OK, my original first steps and exploration of spice pretty much happened in isolation. I knew nothing of its potential and its power. I didn’t have a guide or the benefit of internet sites like this board. When mishandled it can be a monster. I didn't know that. I started to get quite familiar with it, thought I knew what it was all about, thought I was up to it.
I used to get this stuff, it looked like ear wax and was really sticky like syrup. I found rather than measuring proper doses, it was easier just put the full g. in the vaporizer, toke what I needed and leave the rest in there for my next jump.
Someone told me about Syrian Rue and its ability to potentiate DMT. Take a six minute wonder; turn it into a six hour extravaganza. I avoided alcohol red meat and cheese, for a day. Ground up 3g. of rue seeds cooked them up with lemon juice for 45 minutes and then drank the tea. I waited for the effects to kick in then hit the vaporizer. This thing had about ¾g. in it, and I started to toke. Nobody told me rue slows down the onset of the spice. I just toked and toked and toked waiting for and looking for the jump. I’ve no idea how much I ingested, nor have I any clear idea of what happened next.
I managed to give my self one hell of an overdose. Suffice to say it was the single most terrifying event of my entire life. I needed and very much wanted help, during brief moments of lucidity. My ability, however to engage with the outside world to call for help was non existent. I was locked into a very scary world confronted and tormented by demons. I found myself naked before God pleading to be spared……… it wasn’t nice. I was there for 4 ½ hours.
I did eventually return, a wretched sorry mess, covered in blood, sweat, puke, piss and shit. My home had been partially destroyed with liberal smears of more blood and shit every where.
In the immediate aftermath of that journey, I decided to be more careful with the spice, decided to learn more about it and stay away from rue. That was quite some years ago now. It was two years before I next experimented with rue and then in conjunction with mushrooms. I did lots and lots of work with rue and shrooms, getting to know it very well before returning to spice.
I did lots wrong that first time, all of which can be put down to my ignorance. These are very powerful tools we are playing with. In the wrong or reckless hands they can be exceedingly dangerous, they command respect. Tread carefully, get to know them well but do it tentatively at first, before mixing it up with other things.