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Gemstones and crystals are amazing tools if one knows how to implement them properly. I have in the past used The Crystal Bible and Love is In The Earth as references, but have shied away from them in the past year and draw from intuition as a far more accurate source. My most favorite crystal of all to meditate with is my Lemurian Seed Crystal, these have horizontal striations on them and are said to contain the records of ancient Lemuria, which coexisted with Atlantis. It has been an excellent Solar Plexus chakra stone for me and helps me to communicate with my spirit friend Uli. Aside from the New Age alleged uses of crystals, I have found them to be amazing energy tools. What I do when I wish to meditate with crystals is to close my eyes and hold my right hand over my crystals (I have hundreds on my dresser) and grab which ever one(s) seem to resonate with the type of meditation I require. This is a difficult feeling to describe, it is just that you KNOW which ones to use. I then set them beside me on my bed and lie down and start my breathing exercises and once I am somewhat into the meditation I grab from the pile one stone at a time and then sweep it over my chakras about an inch from the skin until I elicit a stronger response from one chakra than the rest, this signals that I should place the crystal on this chakra. When the crystal passes over the correct chakra my entire energy field seems to contract into that chakra and it feels exactly as if I have been shocked with a taser, my muscles tense and constrict to that point. The process continues until I am finished with all stones except one. The meditation is from then on VERY intense. About halfway through I will reach down and twist each stone about 180 degrees counter-clockwise. This stimulates and strengthens the energy interaction. The next thing I do is then to place the last and final stone on the one remaining primary chakra point, this is usually the Third Eye chakra. The stone usually turns out to be either Moldavite, which is a VERY VERY powerful stone I would recommend any spiritual psychonaut to add to their arsenal, Kyanite a wonderful calming stone, or Azurite a powerful psychic enhancer.

As for my use with psychedelics and stones, the most powerful experiences I have ever had in meditation occurred while on very good acid, and meditating with powerful high energy stones on every chakra. My entire body convulses and shakes, in a pleasant way, and vibrates to a very high frequency, the feeling of multiple intelligences occupying the room is highly noticable. I experienced areas impossible to imagine and delights and horrors that boggle the mind and shake the foundation of reality in which I had lived previously. I would highly recommend this to anyone who wishes to experience powerful energetic phenomenon and learn the powers that we have in the realm of the mental.

If anything Moldavite is a stone that will propel you into a strange and wonderful world and quite amazing. It is becoming more rare by the day and more expensive as it's quantities are diminishing. It is a volcanic glass created from the impact of a meteor into the Earth in Czechoslovakia about 35 million years ago and for this reason it is very powerful but also limited in quantity. It is estimated there is about 300 tons of it existing worldwide. Just carrying this stone around with you will create an unstoppable change in your spiritual being, a stone not for the faint of heart, it will shatter you! Be warned! The Ayahuasca of gemstones!

Crystals are a fascinating tool, I encourage everyone to see what they can do with them! ;)

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