Rising Star
Ive search the forums and also google and only found 1 reference with no yes or no if it can be used.
Its a very clean form of petrol which can be used in small petrol engines and ive seen it recomended for other things that run of coleman fuel. This is the data sheet
Octane rating RON 95
Octane rating MON 92
Steam pressure kPa 55–65
Sulphur ppm 1
Aromatic hydrocarbon content vol% 0,1
Benzene content vol % 0,01
Olefin content vol % 0,1
thats the msds for the data sheet link.
it says naptha full range alkylate 85-90%
naptha isomerization 1-10%
Its a very clean form of petrol which can be used in small petrol engines and ive seen it recomended for other things that run of coleman fuel. This is the data sheet
Octane rating RON 95
Octane rating MON 92
Steam pressure kPa 55–65
Sulphur ppm 1
Aromatic hydrocarbon content vol% 0,1
Benzene content vol % 0,01
Olefin content vol % 0,1
thats the msds for the data sheet link.
it says naptha full range alkylate 85-90%
naptha isomerization 1-10%