Thanks a lot, my dearest colleagues! :lol: Firsts they are the most brave and adventureous usualy 
What I think (and this opinion is based on numerous experiences, and it's totally subjective, that's for sure!) is that it's not a question of a "proper dosage". :roll: I can remember experiences with different substances included, in which so called breakthrough appeared to move you oh-so-far-away on a much smaller quantity of stuff than it was supposed. And a huge dose didn't guarantee anything except a necessity to be at your best awareness 
My intuition says it has some bonds with a state (or possibly a pocess?) I can describe as something-that-forms-before-intent. Yeah, I am focussing on intent not only before or while tripping, that's what bringing the most extraordinary trips, too, but I have feeling that SOMETHING is involved before the forming of a (life-)dream starts
This power I feel is even more powerful than the power of intent, it's more "ancient" and "vivid" (?) As it seems mind is working at the same speed as this power after breakthrough, I suppose there could be a link missing...
Any ideas on that??? This force, I feel, acts on before-ego stage, so could be (or is) responsible for what is going on and why any personality is being chrystalized any second in this or that form...
THANK YOU ALL! Great talking with you guys! :d