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If you are not "Breaking Through" then this is my best advice, after 40+ trips.

Firstly Vape DMT don't smoke it from a pipe, use a SubOhm coil set to 65 Watts, and vape it. Dilute the powder into VG/PG 50/50 mix. You can keep inhaling as much as you like at your own pace, and keep yourself in the state for an Hour.

5 minutes from a pipe is a waste of time. You need room to work with.

Most people don't understand the basic truth of what they are which is why DMT is so confusing and why people say they've had a "breakthrough" when all they've done is go into a dimension of consciousness with no meaning and talked to a Clown in a land filled with candy land colours. That's not a breakthrough.

Try repeating Mantra sometime, I've used "I am the manifestation of consciousness, within the light and love of God"

and I ended up being "picked up" by a spiritual dragon made of white light that flew me upwards into a world of pure universal Spirit. It shot fireworks of orange fractals to celebrate the understanding, then flew through the Spirit.

It's mostly a subtle white light with streaks of light blues and greys, it's very Divine and intelligent.

If you put your hand across your heart and feel inwards you feel incredible qualities of purity and love, noble, kindness.

You feel and understand that it is You, beyond the concepts of who we thought we were. You feel in the direct presence of God, not only that, you feel no separation from God. God and "You" they become the same thing because it's one light shining through you and everything in the Universe.

You can also get there consciously through pure understanding, when you start with DMT most of us find we are in what I call the meaningless dimension. It's the blackness filled with bright neon lights, pinks, yellows.. child like, like a hyper space cartoon show. It's like a childrens nursery with no meaning, just playful and fun. Cotton Candy Land.

You can either stay there and be distracted by it all, which is what most people do thinking " this is it "

Or you can consciously understand that you are consciousness, in a universe made of consciousness and it expands in all directions from meaningless to meaningful, from black to light, from bright colours to white light. From no feeling to pure love. From that understanding, you can slowly move upwards through that meaningless dimension upwards into more and more meaning, more and more light, consciously doing it as you move upwards, and see points of light merging to a single point above you. When you reach it you come to the same space, the universal spirit. The Atman / Holy Spirit. It's the pure light of consciousness that flows through all beings, and is your real Self. That's my current understanding, beyond that you can even go past the light of Spirit. If you repeat "I am not the body, I am not even the mind" you'll see that the white light rolls away like a cloud revealing a black infinite Void of no-thing. It's the most real thing I've ever experienced, it was like an understanding of that being the Absolute reality beyond form, the Unmanifest.

People waste their time with DMT going around these bright colourful play pens that distract you from asking "Who am I?" You can even ask that Question while in the Spirit. "WHO AM I ?" It showed me a Buddha being of golden light shining in front of me. When I changed my position from my meditation posture, to one of holding my hands in prayer, I felt like Christ. With the understanding that "God takes all form" Everyone is a Buddha, everyone is Enlightened, they just don't know it. SUB EK - All One. No differences.

"It is the notion of 'you' and 'I' by which your mind has been held captive all along." Anandamayi Ma

There is no 'you' or 'I' only the Self alone exists. When we wake up from our separateness we can start to work on ourselves to reduce the ego, and try to love everyone in this universe as a manifestation of the Beloved. Helping the suffering of another, is helping your own Self. We are here to Serve and to Wake Up.

Wake up from the idea that we are somebody. The real Self is beyond Space and Time.

And as a point to be clear, I was completely Atheist before DMT, I spent 32 years of my life laughing at the idea of God, as akin to Santa. I did not believe, until my experiences. After these experiences, I researched spirituality and learned about the Vedas, and the understanding of consciousness.

I felt such bliss on one of my early trips I raised my hand upwards to the sky and said " This is for the Gods " as an Atheist I just meant, the feeling was so incredible if Gods were real, it must be how they feel... a huge Void opened up above my head when I said it, and I stared into in shock, there was "nothing" there, it was just a black tunnel / void but with this immense energy and power shining down into my body with the understanding that somehow that "nothingness" was God. It then put me into a white spiritual light where I saw an Angelic like being of light gliding across a white light space, and a feeling of absolute perfection, order, meaning and purpose.

It's so real that it blessed me with natural experiences outside of DMT to prove to me it is real, it opened up my heart and I felt an energy pour into the heart like it was expanding and actually getting bigger. I felt this profound love I've never felt before, sweet and safe, pure and beautiful. Then a white light surrounded my body. That happened naturally, no DMT..

DMT can give you a direct spiritual awakening if you do it consciously.

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