Rising Star
I have always been fascinated by astrophytum cacti for aesthetic reasons, they are amazing looking cacti, Astrophytum asterias has always reminded me of "space peyote". Schultes writes that A. asterias is "said to be either narcotic or medicinal" though I can't say that I have ever seen a published chemical analysis of any of the various astrophytum species, and I'm uncertain that any of them are medicinal or narcotic...
I suspect that astrophytum ornatum contains alkaloids, I suspect other astrophytum species may as well, and while my interest in astrophytum cacti is strictly aesthetic, I have always wondered why I have never been able to find a chemical analysis of this plant (astrophytum ornatum) anywhere in the literature or online, though there have been unconfirmable rumours that some astrophytum species may even be psychoactive, medicinal, or even poisonous...there have also been rumors claiming the opposite...
...if chemical analysis of astrophytum ornatum has been preformed, I can't locate it...
Regardless, it's a beautiful cactus, and a welcome new addition to my non-Entheogenic cacti collection.
I have always been fascinated by astrophytum cacti for aesthetic reasons, they are amazing looking cacti, Astrophytum asterias has always reminded me of "space peyote". Schultes writes that A. asterias is "said to be either narcotic or medicinal" though I can't say that I have ever seen a published chemical analysis of any of the various astrophytum species, and I'm uncertain that any of them are medicinal or narcotic...
I suspect that astrophytum ornatum contains alkaloids, I suspect other astrophytum species may as well, and while my interest in astrophytum cacti is strictly aesthetic, I have always wondered why I have never been able to find a chemical analysis of this plant (astrophytum ornatum) anywhere in the literature or online, though there have been unconfirmable rumours that some astrophytum species may even be psychoactive, medicinal, or even poisonous...there have also been rumors claiming the opposite...
...if chemical analysis of astrophytum ornatum has been preformed, I can't locate it...
Regardless, it's a beautiful cactus, and a welcome new addition to my non-Entheogenic cacti collection.