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Are tannins soluble in alcohol

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So I like mimosa tea's effects, dislike it's tannic taste, and fear that traditional tannin removal methods will decrease potency and make the brew cloudy/less clear in appearance (things I find undesirable.)

Would this work:

Powder mimosa, do alcohol pulls and discard plant matter, Evap alcohol, redissolve mimosa concentrate in water

Would this leave the tannins behind? Dmt tannate is decently soluble in warm alcohol, right?

If one wanted to purify the full-spectrum extract further one could take the evaporated alcohol extract and do acetone pulls on that before re-evaporating and dissolving in water, right?

I don't want to to an stb or a/b right now for reasons.

I want to redissolve the extracts in water for easy dosing since I don't want to get a new scale. If I know I have 100g worth of mimosa extract in 1 liter of water, I can dose easily...
Are tannins soluble in alcohol

I'd say.
just look at this structure


as the old adage in chemistry goes, like dissolves like. plenty of OH-groups for the OH in alcohol to interact with, as well as several other O-moieties.

some people have used egg to clean up the tannins. personally, I prefer my albumin over-medium, with a side of bacon. Activated carbon cleans up tannins nicely.
maranello551 said:
So I like mimosa tea's effects, dislike it's tannic taste, and fear that traditional tannin removal methods will decrease potency and make the brew cloudy/less clear in appearance (things I find undesirable.)
Question for the chemists...
I seem to recall reading somewhere about an extraction done on some plant for some chemical that used Magnesium Oxide to create magnesium salts with the tannins present...

Is this the case and could this be used in some form for tannin separation in ayahuasca brews?
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