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Asthma & DMT

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
I love it.
Just discovered this fascinating substance but can't smoke more because of prolonging pain in my lungs. Went to see the doctor - asthma.

I remember that acoloon_5 said that DMT triggers asthma attacks - how to manage the pain? Never used an emergency spray - does it help?
Really sorry to hear that, my uncle had the same problem, a real shame plus hes got a bit of a bad heart, after just discovering dmt too, he really loved it as well but it was just getting to heavy on the lungs, worked out ok for me cos he just gave me all his dmt but id rather he could smoke it.
you could try eating it instead
For myself, and many others.. i'll just talk about me; we all started by smoking for the rush and the flash, but after a while (quite a while) it starts to get confusing and unfulfilling as opposed to that fresh beauty at the start. Anyway, I find more depth and more meaningful experiences from eating it, also experiences that are easier to integrate into life
Eating it? Just a bit of freebase on my tongue burns like bathing in acid. Doesn't it feel the same inside my stomach? Moreover, there's the puking...and my interest in DMT is that breakthrough thing - you can't get this with aya, right?

I wanna have a breakthru at least once, but my lungs are hurting for 2 weeks now. It didn't start after smoking. Well, it hurt after returning from my trip but then a day later I would wake up in the middle of the night with aching lungs. I even went to the hospital.

The times before I had no bad reaction to DMT ...and they say it's "just" a mild form of asthma. Buzt I guess I have to wait to see how this problem unfolds :/
Oh you can breakthrough on oral DMT..

And no it doesn't burn your stomach at all. YOur stomach has a bunch of hydrochloric acid in it, turns the DMT into salt right away.
Interesting...but a 6 hour breakthru experience? Scares me a bit.

BTW..astham + DMT ..makes your "breathless moments" even more scarier :lol:
obliguhl said:
I love it.
Just discovered this fascinating substance but can't smoke more because of prolonging pain in my lungs. Went to see the doctor - asthma.

I remember that acoloon_5 said that DMT triggers asthma attacks - how to manage the pain? Never used an emergency spray - does it help?

Yes a rescue inhailer has always worked well for me. I usually take a spray right before launching...haven't had a problem since.

Singulair has also REALLY helped my asthma, which to be honest is really not all that bad. I've never been hospitalized because of it.

I'm not sure about the pain thing. Asthma never "hurts"...its uncomfortable as hell but doesn't cause any pain. Have you been checked for bronchitis? That always triggers my asthma.
Thanks acolon, I knew you could help me with this!

Asthma never hurts...hm...I went to the doctor and told him about the situation ( minus the DMT session). He had me inhale some nasty stuff to check my lung function under stress. Then he happily annouced that I had what he called "mild asthma". I'm now taking budesonide for a couple of weeks...seems to irritate my lungs even more, but not much time has passed since I began the treatment.

Bronchitis..that's what I thought. I don't really have much trouble with breathing. Sometimes it feels uncomfortable ..but it's bearable.

It's more the pain of having your lungs burned out with molten metal that bothers me 😉
obliguhl said:
Thanks acolon, I knew you could help me with this!

Asthma never hurts...hm...I went to the doctor and told him about the situation ( minus the DMT session). He had me inhale some nasty stuff to check my lung function under stress. Then he happily annouced that I had what he called "mild asthma". I'm now taking budesonide for a couple of weeks...seems to irritate my lungs even more, but not much time has passed since I began the treatment.

Bronchitis..that's what I thought. I don't really have much trouble with breathing. Sometimes it feels uncomfortable ..but it's bearable.

It's more the pain of having your lungs burned out with molten metal that bothers me 😉

LOL, yeah sometimes I get 'sticky lung' or at least that's what I call it. I can actually hear the crackling in my lungs...sounds like they got stuck together. It only used to happen when I used my glass vaporizer. Since switching methods it hasn't happened.

If the meds he has you on is causing you some discomfort I highly suggest asking for a different medication. Advair works great as a maintenance inhailer...my attacks whet down to almost nothing after starting that. Just keep in mind that salmeterol and albuterol (all beta-blockers for that matter) are contraindicated with MAOI's :( so you can't go on an aya adventure and use your inhailer :_(

May I ask what part of the world are you in? We might be talking apples and oranges here if you are in, say Scandinavia! You can PM me if you are uncomfortable sharing on the public board.
Just for the record, with aya/pharmahuasca you can breakthrough as well, happens to me every time.

Also, if you don't want to be in hyperspace that long, you can take pharmahuasca with only 1g of rue, the experience will only be about 1 to 1.5 hour.
wow guys, pain? Ive asthma all my life, but never any real pain such as burning, only after hours of a big attack like not being able to breathe properly for 6 or 7 hours I get like bruised muscles around the lungs kinda feeling. Never had any problems with dmt either. I thought when I started, cos its all chemicallish I might have probs, but it was fine. always. guess you might be different tho...

I do have trouble with breathing on dmt tho, like "o wait am i breathing? am I supposed to be? what is breathing again? am I doing it right? feels weeeiiird"

to be honest it sounds to me like a lung infection, specially since the treatment only seems ot be hurting, not helping.
but im not a doctor, dont take me too seriously. maybe get a second opinion?
and make sure that spice is CLEAN!!!
kaos.underwave said:
and make sure that spice is CLEAN!!!

I have mild asthma and have been fine smoking. The first time I did any of it tho was aya and it was scary as hell. I asked for my inhaler because I thought I was not breathing at all. I ended up going into a major breakthrough and didn't need the inhaler after all.

I had some frightening moments smoking, but they've all faded now that I'm used to it. And my lungs rarely hurt afterwards now as well. And it does make a big difference if the spice is CLEAN as kaos.underwave says. It's so much smoother and doesn't hurt at all.

However, SWIM has had some problems smoking it. They have much more severe asthma than me. But they haven't tried really clean spice yet. No real complaints from SWIM in the lung department a few days after tho.

I don't know for sure, but I think you'll be just fine once you get used to it.

However, if it really bothers you just go with oral.
If the meds he has you on is causing you some discomfort I highly suggest asking for a different medication.

My next appointment is in 2 weeks and I might as well stop taking it any day now.

Just keep in mind that salmeterol and albuterol (all beta-blockers for that matter) are contraindicated with MAOI's Sad so you can't go on an aya adventure and use your inhailer :_(

Ah, thanks, a very useful piece of information!

And yes, I'm really from europe but I already googled your medication, thanks!


Also, if you don't want to be in hyperspace that long, you can take pharmahuasca with only 1g of rue, the experience will only be about 1 to 1.5 hour.

Wouldn't I have to take like 200mg of dmt to counteract the missing maois?
I've also heard that Moclobemide seems to be a good mao inhibitor

to be honest it sounds to me like a lung infection, specially since the treatment only seems ot be hurting, not helping.
but im not a doctor, dont take me too seriously. maybe get a second opinion?
and make sure that spice is CLEAN!!!

Yep I also suspect something different. Something like a bornchitis caused by constant exposure to allergic substances or something like that. And the DMT I smoke in brazil is always washed and recrystallized :)

Thanks. I hope everything unfolds in a positive manner.
Wouldn't I have to take like 200mg of dmt to counteract the missing maoi's?
I've also heard that Moclobemide seems to be a good mao inhibitor

While I have not tried Moclobemide I have heard that compared to Caapi and Rue it feels empty. It may be a good alternative for a clean oral spice trip. Many say that the Caapi and Rue have a certain spirit in them that aids the traveler in the hyperspace realms.

Also Harmine/Harmaline has bronchio-dilating properties so an inhaler may be unnecessary. I know that when I take micro doses of the tea (2-5grams Caapi well under MAO inhibition) that I don't need my rescue inhaler for the day.
obliguhl said:
The thing is...I'm somewhat afraid of nausea and vomiting

Well I'm afraid that is part of the aya experience.... even with Moclobemide there may be a fair amount of nausea. Some people don't vomit at all. Stay away from Rue though, that is defintely a purging plant.
Well I'm afraid that is part of the aya experience

I know acolon, I know and I would surely accept that If I were to partake in a long lasting, authentic ceremony...

I guess I'd just like to explore the smoked dmt realm more.
obliguhl said:
Well I'm afraid that is part of the aya experience

I know acolon, I know and I would surely accept that If I were to partake in a long lasting, authentic ceremony...

I guess I'd just like to explore the smoked dmt realm more.

Please, please don't let my comments stop you! You very well may be able to take Moclobemide and dmt crystals without any nausea! I know only a very little about Moclobemide and really can't make any comment other than people have reported it "empty".

I hope it works out well for you! I've taken unreduced caapi tea w/o any nausea on many, many occasions. Work your way up slowly...harmine doesn't build up a tolerance, in fact it has a reverse tolerance, so the more you use it the more sensitive you are to it!

That may be a good option for both Aya as well as MAOI+Vaporized DMT.
obliguhl said:

Also, if you don't want to be in hyperspace that long, you can take pharmahuasca with only 1g of rue, the experience will only be about 1 to 1.5 hour.

Wouldn't I have to take like 200mg of dmt to counteract the missing maois?
I've also heard that Moclobemide seems to be a good mao inhibitor

Nope, just your regular dose of DMT, you don't need more to compensate.
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