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I just recently made a very powerful orgonite. I think it could be the most powerful one ive mad so far, and ive made alot. The main stone i wanted to use was moldavite. ive been wanting to get a hold of a peice for a while now, and just recently got a peice. I made the orgonite with the Moldavite, 3 double terminated quartz crystals, 1 very nice Double Terminated scepter crystal, 2 double terminated quartz one with a Doorway Etched into the stone , 1 nice garnet that i found at a mine, 1 green tourmaline stone, 1 blue tourmaline stone, 1 yellow tourmaline stone, 1 watermelon tourmaline stone, and 1 peice of black tourmaline. Also i used blessed oil. I put the oil on all of the stones to purify the energy. On the bottom i also put in one cosmic energy wire spiral for added boost. It seems to be a very amazing powerful peice.

Its November 2009 and i have just recently taken this creation Apart. i carefully smashed and chizld all the stones back out of it. I have found that Moldavite is very confusing and alot of strange things have happened because of this creation. I belive. I think i opened up some type of doorway when i made this. I would get near this orgonite and feel intimidated. Also recently there has been some type of black shadow entity around me and the people i know. I first accually saw this in the back of a graveyard one night in the town i live in. It was raining hard and i was in my car with 2 other people. It flew accross one side of my windsheild and then accross the other side of my windsheild. I knew there was something there. I saw it then hesitated a second and didnt say anything. Then my freind to my right in the passenger seat of my car said something- Did you see that!? And i responded Yes i did, i think we should leave. i Know this happened. Then my friends mom said she looked up on her roof one day because she noticed something out of the corner of her eye and she saw a black shadow on the roof. This freaked her out quite a bit. In a Negetive way. I really dont know what to think of these things. I think it could be related the the device i created. But now it has been taken apart. I would definetly stick to earth stones when it comes to making orgonite.

Also brought all my orgonite to the gathering of the vibes and other festivals to further confirm that this stuff does work and to show people and the help protect everyone. Over the summer of 2009 i met a very Dark confusing soul. Shortly after the Gathering in CT. By the way i live in East Haddam CT. This town has been changed by orgonite. It's EVERYWHERE! Back to the person i met this summer of 2009. I was at 7-11 in my town talking to a few people i know. Then this guy walked over to us, seemed like he was around my age-(21). The main point that started the conversation with this person is when i said "Hey look at the clouds, seems like the orgonite works". Then he started talking to me and my two friends. One of the first this he said was i am the devil i worship satan. Keep in mind this person is a complete stranger. He kept talking and the whole time he was focusing mainly on me. After he said that i asked him if he wanted to buy some L. He said, "Imagine if you could feel high everyday without taking any drug".He also said something about god and the battle at the End and i instantly responded, "well you know God is going to win right?" Then he continued to talk and at one point saying- Look around you all this technology, all these buildings you wouldnt have if it wasnt for me.  I looked at him and said "All these buildings look discusting" All this land was stolen from the native people, they wouldnt of wanted this". He seemed very smart and new alot of things even down to the next upcoming concert dates on the NIN shirt i was wearing. Later that evening i tought VERY deeply about this whole conversation, and i was quite freaked out about it. That was a few months ago from now and i still have yet to see this person again.

-Maybe just nothing

-Or maybe not

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