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Any guesses? Extracting from Ayahuasca sludge

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have a small amount of kind of thick, nasty looking black sludge that I Have. It's supposed to contain B.Caapi and P.Viridis. I've been gaining some familiarity with Q21Q21's Vinegar/Lime process for DMT extraction and also with extracting Harmalas.

What I'd like to know is:

If there's any THH in this material, will it be extracted with the basing and salting method?

Will the DMT also make its way into the Harmalas if I use the above process?
starway7 said:
B Caapi is known to contain THH...how much im not shure... but in reasonable amounts...

But does it have enough to provide a beautyful [[acacia]]...tincher...expEARiance? I bet its heavenly. just heavenly :twisted:
concombres said:
starway7 said:
B Caapi is known to contain THH...how much im not shure... but in reasonable amounts...

But does it have enough to provide a beautyful [[acacia]]...tincher...expEARiance? I bet its heavenly. just heavenly :twisted:

The natural THH found in ..B Caapi...works quite well.. for the natives in south america..there are lots of videos of peruvians and other south american countrys using B Caapi with natural DMT containing plants...

I dont know why real THH is so hard to find? the easiest way is use caapi vine..
starway7 said:
concombres said:
starway7 said:
B Caapi is known to contain THH...how much im not shure... but in reasonable amounts...

But does it have enough to provide a beautyful [[acacia]]...tincher...expEARiance? I bet its heavenly. just heavenly :twisted:

The natural THH found in ..B Caapi...works quite well.. for the natives in south america..there are lots of videos of peruvians and other south american countrys using B Caapi with natural DMT containing plants...

I dont know why real THH is so hard to find? the easiest way is use caapi vine..

I was making a little bit of a joke there about them calling you a 69ron puppet starway sorry :lol:
All in good fun.

I believe that not all strains of caapi have THH. There is a real good old thread around here somewhere where endlesness and possibly some others analyzed caapi extract from different vine types with gc/ms.

I think the high THH strains are somewhat rare and typically prized by those growing them so don't make it to vendors often. I may be wrong but i do recall seeing some labwork done on santo daime brews that confirmed prescense of THH so the shamans and churches do seem to have a method even without modern analytical equipment.

Getting natural THH may require some lab testing and knowing who to ask. If i was in a climate that i could grow caapi in i would do the legwork and make cuttings available freely but unfortunately it gets too cold here in the winter months.
endlessness said:
Give me until end of august and you guys will see a lot more analysis on caapi and other plants, and will be way more thorough and high quality compared to my older analysis

Thankyou endlessness. You never fail to impress. :thumb_up:
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