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Anything synergistic with LSA?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey, SWIM is wondering if there was anything that you guys like to use with LSA to boost its effects or something that mingles well with its effects? Especially something that can combat the nausea. SWIM does not smoke cannabis. SWIM got some H.B. Rosewood on the way for this weekend.
Best thing SWIM tried is a small amount of yohimbe. It blocks the horrible vasoconstriction effects of LSA, it blocks the sedative effects, and it increases the visuals. It’s a great combination.

Another good combination is kola nut. It also blocks the vasoconstriction effects of LSA, it blocks the sedative effects somewhat, and it increases the visuals a little bit, and increases the euphoria quite a lot.

Another possible combination which SWIM hasn’t tried, but should work really well with LSA is Ginkgo biloba. SWIM tried it with bufotenine (very similar to LSA in side effects) and it blocked the vasoconstriction effects of bufotenine, increased the euphoria, and made the mind extremely clear. It was a nice combination.
Excuse SWIM's ignorance, but SWIM doesn't really know how to use yohimbe. SWIM found bark online. Would swim just make a tea and drink that. SWIM is new to the world of entheogens, but he has done his general homework. Now he is learning alot of the details through places like this, and hopefully he'll know enough one day to help someone else. SWIM's only real experience is MULTIPLE salvia and mushroom trips, and a few 2c-b trips.
Many sports nutrition outlets sell yohimbe tablets. GNC sells them. You could also make tea out of the bark. Either way it works pretty good. High doses of yohimbe are actually hallucinogenic. But it’s not a good idea to take a high dose, just enough to feel it is all you need. About 1 tablet, or I think 1 teaspoon of the bark will do it.
Add an ounce of Sherry or port wine to your CWE and let stand in the dark for a couple hrs. This has been shown to increase the psychedelic effects of ergolines in solution. It is speculated that lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide is formed by plant ergolines in the presence of ethanol and acetaldehyde at around pH 4 (wine meets all requirements, ethanol, acetaldehyde, and low pH)
This thread discusses it to death

No hard final answers but I can testify that it worked for me with MG/CWE with suprising results
whiterasta said:
Add an ounce of Sherry or port wine to your CWE and let stand in the dark for a couple hrs. This has been shown to increase the psychedelic effects of ergolines in solution. It is speculated that lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide is formed by plant ergolines in the presence of ethanol and acetaldehyde at around pH 4 (wine meets all requirements, ethanol, acetaldehyde, and low pH)
This thread discusses it to death

No hard final answers but I can testify that it worked for me with MG/CWE with suprising results

Rum also works. It has lots of acetaldehyde. Peppermint oil also has lots of acetaldehyde.

SWIM has done it with just peppermint oil and water and it also works. The ethanol apparently isn't actually needed. Something present in the seeds seems to do what the ethanol is supposed to do. Again, no hard evidence, but the effects are almost completely different. Very LSD-like and not at all sedating. But it’s more alien than LSD, so beware.
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