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Are my DMT trips AI-generated experiences from another world?

Benn Lian

Rising Star
Hello everyone! I’m new here and I would like to share some DMT trip experiences with you :alien:

I'm a pretty experienced smoker and I usually load about 50-60mg in my HAMR pipe from Mystr which I can take all in one big hit.

Lately, my trips have been changing. It is becoming more and more difficult to find a true DMT experience. In the beginning, they were very profound. First with fractals, then those disappeared but gave me crazy out-of-the-body trips. All very intense stuff!

In the last year, however, my trips have been hijacked, or fall apart midway. It’s very strange, but I can detect while I’m tripping that this trip is going to fall apart at any moment. It usually starts to loop and the essence of the trip is lost... It’s almost as if it’s like a glitch in the system.

I also have other trips that are literally being hijacked by these sorts of monsters where I have a trip going well for a few minutes, and then suddenly, a monster comes in and rips the trip away as if it was some sort of poster hanging on the wall, and they suddenly come and disturb the peace. I Often see "beings" asking me for help, as if it are "people" from another world trying to show me how bad they are being treated...

I don’t know if anybody else has these types of experiences, but I would be really happy to hear it!

One theory I have, or at least one thing that I keep on thinking after these experiences is: "Is this trip, a trip made by AI from the future”?

Looking forward to hearing anyone with similar experiences!

This is interesting, it's definitely something I've never seen proposed before. I'm curious what led you to this conclusion? Was it something you were told in the experiences, or just a theory after considering your trips? When I read the title, I was inclined to dismiss it because I thought you'd made a correlation between AI and your trips in terms of visuals. I figured you'd be comparing the things you've seen in your trips as "AI-generated" which I find an ungrounded notion. I mean, there's a reason that AI-generated images look so surreal and similar to dreams. It's because, like your dreams, AI takes from a vast array of resources and combines them in an attempt to create something cohesive, just as your brain does in a dream. So I often encounter people severely misinterpreting what AI actually means and what it's capable of. And, depending on what you believe, it's likely that to some level it's the same thing your brain does during a DMT trip.

However, your use of "AI from the future" is what saved it for me, because nobody can factually tell you anything regarding the future. So I think it's a very interesting idea, but what do you think the mechanism would be? Maybe, AI is used to generate trips for the brain in a future space that are then made accessible in a realm void of time and thus accessible by anybody under the influence of DMT through all 3-Dimensional experiences of time. Or something like that.

Either way, I doubt it. I don't think there's anything AI-related in terms of the DMT experience. Whether it's inside or outside our heads, I believe it's purely a change in our perception, and thus, generated by 'organic' intelligence. As for reality being a simulation as a whole, it's absolutely possible - and a much more common thing taken away from DMT trips, but I can't really say.

Having your experience be hijacked is definitely something I've experienced though, although it usually just feels like something else (alive) is trying to control the trip, like my experience is a puppet show on strings and multiple people start fighting over who gets to control it.

How often do you trip? It seems to me that everybody who trips too often will start having unstable or glitchy experiences that take sinister turns like you describe. A few months away helps to hit the 'reset' button..

Rambling aside, it's all very interesting stuff. But with so many people coming to conflicting conclusions about the same experience, who knows?
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I'm a pretty experienced smoker and I usually load about 50-60mg in my HAMR pipe from Mystr which I can take all in one big hit.
Those are pretty hefty doses, tbh… Numerous experienced people here report being able to get plenty far enough on way smaller doses - like 15 to 20 mg when administered effectively, and sometimes even less.
I Often see "beings" asking me for help, as if it are "people" from another world trying to show me how bad they are being treated
This really made me wonder - are you sure you're treating yourself well enough?

This leads back to what FS said:
How often do you trip? It seems to me that everybody who trips too often will start having unstable or glitchy experiences that take sinister turns like you describe. A few months away helps to hit the 'reset' button.
It's perfectly OK to put the pipe down for a while and integrate all those experiences of yours.
Benn Lian,

Welcome to the Nexus. Thank you for sharing such an interesting post. Many times in the history of the Nexus, experienced users who have been using heavily for a long time get a change in results. More often than not it's a drop out in colors or effects. Sometimes it is a bizarre symptom of being denied or barred from hyperspace regardless of how much consumed.

As @CosmicLion recently said to me, "Breaks are good," and he is not wrong. My last break was 7 years and wow the effects came back strong and at very low doses.

The idea that your trips are coming from an AI in the future is a bit odd to me. Speaking for myself, when I was doing a LOT of DMT over a long time, things got kind of weird. What fixed this was NOT doing DMT.

I hope you find what you are looking for and again am glad you signed up for membership, :D
I suggest to check out this old thread as it has some similarities:

These days I am not sure if that's yourself trying to stop you from tripping (you maybe doing this too much dude, the simplest message to yourself in the form of evil aliens)
Or maybe there are interdimensional parasites that feed on "mental energies"

I had rather given up actively to figure out what's going on and just do not partake - whether it is me or aliens doesn't matter, just lay down the pipe for a bit and let brain heal.
This is interesting, it's definitely something I've never seen proposed before. I'm curious what led you to this conclusion? Was it something you were told in the experiences, or just a theory after considering your trips? When I read the title, I was inclined to dismiss it because I thought you'd made a correlation between AI and your trips in terms of visuals. I figured you'd be comparing the things you've seen in your trips as "AI-generated" which I find an ungrounded notion. I mean, there's a reason that AI-generated images look so surreal and similar to dreams. It's because, like your dreams, AI takes from a vast array of resources and combines them in an attempt to create something cohesive, just as your brain does in a dream. So I often encounter people severely misinterpreting what AI actually means and what it's capable of. And, depending on what you believe, it's likely that to some level it's the same thing your brain does during a DMT trip.

However, your use of "AI from the future" is what saved it for me, because nobody can factually tell you anything regarding the future. So I think it's a very interesting idea, but what do you think the mechanism would be? Maybe, AI is used to generate trips for the brain in a future space that are then made accessible in a realm void of time and thus accessible by anybody under the influence of DMT through all 3-Dimensional experiences of time. Or something like that.

Either way, I doubt it. I don't think there's anything AI-related in terms of the DMT experience. Whether it's inside or outside our heads, I believe it's purely a change in our perception, and thus, generated by 'organic' intelligence. As for reality being a simulation as a whole, it's absolutely possible - and a much more common thing taken away from DMT trips, but I can't really say.

Having your experience be hijacked is definitely something I've experienced though, although it usually just feels like something else (alive) is trying to control the trip, like my experience is a puppet show on strings and multiple people start fighting over who gets to control it.

How often do you trip? It seems to me that everybody who trips too often will start having unstable or glitchy experiences that take sinister turns like you describe. A few months away helps to hit the 'reset' button..

Rambling aside, it's all very interesting stuff. But with so many people coming to conflicting conclusions about the same experience, who knows?
Hey FlagellaStink!

So yeah what lead me to this idea, or better theory? I guess having these experiences, genuinely made me wonder... we have been surrounded by AI in the last years and the topic is hot. The sky is the limit nowadays and it's only just starting. It made me think about a distant world where technology and AI might be far more advanced already and could be there to support us, humans in our world (even without us knowing this). Maybe DMT is a look into that superior world. I have the feeling we make contact with a far more superior world than ours but they could also have their problems (hence the entities/people reaching out for help through these trips).

Again it is just a theory :)

About the frequency of my use, I'd say I smoke once, sometimes twice a month... I also take pauses of 2-3 months although it's been a while. but I also had these trips after a 3-month pause. Nevertheless, I will take a break for a while:)

Thanks for the reply!! really happy I could get my theory out there!
Those are pretty hefty doses, tbh… Numerous experienced people here report being able to get plenty far enough on way smaller doses - like 15 to 20 mg when administered effectively, and sometimes even less.

This really made me wonder - are you sure you're treating yourself well enough?

This leads back to what FS said:

It's perfectly OK to put the pipe down for a while and integrate all those experiences of yours.
If I go for doses of 15-20 I feel very little.. it honestly has always been like this, I always smoked 40-60mg... I always felt that that was the right dose for a proper breakthrough for me - This might be different for others of course :)

I do think I treat myself well yes:) not sure what you mean by that but I'm not in a super substance-abusive mood (at least I don't think that using once or twice a month is super heavy...?) then again, it might be way too much for others.. I also don't drink a lot of alcohol but I do micro-dose mushrooms and/or LSD on and off. Not always but I usually get into a period of 2 months microdosing 3 times a week. then I take a break again of 1-2 months.

I will take a break for sure.. seems also not right to keep on pushing weird experiences:) thanks for the reply!
Benn Lian,

Welcome to the Nexus. Thank you for sharing such an interesting post. Many times in the history of the Nexus, experienced users who have been using heavily for a long time get a change in results. More often than not it's a drop out in colors or effects. Sometimes it is a bizarre symptom of being denied or barred from hyperspace regardless of how much consumed.

As @CosmicLion recently said to me, "Breaks are good," and he is not wrong. My last break was 7 years and wow the effects came back strong and at very low doses.

The idea that your trips are coming from an AI in the future is a bit odd to me. Speaking for myself, when I was doing a LOT of DMT over a long time, things got kind of weird. What fixed this was NOT doing DMT.

I hope you find what you are looking for and again am glad you signed up for membership, :D
Thanks Pandora!

So how much was "doing a LOT of DMT over a long time" exactly? I'm really interested in this because I always wondered how much is too much. A few years ago, I would do easily 3-4 trips in one night and they would all break trough. these days I feel I can only do 1.. almost always if I try a second one, it get's super weird.. maybe it gets accumulated over the years or so? A 7 year break does sound long though, I try a few months of first 🙃 !

Thanks for your reply!
I was crazy and going through a severe midlife crisis. Without saying more I did it multiple times a night, most nights, to the point of breakthrough for 2-3 years. Then I did it frequently, like 1-2 x a week. These days I would like to do it frequently but it is not working out. Also I'm doing smaller doses and only broke through once last year.

And I agree 100% with the idea that the more I do it in a session, the weirder it gets with each exposure. Sometimes it gets to the point where I recall it very well but literally just have zero vocabulary to describe what happened. That's always a sign to me that the current session is over.
Friend has did at least one if not two or three trips a day everyday since August of 23. Things get weird now and then but he just takes the bad with the good and presses on.
He's running low now and mhrb is getting harder to find it seems, so he may be forced to take a break. 😥
If I go for doses of 15-20 I feel very little.. it honestly has always been like this, I always smoked 40-60mg... I always felt that that was the right dose for a proper breakthrough for me - This might be different for others of course :)

I do think I treat myself well yes:) not sure what you mean by that but I'm not in a super substance-abusive mood (at least I don't think that using once or twice a month is super heavy...?) then again, it might be way too much for others.. I also don't drink a lot of alcohol but I do micro-dose mushrooms and/or LSD on and off. Not always but I usually get into a period of 2 months microdosing 3 times a week. then I take a break again of 1-2 months.

I will take a break for sure.. seems also not right to keep on pushing weird experiences:) thanks for the reply!
[Didn't get round to posting this reply earlier]
Glad to hear you've a healthy enough lifestyle. It seems your journeys haven't been nearly as frequent as my first impression had been. (It's me that should be looking after myself better, to avoid bouts of posting cognitive flatulence in the middle of the night!)

Thinking about the dose size question, does anyone else you know use the HAMR for DMT vaporization? How much do you weigh (bodyweight)? The size of your doses makes me wonder how efficient your device actually is. Some people are naturally refractory towards DMT for a variety of reasons, of course.

Btw, it feels to me like your AI ideas reflect the current media focus, as do the visions of suffering, for that matter!
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