Being raised Roman Catholic and then disillusioned by organized religion, I have always questioned the existence of GOD, IE- it was 50/50, either there was or wasn't. That was until my Pharma experience last week.
I also believe in evolution, I think life and creation is just one big experiment created by GOD.
I do believe in Good vs. Bad and repercussions for your actions in this life.
I believe we are all GOD's Children, and that was Jesus's message, not the HE was the son of GOD but that EVERYONE and everything is.
Why do bad things happen- because that is all part of the experiment. Existence needs balance. God is letting us do what we want, and does not want to control any minute of our lives but wants us to control it. God wants us to be good, but in the end it is our choice.
I think DMT is special- We produce it naturally in our REM sleep, this is why some people get visions of past relatives or hints into their future (premonitions) sometimes gaining knowledge, but also most of the times not remembering a thing.
In the end after this past pharma experience, I am certainly trying to become a better person in all aspects of my life. Which I feel is nothing but positive.
I believe John Stewart is a guardian of good.
I believe Michael Jackson became a prince of darkness, but started out good.