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As if there are not enough problems already

Migrated topic.
That is such bullsharks. I hope they catch malaria.

Mr. Trout. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to the study of cactus.
“God will do anything to see to it that mankind hears His Word. If a helicopter becomes necessary, He provides it.”

If that were true, "God" would've manifested it, instead of this leech using tax-exempt funding to purchase it. Another megalomaniac, interested in exploitation and control, in the dubious guise of "faith", like all other colonial religious zealots throughout history.
Keeper Trout said:

I suspect that the rules of this forum would forbid me from saying what I think about this.
I don't know. Mature and respectfull language does not realy seem to be the most appropriate response in cases like these.

I personally have no problem admitting that i would love to serve these people a lye-enema of significant proportions.
dragonrider said:
I don't know. Mature and respectfull language does not realy seem to be the most appropriate response in cases like these.

I personally have no problem admitting that i would love to serve these people a lye-enema of significant proportions.

Straight from a thread called "Show me your box" to people suggesting lye enemas. Good morning to you too Nexus.
RoundAbout said:
dragonrider said:
I don't know. Mature and respectfull language does not realy seem to be the most appropriate response in cases like these.

I personally have no problem admitting that i would love to serve these people a lye-enema of significant proportions.

Straight from a thread called "Show me your box" to people suggesting lye enemas. Good morning to you too Nexus.

Side effects of cabin fever. It will be ok.
Okay, I know you guys dont want to hear about this stuff, but its for your own good. Yeah, yeah I know you have your own gods but...hey, Tikiwaipipi, could you please take that stick out of your nose? its freeking me out. Guys, also, can we stop with the whole "the hellicopter is a demon beast' thing, its been two weeks since you first saw it and I would expect that by now you would understand that it isnt a living being. And while we are at it, could we please lose the human bone neclaces? We've brought some crosses which are better. Tikiwaipipi, could you pass them around? Thanks. Ok, so as I was saying, after being beaten and tortured for hours this guy got nailed to the cross! There was blood everwhere and he was having a real hard time up there. And then he died. We were all so sad. So thats why we carry these crosses close to our hearts. Oh, cmon guys, dont take your new crosses off, lighten up! Its not as bad as it sounds, He comes back from the dead later in part 2 !
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