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Anyone tried iboga?

Migrated topic.
From what I've read it gives mixed results, and there haven't been many studies regarding its effectiveness. One study I've read about on Erowid quoted a 65% abstinence rate after a few months (of course some may relapse later).

But do you have any idea whether it would work on ketamine addiction?
Good utube vid 11:11. I find it so interesting that iboga works that way. I think it's inevitable that I will try it.

But do you have any idea whether it would work on ketamine addiction?

I think it will be of good assistance.
SWIM is very curious for Iboga. He is also experienced enough in entheogenesis to dare try it. (after countless DMT trips, LSD trips, Mushroom trips, Yopo trips and 1 hell of an Ayahuasca experience he figures he's "as ready as he could be".

SWIM is so lucky to live in Holland. Because he will just head downtown, step into the smartshop and legally buy a bag of Iboga. Or Peyote, or San Pedro, or Salvia, or ayahuasca..etc

SWIM wonders what Iboga has to offer. Will it be good as a introspective, psychological diagnosis, spiritual healing-tool?
Will it be good at giving artistic inspiration? Would it be a good oneirogen if taken in low doses and/or combined with other oneirogens?
Iboga is totally unkown terrain to SWIM. Needs to explore.
Iboga is very self reflective without being overly psychedelic at all. It's effect can be very subtle. I'd say it's not good for artistic expression because its impossible to motivate yourself for a day or 2 because it can make you very content with just sitting there.

Don't mix iboga with anything though. Chances are, once it kicks in, you wont want anything. I didn't have a cigarette for 2 weeks after my experience. I wasn't even thinking about trying to quit or anything, it just wasn't required.

I allowed myself 24 hours to recover, but it took more like 3 days. I was physically able to go to work, but just had no desire to.

Very strange stuff. I won't be doing it again. Not because it was unpleasant even in the slightest. I just have no need to.

Work on your intentions though. I was just thinking how great my childhood was, all the time I was on it, which was nice, but I already new that. From this I can see it has great potential as a psychotherapeautic substance, but in a lone psychedelic session, it's a little pointless.
i'm confused so maybe some one can clear this up for me
Wikipedia (x) and Erowid (x) claim that Tabernanthe iboga is illegal in all forms, extracted or not
how are well known entheogen retailers able to get away w sale of T. iboga root bark, root bark powder, and seeds?
I definitely agree that Iboga is a very powerful psychotheraputic tool, and certainly spring cleaning one's brain of accumulated cobwebs is a major facet of the experience. But a lot of my first experience was about exploring the Iboga realm, and creating realities with the power of thought alone. I'm not perfect by a long stretch, but I don't think I have any major demons, and Iboga didn't really manage to present me with any...being naturally self reflective, confrontational stuff, I'm sure it would have found some serious shit for me to deal with if it had been there to find.. However, at the dosage I experienced, it was very powerfully psychedelic indeed...I'm talking full blown waking dreams, visions, third eye opening, seeing things like furniture levitate and fly out the window, new realms created by thought etc!

Personally, for me anyway, I get the feeling that there is a vast, vast ocean of mystery to be explored in the Iboga realm...it is the most mysterious plant I have encountered...and I think there is more to be learnt from it. And the way life has changed, to a subtle yet tangible degree, and the afterglow it provided me, makes me think this plant is an ally of mine at least...certainly not for everyone though...we just seemed to click. I look forward to meeting it again... :)
The only psychedelic effects I got with iboga were of a sparkly light I could'nt look at directly and the feel of being sucked back through a vortex when chasing those "lost" memories and the more I thought about them, the stronger the pull became, until I stopped trying to think and then it was like I was completely sober. I guess I did'nt dose that high with this stuff though as I don't know all that much about it.
Yes I got those effects early on in the experience...I think its a matter of dosage...how much did you eat in the end? There seems to be different levels to the Iboga realm. I think I consumed the equivalent of 22-24 grams of rootbark in the end.
Yeah I had nowhere near that much. I got about 30 capsules containing the bark, with instructions reading "take five capsules, if nothing happens within 2 hours, eat the remaining capsules". Surely enough nothing happened after five, but as I knew nothing of this substance in terms of dosage going 6 fold was out of the question, so I just had another 10 capsules and left it at that. Heard too many scare stories I guess.

How long did it take for you to feel functional again?
Well I started taking it gradually on the Friday evening, around 7/8, and took it over 4/5 hours. I was bed bound for around 36 hours, and could walk again, without feeling dizzy or sick by mid afternoon Sunday. Then I ate and drank water etc, and even did some very successful uni work till 3 in the morning on Sunday night. Handed this in bright and early on Monday morning...and I was flying from then on... :)
soulfood said:
Well it's illegal in some places, but not in others.
i'll clarify
Wikipedia and Erowid both claim that Tabernanthe iboga is illegal in the U.S., but a particular well-known online entheogen shop claims to have no shipping restrictions at all for their T. iboga products
69ron said:
MalargueZiggy said:
On a side issue: I don't have time to drag up this thread but didn't someone say somewhere that Iboga seriously affected their capacity to get any effects off DMT?

Yeah, I recall that. The person said the cross tolerance lasted a long time.

SWIM is interested in trying a very small dose of iboga only.

For the first five days' you can no break through on spice' cos you are already expanded to the max'
Then it comes back slowly' but even after 7 weeks' the rush from spice is different' no as intence'
I believe it to be somit to do with seretonin' as Ibogaine converts to 12 hydroxy-Ibogamine of which is an SRI'
It takes about 7 weeks for this motabolite to leave the system'

Who has took Iboga'

Myself has'

I have ingested some 600 grams of rootbark and 7 grams of Ibogaine hcl in 4 years'

There is no plant teacher the likes of Iboga'

Iboga is schedule 1 in the states and legal in the UK'

Big pharma will no back Iboga cos it would put em out of bussiness'

It takes only one single dose to stamp on opiate addiction' if administered correctly'

Be Bwititful Forever Bwititful'


Nganga Nobuoni +
Iboga alkaloid extraction'

Finely grind the rootbark and soak it in warm pure methanol for a couple of hours' decant' filter' soak the woods again in pure methanol' decant' filter'
Combine both volumes of solution and add acetic acid or HCL acid and drop the ph to ph 3'

Gently evaporate all of the methanol until the extract is completley dry'

700mg shall blow you away for 16-30 hours'

With this tech you get 2.5 - 3.5 grams of extract from each 25 grams of rootbark'

You can use acetic acid to extract also' but the extract is no where near as potent as the methanol extraction'

Safe Journeys'

Be Well!

Nganga Nobuoni +

The other way is to use HCL acid at ph3 in pure water solution' then gently evaporate the water'
This is a powerful extract'

You only get 3x-5x with acetic acid'

TA extract from HCL acid'

7.5x-10x from the methanol extraction'

Always convert the alks to acid salts with an acid' so the moles no oxidise over time'
magickpencil said:
soulfood said:
Well it's illegal in some places, but not in others.
i'll clarify
Wikipedia and Erowid both claim that Tabernanthe iboga is illegal in the U.S., but a particular well-known online entheogen shop claims to have no shipping restrictions at all for their T. iboga products

If you live in the states and order from these so called vendors that say they ship anywhere' customs shall take your plants' also the vendor you are speaking of shall rip you off for your money and no send you anything' cos as he will tell you' it is ilegal in the states'

Get a friend to post you it snail mail discreet like'


Nganga Nobuoni +
RigaCrypto said:
From what I've read it gives mixed results, and there haven't been many studies regarding its effectiveness. One study I've read about on Erowid quoted a 65% abstinence rate after a few months (of course some may relapse later).

But do you have any idea whether it would work on ketamine addiction?

Yes Iboga works for all drug addiction' it is a powerful NMDA agonist' these are the receptors that get bashed by addiction to drugs'
You come back blank' no cravings for anything' and it can last 18 months'

I have treated many many (well over 100) people for numerious addiction syndromes 64% success rate so far in 4 years'

It is the "Cure" no doubt about it'
Anti-viral and anti-biotic' can kill HIV and Cancers'


Nobu +

P.S. This said' some folks can no sysnthesise Ibogaine and others just go back to using narcotics even though they have no cravings'
Iboga shall rewire your brain back to as it was before you took drugs' it is up to you of what you do with your new life'
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