downwardsfromzero said:
I lost a cherished silver object while running down a hillside in the wilderness 10 years ago. If DMT could help me find that, I'd be very impressed, and grateful.
^The first half of that last McKenna quote resonates with me very greatly. During an ayahuasca experience there were entities that inhabited linguistic forms of thought and it seemed best to shut them out. This resulted in an interesting exercise in not thinking in words.
When seeking lost objects, in some indigenous cultures, an individual would seek out a shaman, the shaman would then ingest an entheogen, and reveal the location of the object, or he would be able to see "who stole the chickens", or be able to predict where the good game to hunt would be, unfortunately, these techniques have been largely lost to modern cultures, and would be discounted before they would be embraced regardless...
The shaman would devise many practical uses for these entheogens, in the example below the shaman uses entheogens as medical equipment
at 46:45 (46:29) into This film we see the shaman diagnose an Australian man with stomach parasites, he also informs the man that there is an issue with his spine and that his pregnant wife will be having a boy, if you watch further, it shows their return to Australia, where the man fell ill, he was diagnosed with stomach parasitescand a spinal issue, his wife later gave birth to a boy, if you start at like 46:30 and watch on I think it shows the shaman at work, he was using DMT and sound to generate a visual image which he used to diagnose illness and the gender of the unborn child, he is using this highly perceptive state induced by these entheogens to derive practical information that correlates to the real world...
Herzog made a film titled "lo and behold" it's about the internet more or less, near the end he is speaking with two magnetic resonance imaging professionals, who aside from making some very terence McKenna-esk sounding statements also briefly explained how there is a magnetic field surrounding your head at all times, and for a second he speculated on clairvoyance or telepathy being connected to this field...
...on psychedelics, due to thalamic gating (billions of signals bombard the body every second, all of which, except for smell, enter through the thalamus, the thalamus then filters these signals sown to what is essential, and sends them to the cortex regions for higher processing) any way, like I was saying, on psychedelics, due to thalamic gating your brains filtering mechanism has been "turned off", and rather than receiving a very clean, filtered, sliver of the signals around your body, you are receiving nearly all off them. perhaps we can detect magnetic fields and can interpret their relation to the thought or emotion which is altering the field. I have had telepathic and clairvoyant experiences while using these compounds, and perhaps, like the magnetic fields radiating out from our heads, our thoughts and intentions and feelings are also being broadcast out in some manner, and if one is perceptive enough, these signals can be received and interpreted...
Ok, I'm starting to enter a mode of deep speculation, and while it's fun to entertain such notions, they are never received well, this type of unrestrained thinking often ventures into the realms of the unverifiable, which as a person focused on science I am supposed to avoid.
As for your silver object, Return to the general location, bring a metal detector, do a sweep of the area with the metal detector, if nothing is found, re-sweep the area while smoking a changa cigarette, and maybe you will have better luck...maybe not. Finding a shaman who possess these skills seems unreasonable, so testing out your luck in the area is your best bet, though I wouldn't expect much out of the venture, chances are you will be disappointed.