Haven't read the article, but I tend to disagree. We do not see the _same_ thing, since our eyes are not clones, but individual grown receptors. We see the same concept, because our eyes and language are similar, therefore we imagine to see the same object.hixidom said:When I look at the moon and you look at the moon, we see the same thing. The moon is not a creation of the mind. It is in fact observer-independent.
Has a deep sea kraken (metaphor for deep sea creature living in darkness) a conception of the moon? No, because it lacks the receptors. It sees a dim light at night at the max. What if we were all deep sea kraken? Would the moon exist? No, it wouldn't because we have no concept of it. The only crazy kraken that dreamt of the moon and perceives it with human senses is either getting ridiculed or gets medically treated.