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Anyone here know about the third eye?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've already felt this sensation various times in the past few months. It is a tingly/pressure/slight pain right between my eyebrows, right above the top part of my nose. When I feel this, I close my eyes for a while, and it's as if I can somehow apply more or less pressure depending on how hard I close my eyes. It's not easy to explain and my main language is not english so sorry if you can't understand. Anyway, sometimes I close my eyes when I feel this and feel like a sort of membrane or something breaks and spews liquid that I cannot see and I can swallow it, it feels like mucous but not really, it doesn't feel disgusting or nasty or anything negative, just difficult to explain and I have no idea what it is or what is happening.
It's mucous build up in your sinus cavity.

Get a neti pot and clean with warm slightly salty water if it persists. I used to have problems like that to when I was hoovering up massive amounts of powders and lived in the city.
I know practically nothing about chakras or 3rd eye experiences but I'll share my very different experience. A week or so ago I had what I initially thought was an hppd experience, outdoors, 100% straight. I felt dizzy then my vision changed. It was like I was wearing a baseball cap pulled down too low. I realized the front of the cap, or top half of my vision was actually my brain, or appeared to be. And that the likely point of view was from my pineal or pituitary or somewhere in the center of my brain. It happened twice, maybe a minute apart and lasted for maybe 5 seconds each time. It was disorienting and a bit scary but it hasn't reoccurred. It may have just been hppd though that's not something I've experienced much of and this was pretty specific.
I think you may find this article of interest:

I've had my own experience that seems really similar to what you are describing, this was after drinking a second cup of ayahuasca, during my third and final ceremony one Christmas day (and birthday), full moon night in Peru a few years back.

This third and final ceremony on the Christmas day night was the most powerful. After my second cup, and right after my second purge, I started getting LOTS of fluid pouring out of my upper nasal sinus passages...important to emphasise this was NOT just a runny nose, or my salivary glands. For some time, I had to swallow every few seconds, the shaman heard it too. I've never experienced anything like this before. It rang a bell with regard to the yogi's, who talk about amrita, dripping down from a similar place, and this got me curious (this fluid lacked much of a flavour from what I can recall, although it largely bypassed my tongue, running down the back of my throat).

This was a very intense ayahuasca experience for me, I was kinda on the brink of panic for a bit, toe curling intensity, I had been sitting up straight but felt like I needed to have a lie down at that stage. I think my most intense ever encounter with aya...at the time there was a myriad of different shades of light patterns, woven onto canvases of darkness, ever moving, and my central point/third eye was the brightest of all. Very chaotic though, I couldn't glean much insight from it, it was like a cosmic consciousness rollercoaster.

But anyway, I was AMAZED at the volume of fluid I was producing!! I had to swallow every few seconds to keep up. A stated, this was during my third ceremony in a week, right after purging my second serving of the night...this seemed to trigger it. The yogic model really is the only thing that seems to have much of a clue when it comes to what was [maybe] going on there. But it got me more curious about yogic techniques in general.

A Nexus thread that may be of interest.

I get this same physical sensation from cannabis, though it's more behind the bridge of my nose, it's like a tingling, pressure, type feeling.

Have you ever smoked cannabis and it felt like you were wearing a hat when in reality you were not? In my case it is similar to this type of physical sensation though it is centered behind the bridge of my nose.
I dunno about the third eye much, but i can relay one of my experiences with what im guessing could've been a CEV related to the third eye, on my strongest cannabis induced trip my body started to vibrate in a very similar fashion to a classic DMT blast off, but not as strong, my whole body vibrates in the most pleasurable way, on this occation i saw a golden eye it was open and as it closed, my CEV's were flooded with light and then i see a dragon, i see her every now and then when i hallucinate regardless of the substance, just like a female entity i encountered on DMT, these two seem to be guiding and protecting forces based on my experiences.

When a trip takes a turn darker they usually show up and it seems that they help me return to the light i've grown accustomed to and strive to maintain during the experience, for instance months ago during my cannabis trips i usually see a glowing ball of energy, which I've come to identify as myself, this ball glows reverberates and send waves from it like if you dropped a rock in still water and this time i see a very dark, big, clawed hand trying to grab and crush my light, which just became bigger and brighter making the dark arm disappear, after this my POV shifts and i see the whole being who was trying to crush the light missing one arm, kinda reminded me of a Japanese demon, after this i see the dragon manifest behind the dark figure making it look reeeally small, then she proceeded to swallow it and open a "portal" and leave, a few minutes passed and she appeared again i haven't since that particular shadow since. Nowdays my trips are more angelical in nature, for the last month i've seen several beings on LSD that are well... angels, the female entity i saw in DMT being one of them, she had 4 wings and another one i saw wich was male nagged me last time i tripped, while i cant hear what they say when I see them speak they send energy my way wich made a word pop in my mind... Prepare. and seeing as im planning to experiment with mushrooms i have been doing so both physically and mentally

so i wonder what was that golden eye and why are some entities so recurring in my trips? could the third eye have a qualitative effect on the entities i encounter.
You can actually induce the vibration/pressure sensation by a simple yogic exercise.

You are basically quickly tilting your head about a horizontal axis going between your eyebrows, like if there is a pivot. Do this quickly but smoothly (no jerky movements, that's bad for the neck!), with your eyes closed.

Some people can faint from this and if you feel like fainting, simply stop, open eyes and breathe, maybe sit down for a while.

So after doing the exercise, stop and concentrate on the third eye point. I usually feel vibrations, some people feel heat or tingling or even white light visual sensation.

There are more head exercises, the neck is usually very stiff and once you relax it enough, I think you can be more in touch with "energy body" or such sublime sensations. Enjoy :)
True that i just started doing kundelini so i can trip and exercise at the same time im guessing if regular yoga + LSD makes the visuals as clear as DMT im guessing kundelini will send me even deeper XD
Please bare in mind that mixing Kundalini awakening with psychedelics can lead to Dark Night of the Soul and is NOT fun!

Mine lasted 2 years... 2 years of terror, anxiety and depression and this was a spiritual awakening not a kundalini, energy up the spine, awakening.

As soon as I realised I wanted to see and experience hyperspace I stopped going to Kundalini Yoga, stopped performing the 5 tibetans, and started going to Buddhist classes instead, which is group meditation without yoga.
I've felt my third eye randomly, and I want to say I've seen it in my cousin when we were younger. It (and other 'energy' I might have encountered) looks like wavy air.
I've also made the wavy air happen in between my palms. People call this a Psi-Ball. It feels like pressing two of the same sides of a magnet together.

If anyone cares, I've posted a way to get into an intense meditative state. This lead me to experiment with trying to push energy out of my hands, which lead to my palms throbbing. I was under the impression at the time that my palms were 'energy detectors' and at the time I asked about this on Astral-Pulse.com. Apparently there are palm chakras that are used for manipulating energy.

I hate to use an archaic term like chakras though. Basically, if you experiment with trying to make yourself feel intense pleasure you'll feel it in your gut/abdomen area... these are your '3rd and 4th chakras', but more to the point it's where your serotonin is locatated. Serotonin has a strong correlation to tripping.

You can get a sober 'breakthrough' through a few ways. You can literally lay down in a silent room, and *listen*. You'll hear a ringing. Now listen intensely and you may feel your eyes go into REM. You can trip that way.
Also through feeling pleasure. If you look into gnostic meditation (and chaos magick) they call the mediation trance. From light trance, to deep trance, to gnosis. Under this line of thinking, I'd say I've been in deep trance.
It says you can get there (and to gnosis) by simply feeling anything intensely. Anger, pleasure, etc. This makes sense.
You're essentially focusing so hard on one thing, and in effect aligning your consciousness / subsconsciousness into full consciousness.
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