardy. However I believe other acacias have potential to survive colder. Acacian can testify to this. I believe his flouribundas have done -10. - -12c.
And, below -10c isn't unusual here in a normal winter. Seems I'm on the borderline. I'm going to have to give those a try next summer, though.
Psychotria nexus might be a good option. My viridis have survived -2C a few nights and churches here have it in the open so easily handle -5C. -10C it may have some damage but I doubt it'll die completely maybe just some damage. If you plant dense the microclimate will protect them.
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