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Attn. If you're having a hard time breaking through read this.

Migrated topic.

olympus mon

Rising Star
OG Pioneer
So many threads all saying the same thing. "I cant breakthrough, what am I doing wrong?" has made me want to write this for a long time. This are my thoughts over my years using dmt with various smoking methods, tips for each method and some clues as to why your not breaking through. These are all observations and ideas from my own personal experiences. Take what you can leave the rest behind.

DISCLAIMER-The purpose of these instructions are to get you a breakthrough so if your looking to test the waters adjust accordingly.

DOSING- Imo over rated and not only unnecessary but add to misfires while the user is learning a smoking method. Here is why, with pure dmt there is a serious time crunch to get it all administered in order to break through. When loading a precise "breakthrough" sized dose you have to efficiently and timely get it all in you if you don't the result is a sub-breakthrough or even nada.
I feel counting hits is a far better way until you have mastered the in's and outs of your preferred method. After that weighing dose's is a good way to go about it.
Counting Hits- Its about as complex as it sounds. The only single draw back is it will take a couple intentional sub breakthrough vapes to find the sweet spot.
You start by loading a lot of dmt in a pipe chosen to use consistently for dmt. Every smoking tool can be quite different so this method is to dial in your hots for this specific pipe or bong. Load at least 100mg or more but-
Warning- if your using a bong and really hit it hard it is possible to vape an entire 100mg hit, so please start off with a half solid bong rip until you know how it hits. 10"-12" inch bongs especially!

NOTICE- Your not going to be smoking this all at once so relax as the pile is dumped on.

Get ready to PUFF TUFF! You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be! Half measure avail us nothing.

Now take One big aggressive hit, put down the pipe and do your thing ie close eyes, meditate, stare at hands whatever it is you like to do, do that.:) Once you've come down notice or even journal the effects, small, med, large, holy S**T.
Next...here is where you need to use your own judgement depending how strong the 1 hit exp was. Next try 2 hits if 1 was light, or maybe a small toke if 1 was heavy. Put the pipe down, do your thing, come down, journal. Repeat until you have found your sweet spot adding more dmt as needed to keep it topped off.

The reason you want to keep it topped off is because often times your smoking technique isn't perfect and depending on what type of smoking tool your using you may be wasting as much as your administering. This is why weighing doses to a precise breakthrough amount often results in misfires! If there was ample dmt in the pipe allowing you to keep getting hits you may have broken through.

Once you know your hits you can adjust accordingly as you will notice the effects getting stronger as your vaping skills improve. Ideally you want to dial in your exact needed dose to load, TO LOAD, does not mean you need to smoke it all, and to breakthrough on a single hit. Why not? Why have to fumble around with lighters and pipes when you can be laying back enjoying the onset you so often miss due to administration.

You should even start to be able to predict when your getting a BIG ONE coming from just the subtle tell tales signs and details of the smoking experience. Adjust accordingly. Once you have mastered your pipe and skill you should need no more than 1 or 2 hits to breakthrough.

CHANGA people.... for Gods sake CHANGA!

This may ruffle some pure crystal loving feather but my understanding is that there is NO BETTER way of administering and experiencing dmt thn changa! If you can smoke a bowl of cannabis you can breakthrough with changa 1st try every time of your choosing not to mention the many other unique traits that changa brings to the table. Longer working time to administer, full control of experience intensity, longer journey, able to sustain effects continuously! Hows that sound for starters?

Even if your so anxious and too lazy or broke to order haramala based materials for changa you can still infuse with something like parsley and get the benefits of no more guess work and misfires. All you need is 90% IPA or greater. Look up the teks if your interested. Its as easy as dissolving freebase and soaking your plant material. Once I used changa I literally smacked my forehand and exclaimed Im an idiot for waiting this long!

If you can hold a solid hit of cigarette or marijuana in your lungs you will surely breakthrough with infused leaf aka changa. If your one of those smart ultra healthy people this may not work for you as your body isn't used to any foreign vapors in its lungs and you will cough like crazy.
If your one of these people I'd suggest vaping smoking herbal blends to get your lungs use to having something in them. You can then infuse the dmt with your preferred smoking herbs. Correctly vaped dmt is quite easy to hold in for most people.

With changa do the same counting method as stated above but note that a good 10 to one changa blend can send you to hyperspace in just 1 hit, especially if a bong is used. BTW a bong for changa is awesome! So adjust accordingly if your not looking for a breakthrough. Maybe start with 1 med toke then proceed to one aggressive hit next round. Yes yes?
The O so neglected but awesome SANDWICH METHOD- This is kind of like making changa in the bowl. Its not as idiot proof as changa but is still pretty darn simple when loaded correctly into a marijuana pipe or bong. A deep bowl is best cuz were gonna layer this sucker up into hyperspace.
Your going to need an inert smoking blend thats easy to hold down, something like parsley or go buy a fancy smoking herb at the local head shop. You will also need some good clean ash, a screen cant hurt but isnt mandatory.

Fill the bowl 3/4 with your smoking blend, pack it down well we want a good bed of matter to catch every bit of melted dmt. Make sure you can still draw air in though. Now sprinkle the dmt evenly on top of the herb in the bowl. I like to take a lighter and place the flame close enough to melt the spice into the herbs just go easy and dont ignite anything. :surprised

Now place a layer of ash on top of the herb and melted spice. An ample layer but leave enough room for one small thin additional layer of smoking herbs on top of the ash in the bowl. The idea here is the ash diffuses the flame into in-direct heat so you wont burn up the dmt. If you have a gvg look at the ceramic diffuser disc, the ash acts the same as this disc. The smoking herbs on top the ash will act as your heat source when cherry glowing red hot nice and consistent allowing you to not have to use too much lighter.

Here is how i smoke a sandwich. Its pretty easy I like to quickly swirl the flame over the top herbs as i draw in air getting the all the herbs glowing red then remove the flame and continues inhaling aggressively. Again Much like changa a well built sandwich can easily shoot you into hyperspace in one good sized hit so adjust accordingly.

Again, count hits as before.

Light bulb/ meth pipe type pipe- Lightbulbs often times have very harmful shit inside them and shouldnt be used to smoke anything! If you choose to anyways thats on you.
Now this is a surely shit method of smoking dmt but can be done with success. In fact I used this method for well over a year and close to 100 journey's but it came at a price of 50% misfires until I found this one little trick from an observation I noticed Ill write about in a second.

The battle you will face with this method is 2 things, not burning the spice, and keeping the temp appropriate to continuously make vapor. These 2 battles are extra annoying because they work against each other.

Burning the spice- is easy to do and when you have you will know it! Burned dmt is the most foul, horrid, hard to take in smoke ever known! Ive puked from it more than once in my quest to break through. You need to apply the flame slowly and methodically watching for the first sins of vapor and then remove heat and begin to inhale re applying the heat occasionally to keep the melted spice billowing without burning it. Its much harder than it sounds. :?

What I noticed about melted dmt in a glass meth style smoking tool is it hold heat very well. Once it over heats it doesn't easily let go of the heat and simply stops making vapor. The instinct is to apply more heat since you see the vapor stopped and this only makes things much worse. It just burns and sits there!

What Ive learned to do to avoid this problem is keep a wet wash cloth near by and occasionally place the hot glass bowl onto it cooling down the melted dmt. Its much easier to come back up to temp rather than wait for it to air cool. By the time it would air cool you lost your administration window and mis fired!
Bottom line this method is really poor but is doable. Unless your a die hard meth head thats very anti pot you should either have a weed pipe somewhere in your home or not have a problem with buying one. Get a weed pipe and use the sandwich method. Make your life much easier.
The GVG- We all have read the testimonials to the amazing perfection of the GVG. Although this is a great tool for administering dmt IMO its the most tricky and causes the most amount of problems to learn with. Pretty damn ironic eh?
Im not trying to dissuade anyone from buying a GVG to get started, in fact if your going to vape pure dmt its one of the best tools to use once you mastered it. Just be aware its going to take longer to "nail it" then other methods so if your dmt supply is limited, and or your not very patient I would advise against it. Which again is incredibly ironic and goes against what many others will tell you on here. It seems at the first sign of problems breaking through the go to reply is "Buy a GVG". Well although many will disagree with me I don't thinks its as easy for new comers as many other methods.

Im not going to re-write the multiple awesome GVG threads that are already on here. Maybe Ill put a link to them when I have the time. I more just wanted to give my 2 cents on getting started using dmt with this pipe since its quite different than many peoples opinions. I also hope that if you are one of the many people banging their heads against a wall trying to break through with a GVG but not making it that these words will give you some comfort and take some frustration out of the learning process.

I got my GVG 4 years into my dmt work and guess what? I had a hard time getting it consistently right! Its a tricky molecule with a tricky tool...you do the maths. It now sits in its beautiful case collecting dust. Mostly because Im a die hard changa man now not because its not an amazing tool.
Hey question about the sandwich method. I have crushed mint leaves, caapi, and only several at most doses of dmt. If I sandwiched these in such a way would it be like making changa without acutally infusing the leaves with dmt? Would I get changa effects if I lit it correctly? Reason I don't just make the actual changa yet is because I only have a bit of dmt at the moment and will be at a friends for a couple days so we can't be waiting around for it to dry.
Botanical Bliss said:
Hey question about the sandwich method. I have crushed mint leaves, caapi, and only several at most doses of dmt. If I sandwiched these in such a way would it be like making changa without acutally infusing the leaves with dmt? Would I get changa effects if I lit it correctly? Reason I don't just make the actual changa yet is because I only have a bit of dmt at the moment and will be at a friends for a couple days so we can't be waiting around for it to dry.
What form is the caapi in?
Why is it that every time that I even read about dosing, especially loading the 100 mg in the pipe, that my heart rate elevates and I can hear that sound??? I mean I have not even got a pipe sitting here on the table nor am I considering dosing today, and yet it feels just like it?
The same reason my palms sweat everytime I think about a base jump i did or want to do. They are both very intense and not a small event. :lol:
Nice post OM. This guide will enable newcomers to find "their way" without getting bogged down with details and technique, until they are ready to advance in the art of spice vaping. They can pick the method that best suits them and just go for it, practice makes perfect.

When I first vaped spice I held back subconsciously, due to pre-flight anxiety. This scared me off a little bit for a few weeks. Changa helped bring me back on course, and helped me get my technique down, which also helped me breakthrough with crystal when I was ready.

Even now years later I still get pre-flight anxiety, who doesn't? 😁 I think I'd be worried if I didn't, besides, I quite like it :twisted:


olympus mon said:
The same reason my palms sweat everytime I think about a base jump i did or want to do. They are both very intense and not a small event. :lol:

If I think about rock climbing, my hands sweat.

Also I like to do it one hit at a time, if I want more I take another hit. Sometimes I'll do a little hit first to get over the pre-flight jitters, then load more and blast off.

I get such a different experience each time I do it, so I like to change my ritual up from time to time.

Olympus Mon:
Your new profile pic drastically changed the voice I hear when I read your posts... Just thought I'd say that.

I also wanted to say thank you for doing this. I remember being a newbie isn't easy. My obsessive nature ensured I learned as much as possible. Things like this would surely help the mechanics of the process.

It's always important to remember the psychological aspect too. I did what was surely a breakthrough dose today, but was not right in my head before hand, so no breakthrough. I am definitely going to meditate more, and try to find some intent that works for me.

The base jumping analogy helped my perspective, too. I wondered if I was just being weird because my hands shake when lighting up...
IME the best way I have encountered to break through hard is to use a large glass bong. I dont mean like a little water bubbler..I mean like a 2 foot tall glass bong with a large chamber..add some water, load the bowl up with some changa and hit it hard..clear the chamber. This method ime can allow you to consume more DMT in one hit than anything other method I have used.

If that does not give even a seasoned DMT user a run through the ringer I dont know what will.
The bong is one of the best I'd agree with that, because you can "milk the bong" so to speak and let all the dmt smoke get to the top of it and BEFORE YOU INHALE ANY you can let out all your breathe and then shoot all the DMT smoke like a cannon into the depths of your lungs...all in like 2 seconds, you feel it take effect literally instantly and it brings so much more intensity and clarity to the experience IMO/IME
olympus mon said:
Im not going to re-write the multiple awesome GVG threads that are already on here. Maybe Ill put a link to them when I have the time. I more just wanted to give my 2 cents on getting started using dmt with this pipe since its quite different than many peoples opinions. I also hope that if you are one of the many people banging their heads against a wall trying to break through with a GVG but not making it that these words will give you some comfort and take some frustration out of the learning process.
Great info thanks, I have found the GVG to be exactly as you mention, and I didnt want to mention it....I know it will come in handy one day..... I am just about to try my own 1.1 changa.... so your post is very timely... synchronius synchronic whatever hahaha
Many thanks
Great post, I certainly went through quite a bit of trial and error before finding my preferred methods and this would have been great to have in one place.

Changa is certainly my favorite way when I don't want to be overcome with the immediate blast crystals provide.

Sky Motion said:
The bong is one of the best I'd agree with that, because you can "milk the bong" so to speak and let all the dmt smoke get to the top of it and BEFORE YOU INHALE ANY you can let out all your breathe and then shoot all the DMT smoke like a cannon into the depths of your lungs...all in like 2 seconds, you feel it take effect literally instantly and it brings so much more intensity and clarity to the experience IMO/IME
Sky Motion said it all.

A note on the light bulb/meth style pipes. I believe using these styles will pyrolyze DMT, which from my reading is something that should be avoided. I'll quote a past post of mine.
Through my searching I found that DMT does not smoke well through conduction, leaving a harsher taste and less potent hit.
This thread in particular discusses pyrolyzing of spice via conduction. From what I gather, the effect of pyrolysis will depend on the plant used for extraction and also on other impurities that are present? Some effects of pyrolyzed DMT could be harmful
If using one of these styles (not advised) be careful to apply heat slowly. If too much heat is applied to the glass the DMT seems to stop vaporizing and simply burns/reacts.

I found the Ubie vaporizer, which pulls in heat through small holes on the front of the glass, works better than an Essential Vape which uses a heated glass vial. These can all be used to achieve breakthrough in my experience. However, I've noticed a tan/brown residue/resin that remains on the glass after using these styles. It can be scraped and smoked (unsure about health dangers) for a potent and slightly twisted DMT experience.
VIII- Its good to hear your feed back on convection as your the only other person Ive heard find this same conclusion. It just stops vaporizing and sits there. It took me a long time to figure out this was happening in the beginning since it usually starts to happen just when your getting foggy from the dmt effects on the brain.

I spoke about this to my best mate Idtrvlr and said i was convinced the dmt just stops doing anything and burns but you can re vape it after it solidifies for another run if you didnt get to crazy with the heat. :sick:

Bottom line is convection pipes are the absolute shittiest way to administer dmt i can think of.
after using the gvg for a year i'm really loving this 20" bong i have now. each has their different ups and downs though

one thing i recommend for those with a bong is a glass aschcatcher like this http://www.akwholesale.com/image/data/7 UP/a/14mm-3-g-glass-tobacco-glass-ash-catcher-397807657.jpg

just don't fill is with water!..I put a glass 'screen' in the top but even if things get sucked/melt through you can always recover it easily this way, as opposed to just a standard bong/slider setup
olympus mon said:
The same reason my palms sweat everytime I think about a base jump i did or want to do. They are both very intense and not a small event. :lol:
Ha!! Mine too! the dreads get tingly as well. Bowl loading and pre jump feel extremely similar! Sandwich method all the way. Awesome info OM!
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