What is?
This states about a new pineal secretion (10-methoxyharmalan) that is psychoactive and actually hallucinogenic that is not DMT.. JUST READ IT.
Brian said:It seems the link in the original post no longer works or at least wont work for me. Can anyone confirm this http://www.securenet.net...ml/AndreaPaperNewFormat(2).pdf
that is the link I am refering to in case there is any confusion. hofully someone saved the info or has a similar link.
dreamer042 said:Since the formatting for the link in the OP got messed up, here is a valid link to it. I have also directly attached the pdf to this post for posterity.
Citation: (for easy searching)
Axt, Andrea. "Autism viewed as a consequence of pineal gland malfunction." Farmakoter. Psychiat. Neuro 8 (1996): 112-134.
dreamer042 said:It's reported as being more potent than harmaline, twice as active as 5-MEO-DMT, 6 times as active as bufotenine, and only slightly less active than LSD in rats[/url]. It's moar potent as an MAOI than both harmine and harmaline.
This paper still comes from the time they used serotonin antagonistic activity to quantify the 'psychomimetic' activity of LSD or other psychedelics.endlessness said:Also do you have access to this paper, I cant see anything about 5-meo-dmt or bufo in the abstract.. Also it talks about serotonin antagonism, I wonder on what receptor subtype because it might mean its less psychoactive?
WannaBeShaman said:Also people with autism anywhere on the spectrum have been found to have very high levels of bufotenine in their blood plamsa.. so i wouldnt discredit the theory completely if i were you.